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Setting passwords for GroupServer site members


Michael JasonSmith


Michael JasonSmith <>





This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License by OnlineGroups.Net.


This product provides the code for setting, and resetting, passwords in GroupServer: the pages that generate the user interface, the user adaptors that actually change the passwords, and the database information that controls the password-reset codes. In addition the show password toggle JavaScript resource is provided by this product to make passwords easier to use.


There are three types of pages currently defined: a redirector, set password forms and error pages.


The gs.profile.password.redirect.RedirectPasswordReset code is the core of the password reset system. It looks up a unique ID in the database and uses user adaptors to send a person to the correct reset password form. While it is not strictly a page it does have many page-like qualities, including a URL /r/password/.

Set Password Forms

There are two forms defined for setting a password.


This is the core form for setting a password. I was tempted to say "normal" but in all likely hood people will rarely use this page. Normally a password is set during sign-up, accepting an invitation, or when resetting the password.


Technically a subclass of SetPasswordForm, the reset form is shown when a person follows a reset-password link. It is a full page form that both sets a password and clears the reset-identifiers in the database.

Error Pages

There are three error pages. All of them are returned by the redirector in lieu of the reset password form.

400 Bad Request:

This page is shown if no password-reset ID is specified.

404 Not Found:

This page is shown if the password-reset ID is not in the password_reset table.

410 Gone

This page is shown if the link has already been followed and a password set. Not showing this page is a bug (see Ticket 326)

It is typical for sub-systems that log users in — like password reset, invitations and email-address verification — to have a 400, 404 and 410 errors defined.

User Adaptors

There are two user adaptors. One is used by the redirector, the other is used to alter a password.

The IGSPasswordResetUser is usually created using a factory 1. The redirector uses the password-reset user to figure out if the Reset Password page should be shown, or one of the error pages.

The IGSPasswordUser is used to set a password. It is created by adapting either a user-instance, or a IGSUserInfo instance. Its main job is to set passwords, add entries to the password_reset table in the database or clear entries from the database.


The password_reset table contains all the information required for resetting a password. The SQL code in sql/01-password.sql defines three columns: user ID, password reset ID, and the date that the password was reset. It is typical for GroupServer code to use dates to signify if a ID has been used or not. The two classes queries.PasswordUserQuery and queries.PasswordResetQuery are used to access the database.

I altered the password_reset table on my development platform, to bring it in line with the code in sql/01-password.sql:

ALTER TABLE password_reset

Show Password Toggle

Passwords are hard to use. They are a (hopefully) long and complex, which makes it easy to mistype, and hard to recall. In addition the password does not directly support a user-task: it and obstacle in the way of his or her task. To make passwords easier to use this product provides a toggle on password-fields to either show the password en clear or obscure the password behind some characters2.

The HTML for the toggle is a check-box, formatted like a standard form-field. The entire widget is given the gs-profile-password-toggle class:

<div id="gs-profile-password-set-toggle"
     class="form-widget not-required gs-profile-password-toggle">
  <input id="gs-profile-password-set-toggle-widget" 
         class="checkboxType" type="checkbox" 
         value="1" checked="checked" />
  <label for="gs-profile-password-set-toggle-widget"
         title="Deselect if you are in a public place, like a cafe or library."
                 class="checkboxLabel">Show password</label>

The value and checked fields determine if the password is shown by default. The convention is:

  • En clear for setting, and
  • Obscured for signing in.

To cause the toggle to toggle the resource /++resource++gs-profile-password-toggle-min-20130516.js is loaded. It provides the GSProfilePasswordToggle class. This takes two arguments: the selector for the password entry, and the selector for the toggle:



  1. I know that Richard does not like factories, but they are useful when all you have is a context and an ID.

  2. Ticket 519 has more information on why the toggle is necessary.


The Change Password page, and support code.







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