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Folders and files

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A vim config to make a awesome python IDE, currently just support for Ubuntu. Includes below plugins:

How to install:

cd ~
git clone git://
cd vimrc




  • Default colorschema is solarized-light (vim-colors-solarized)
  • saving file automatic run pep8 checking
  • automatic set tab to 4 space when editing *.py
  • automatic set tab to 2 space when editing *.html, css, js
  • automatic syntax hightlight for *.py, *.html *.html(django template), *.css, *.js, *.pp(puppet)

Key mapping

In vim view mode,

Please using hjkl to move cursor

  • using up to enlarge window

  • using down to shrink window

  • using , + n + t to toggle nerdtree

  • using , + t + b to toggle tabbar

  • using , + g jump to definition of function/class/variable

  • using , + t to create a new tab

  • using g + t to move to next tab

  • using g + T to move to pre tab

  • using [ctrl] + H/J/K/L to move through windows

  • using q to toggle line comment

  • using [ctrl] + p openup ctrlp menu

  • using , + l to load cscope databse into CCtree.

  • using > to open CCTree Forword Call Tree.

  • using < to open CCTree Reverse Call Tree.

  • using [ to decrease depth of tree.

  • using ] to increase depth of tree.

Easygrep Keymapping

<Leader>vv  - Grep for the word under the cursor, match all occurences,
              like |gstar|
<Leader>vV  - Grep for the word under the cursor, match whole word, like
<Leader>va  - Like vv, but add to existing list
<Leader>vA  - Like vV, but add to existing list
<Leader>vr  - Perform a global search on the word under the cursor
              and prompt for a pattern with which to replace it.
<Leader>vo  - Select the files to search in and set grep options
<Leader>vy* - Invoke any option from the options explorer, where * is the
              shortcut for that option.
              e.g. <Leader>vyr - toggles recursion
                   <Leader>vyb - sets buffer grepping mode

Yaml Fold Keypmapping

zi          -   switch folding on or off
za          -   toggle current fold open/closed
zc          -   close current fold
zR          -   open all folds
zM          -   close all folds
zv          -   expand folds to reveal cursor