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Stock Advisor Design

This repo was forked from the stock-advisor project

It's being refactored to support the Yahoo Finance API the capabilities it supports.

Table of Contents

Financial Brokerage and Data

This software relies on a range of financial data to generate stock recommendations; as of this version, data is sourced from Yahoo Finance, which is free to use and doen not require an API key

This software also integrates with a personal TD Ameritrade brokerage account and actively manages a portfolio based on the latest recommendations.


  1. Python 3.8
  2. Access to a TDAmeritrade brokerage account
  3. Access to AWS account.

Authentication Keys

Authentication keys are stored as environment variables. When running locally these must be exported to the environment, and when running on ECS they are sourced directly from the parameter store and fed to the container environment. This section describes the process of exporting keys locally.

TDAmeritrade Keys

TDAmeritrade uses OAuth for authentication, and the initial setup process is described here:

As of this version you must manually create an authorization code and an initial refresh token that will be valid for 3 months, after which the process must be repeated.

Once you generate these artifacts, you must save them in the environment like this:

export TDAMERITRADE_ACCOUNT_ID=[your TDAmeritrade Account ID]
export TDAMERITRADE_CLIENT_ID=[your TDAmeritrade Client ID/Consumer Key]
export TDAMERITRADE_REFRESH_TOKEN=[your TDAmeritrade refresh token]

Development Environment

pip install -r requirements.txt

It is highly recommended to run this in a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

cd src
pip install -r requirements.txt

Be sure that python3 points to Python 3.8. Alternatively you can create the virtual environment this way:

python3.8 -m venv venv

All scripts must be executed from the src folder.

Trading Strategies

All recommendations produced by the Securities Recommendation Service are created using Trading Strategies which are located in the strategies module of this software. A strategy is an algorithm that reads a list of securities, downloads all necessary financial data and either ranks or filters them to produce a subset that is predicted to outperform their peers based on the algorithm's calculations.

All strategies are implemented as classes that derive from the BaseStrategy Abstract Base Class, and expose a consistent interface. Each is self contained in the sense that it must be able to initialize using a configuration file stored either locally or in S3, the latter being how strategies are initialized in production. They can also be initialized using a constructor, a technique which is useful when backtesting or performing other types of tests.

The main input to a Trading Strategy is a list of ticker symbols used a basis for the analysis and as of this version, all available strategies are based on US Equities.

Each list is represented using a TickerList object and persisted using a JSON document and like other inputs, they may be sourced locally or from S3.

Here is an example of a (trimmed) list representing the DOW30.

	"list_name": "DOW30",
	"list_type": "US_EQUITIES",
	"comparison_symbol": "DIA",

When running in production, inputs are defined in a configuration file and are supplied to a strategy during initialization. This configuration identifies the appropriate ticker list and defines other static parameters used by the strategy.

Here is an example section for the MACD Crosssover strategy:

divergence_factor_threshold = 0.0016 
macd_fast_period = 12
macd_slow_period = 26
macd_signal_period = 9

Next, is an example of a strategy that is initialized using configuration. The application namespace is used to identify the S3 bucket used to store inputs. All inputs can be soured locally or from S3. In fact if an input is sourced from S3 and is not found, this software will look for a suitable local alternative and stage it to S3. This is done to simplify the preparation work when new strategies are introduced.

from support import constants
from support.configuration import Configuration

app_namespae = 'sa'

config = Configuration.try_from_s3(
    constants.STRATEGY_CONFIG_FILE_NAME, app_namespae)
macd_strategy = MACDCrossoverStrategy.from_configuration(config, app_namespae)

Alternatively, strategies can be initialized using a plain constructor. The two methods are functionally equivalent.

from model.ticker_list import TickerList

ticker_list = TickerList.from_local_file(
            "%s/djia30.json" % (constants.APP_DATA_DIR))

macd_strategy = MACDCrossoverStrategyMACDCrossoverStrategy(
            ticker_list, date(2021, 5, 7), 0.0016, 12, 26, 9)

The output of a strategy is a RecommendationSet object which contains the list of recommended securities and a date range indicating its valid duration. Currently only the MACD Crossover stragegy is supported, and it's only valid for the current date

Once a strategy is initialized, it can be executed like this. the display_results method display all intermediate data and final results to the screen, and is optional.


# this is the final recommendation
recommendation_set = pd_strategy.recommendation_set

And here is what the recommendation will look like:

    "set_id": "5d6c5a42-b54d-11ea-a412-acbc329ef75f",
    "creation_date": "2020-06-23T12:30:47.271203+00:00",
    "valid_from": "2020-06-01",
    "valid_to": "2020-06-30",
    "price_date": "2020-05-31",
    "strategy_name": "PRICE_DISPERSION",
    "security_type": "US Equities",
    "securities_set": [
            "ticker_symbol": "BA",
            "price": 145.85
            "ticker_symbol": "GE",
            "price": 6.57
            "ticker_symbol": "XOM",
            "price": 45.47

MACD Crossover Strategy

This is a momentum based strategy that will determine which securities in the ticker list are in a bullish pattern. Bullish stocks are included in the recommendation and indicate a buy signal, while bearish stocks are excluded, and indicate a sell.

Momentum is measured by looking at the MACD oscillator, where bullish stocks are identified when the MACD is negative and the histogram is approaching 0 and remains so until the MACD is positive, but the histogram has dipped significantly in negative territory. The latter is measured by dividing the histogram by the price and comparing it to a threshold supplied to the strategy.


  1. For each security in the ticker list download Current Price and MACD Data.
  2. Measure whether the divergence is significant:
    s = abs(histogram / price) > threshdold
  1. Check for the following:
    if macd > 0 and histogram > 0
    if macd > 0 and histogram < 0 and not significant_divergence
    elif macd < 0 and histogram > 0:
    elif macd < 0 and histogram < 0 and not significant_divergence


  1. MACD is inherently prone to false signals, and so it's necessary to use proper stop-loss techniques.
  2. It does not look at historical MACD data. Some false signals may be avoided, by additionally checking to see if a crossover happened in recent days.


The following is the output that is displayed when the display_results() method is called.

[INFO] - Displaying results of MACD strategy
[INFO] - Analysis Date: 2020-06-16
[INFO] - Divergence Tolerance Factor: 0.001600, MACD Parameters: (12, 16, 9)
ticker_symbol   price      macd    signal  divergence momentum
         AAPL  352.08  3.710432  3.366972    0.343460  BULLISH
         MSFT  193.57  0.969473  0.866148    0.103325  BULLISH
           BA  197.77  5.482737  5.458804    0.023933  BULLISH
           PG  118.13  0.218617  0.219952   -0.001335  BULLISH
           VZ   56.92  0.106353  0.120561   -0.014208  BULLISH
          WMT  119.65 -0.539573 -0.380202   -0.159371  BULLISH
          JNJ  144.46 -0.466416 -0.274207   -0.192209  BULLISH
           GE    7.47  0.084639  0.102468   -0.017829  BEARISH
           KO   46.77  0.072709  0.175848   -0.103138  BEARISH
         CSCO   46.48  0.138880  0.277016   -0.138136  BEARISH
          PFE   33.40 -0.367701 -0.216830   -0.150870  BEARISH
          XOM   48.20  0.309542  0.490389   -0.180847  BEARISH
         INTC   60.40 -0.036870  0.171304   -0.208174  BEARISH
          AXP  105.62  1.334676  1.577946   -0.243269  BEARISH
          CAT  130.11  1.182547  1.448385   -0.265838  BEARISH
          MRK   76.97 -0.213090  0.066644   -0.279734  BEARISH
          TRV  116.15  1.489799  1.778918   -0.289119  BEARISH
          JPM  102.06  0.809837  1.145537   -0.335700  BEARISH
          CVX   94.03  0.170683  0.507907   -0.337224  BEARISH
          MCD  190.32  0.746826  1.104950   -0.358124  BEARISH
          IBM  125.15  0.138236  0.500536   -0.362300  BEARISH
          MMM  159.67  0.857487  1.221862   -0.364375  BEARISH
          NKE   99.04  0.529814  0.901687   -0.371873  BEARISH
            V  192.88  0.631840  1.210006   -0.578166  BEARISH
           GS  209.59  1.944449  2.525884   -0.581435  BEARISH
           HD  249.95  0.985881  1.803351   -0.817470  BEARISH
          UNH  293.00 -0.234440  0.906327   -1.140766  BEARISH
[INFO] - {
    "set_id": "855b32a4-c04b-11ea-bb40-acbc329ef75f",
    "creation_date": "2020-07-07T12:15:18.064718+00:00",
    "valid_from": "2020-06-16",
    "valid_to": "2020-06-16",
    "price_date": "2020-06-16",
    "strategy_name": "MACD_CROSSOVER",
    "security_type": "US_EQUITIES",
    "securities_set": [
            "ticker_symbol": "AAPL",
            "price": 352.08
            "ticker_symbol": "BA",
            "price": 197.77
            "ticker_symbol": "JNJ",
            "price": 144.46
            "ticker_symbol": "MSFT",
            "price": 193.57
            "ticker_symbol": "PG",
            "price": 118.13
            "ticker_symbol": "VZ",
            "price": 56.92
            "ticker_symbol": "WMT",
            "price": 119.65


The following shows a simulation of this strategy applied to AAPL from Jan 2019 to July 2020. During that time, Apple's price grew by approximately 150% whereas this this strategy would have netted 175% profit.

The green arrows show profitable trades, while the red circles show false signals that were caught by using stop loss.

Apple MACD 2019-2020

The trades and summary table that follow are generated using the MACD backtest program described in the next section.

Ticker  Compounded PNL (%)  Average Trade PNL (%)  False Signals (%)
  AAPL              175.46                  10.07              18.18

ticker    buy_date  buy_price   sell_date sell_price  trade_pnl_factor  10k_growth
  AAPL  2019-01-03     142.19  2019-03-08     172.91              0.22    12160.49
  AAPL  2019-03-12     180.91  2019-05-01     210.52              0.16    14150.83
  AAPL  2019-05-02     209.15  2019-05-08  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    13867.81
  AAPL  2019-06-06     185.22  2019-08-05     193.34              0.04    14475.77
  AAPL  2019-08-19     210.35  2019-09-30     223.97              0.06    15413.07
  AAPL  2019-10-01     224.59  2019-10-04     227.01              0.01    15579.15
  AAPL  2019-10-07     227.06  2019-11-22     261.78              0.15    17961.37
  AAPL  2019-12-13     275.15  2020-01-28     317.69              0.15    20738.32
  AAPL  2020-01-31     309.51  2020-02-03     308.66             -0.00    20681.36
  AAPL  2020-03-27     247.74  2020-06-01     321.85              0.30    26868.08
  AAPL  2020-06-02     323.34  2020-06-05     331.50              0.03    27546.13

There is evidence to suggest that this strategy can also turn a profit on declining stocks. For example consider GE for the same time period. Holding the stock would have resulted in a loss of 10%, while this strategy would have netted a profit of 89%

GE MACD 2019-2020

Ticker  Compounded PNL (%)  Average Trade PNL (%)  False Signals (%)
    GE               88.61                   5.49              53.85

ticker    buy_date  buy_price   sell_date sell_price  trade_pnl_factor  10k_growth
    GE  2019-01-03       8.06  2019-02-19      10.13              0.26    12568.24
    GE  2019-02-26      10.66  2019-03-04  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    12316.87
    GE  2019-03-21      10.27  2019-03-26      10.10             -0.02    12112.99
    GE  2019-04-03      10.10  2019-04-09  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    11870.73
    GE  2019-04-25       9.12  2019-05-21       9.96              0.09    12964.09
    GE  2019-06-06       9.92  2019-07-10      10.20              0.03    13330.01
    GE  2019-07-24      10.68  2019-08-05  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    13063.41
    GE  2019-09-03       8.33  2019-10-02       8.51              0.02    13345.69
    GE  2019-10-16       8.90  2019-11-26      11.35              0.28    17019.51
    GE  2020-01-03      11.97  2020-01-22  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    16679.12
    GE  2020-01-30      12.73  2020-02-20      12.53             -0.02    16417.07
    GE  2020-03-27       7.62  2020-05-18  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    16088.73
    GE  2020-05-19       6.21  2020-06-18       7.28              0.17    18860.86

MACD Crossover Backtest

It is possible to backtest the MACD Crossover strategy using a special backtest implemented by the script.

>>python -h
usage: [-h] -ticker_list TICKER_LIST -start_date
                                  START_DATE -end_date END_DATE
                                  -stop_loss_theshold STOP_LOSS_THESHOLD

Executes a backtest for the MACD_CROSSOVER strategy given a ticker list, start
date, end date and threshold, e.g. -0.02, used to determine the maximum
allowed loss of a trade before a stop loss takes effect.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ticker_list TICKER_LIST
                        Ticker List File
  -start_date START_DATE
                        Backtest start date (YYY/MM/DD)
  -end_date END_DATE    Backtest end date (YYYY/MM/DD)
  -stop_loss_theshold STOP_LOSS_THESHOLD
                        Stop Loss Threshold factor, e.g. -0.02 (-2%)

where -start_date and -end_date are the backtest study range, and -stop_loss_theshold simulates a stop loss system that would limit losses originating from false signals.

For example:

>>python -ticker_list djia30.json -start_date 2019/01/01 -end_date 2020/07/01 -stop_loss_theshold -0.02

Would backtest the entire DOW30 from Jan 2019 to July 2020, and display two tables. The first, a summary displaying things like cumulative returns and false signal rate (one that results in a losing trade) for all securities listed in the ticker file. The second table gives a breakdown of all simulated trades that occurred in that timeframe.

[INFO] - Parameters:
[INFO] - Ticker File: djia30.json
[INFO] - Start Date: 2019-01-01 00:00:00
[INFO] - End Date: 2020-07-01 00:00:00
[INFO] - Stop Loss Threshold: -0.02
[INFO] - 
[INFO] - MACD Configuration:
[INFO] - Divergence Tolerance Factor: 0.001600
[INFO] - Slow Period: 26
[INFO] - Fast Period: 12
[INFO] - Signal Period: 9
[INFO] - 
processing: 2020-06-30
Ticker  Compounded PNL (%)  Average Trade PNL (%)  False Signals (%)
  AAPL              175.46                  10.07              18.18
    GE               88.61                   5.49              53.85
  MSFT               80.68                   6.44              20.00
    HD               79.43                   7.05              33.33
  INTC               78.84                   4.08              33.33
    GS               78.59                   5.56              18.18
     V               73.22                   7.54              37.50
   CAT               68.59                   4.28              30.77
    BA               56.59                   5.21              60.00
  CSCO               52.45                   4.17              36.36
   IBM               50.60                   4.03              45.45
   NKE               48.57                   3.02              42.86
   UNH               47.63                   3.13              50.00
   MMM               43.66                   2.92              38.46
   CVX               42.91                   3.71              54.55
   AXP               41.28                   2.31              50.00
   JPM               40.19                   2.74              38.46
   MCD               34.50                   3.13              50.00
   TRV               33.22                   2.60              41.67
   PFE               25.81                   2.34              54.55
   JNJ               24.91                   2.16              45.45
   XOM               23.74                   1.53              53.33
   WMT               15.93                   1.13              50.00
    KO               13.57                   0.84              56.25
    PG                9.53                   0.49              50.00
    VZ                1.51                   0.13              58.82
   MRK               -1.14                  -0.06              61.54
ticker    buy_date  buy_price   sell_date sell_price  trade_pnl_factor  10k_growth
  AAPL  2019-01-03     142.19  2019-03-08     172.91              0.22    12160.49
  AAPL  2019-03-12     180.91  2019-05-01     210.52              0.16    14150.83
  AAPL  2019-05-02     209.15  2019-05-08  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    13867.81
  AAPL  2019-06-06     185.22  2019-08-05     193.34              0.04    14475.77
  AAPL  2019-08-19     210.35  2019-09-30     223.97              0.06    15413.07
  AAPL  2019-10-01     224.59  2019-10-04     227.01              0.01    15579.15
  AAPL  2019-10-07     227.06  2019-11-22     261.78              0.15    17961.37
  AAPL  2019-12-13     275.15  2020-01-28     317.69              0.15    20738.32
  AAPL  2020-01-31     309.51  2020-02-03     308.66             -0.00    20681.36
  AAPL  2020-03-27     247.74  2020-06-01     321.85              0.30    26868.08
  AAPL  2020-06-02     323.34  2020-06-05     331.50              0.03    27546.13
   AXP  2019-01-07      98.17  2019-03-25     109.04              0.11    11107.26
   AXP  2019-04-16     111.88  2019-05-15     117.66              0.05    11681.09
   AXP  2019-05-17     119.07  2019-05-29     117.01             -0.02    11479.00
   AXP  2019-06-10     122.66  2019-07-22     126.00              0.03    11791.57
   AXP  2019-07-24     127.95  2019-07-29     127.19             -0.01    11721.53
   AXP  2019-08-14     122.65  2019-08-15     122.38             -0.00    11695.73
   AXP  2019-08-20     121.42  2019-08-21     122.50              0.01    11799.76
   AXP  2019-09-06     120.19  2019-10-03  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    11563.76
   AXP  2019-10-11     116.40  2019-11-25     120.60              0.04    11981.01
   AXP  2019-11-26     119.79  2019-12-03  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    11741.39
   AXP  2019-12-09     120.46  2020-01-08     125.54              0.04    12236.55
   AXP  2020-01-09     127.81  2020-02-04     131.85              0.03    12623.34
   AXP  2020-02-06     133.25  2020-02-11     132.63             -0.00    12564.60
   AXP  2020-02-13     134.46  2020-02-25  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    12313.31
   AXP  2020-03-27      88.73  2020-05-14  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    12067.04
   AXP  2020-05-19      87.26  2020-06-18     102.16              0.17    14127.54


   XOM  2019-01-07      71.52  2019-03-26      80.96              0.13    11319.91
   XOM  2019-04-03      80.90  2019-04-04      82.05              0.01    11480.82
   XOM  2019-04-05      82.49  2019-04-15  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    11251.21
   XOM  2019-04-23      83.38  2019-04-29  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    11026.18
   XOM  2019-05-22      75.56  2019-05-24      74.10             -0.02    10813.13
   XOM  2019-06-06      74.31  2019-07-19      74.99              0.01    10912.08
   XOM  2019-07-31      74.36  2019-08-01  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    10693.84
   XOM  2019-08-22      69.57  2019-10-01      68.95             -0.01    10598.54
   XOM  2019-10-15      69.42  2019-11-15      69.19             -0.00    10563.42
   XOM  2019-11-25      68.91  2019-12-02      68.42             -0.01    10488.31
   XOM  2019-12-03      67.88  2019-12-04      68.65              0.01    10607.28
   XOM  2019-12-05      68.41  2020-01-15      69.09              0.01    10712.72
   XOM  2020-02-18      59.88  2020-02-25  STOP_LOSS             -0.02    10498.47
   XOM  2020-03-26      38.82  2020-05-14      42.30              0.09    11439.60
   XOM  2020-05-21      44.56  2020-06-16      48.20              0.08    12374.07

Securities Recommendation Service

Security Recommendation Service Design

The Securities Recommendation service is a component of the Stock Advisor system that executes the strategies described above and ensures they are current. These are then used by the portfolio manager in order to maintain an active portfolio.

Running the service from the command line

The easiest way to run this service is via the command line. This section describes how.

src >>python -h
[INFO] - Parsing command line parameters
usage: [-h] -app_namespace APP_NAMESPACE

Executes all available strategies and creates stock recommendations for each.
Recommendations are represented as JSON documents and are stored using S3. The
command line input is an application namespace used to identify the AWS
resources required by the service, namely the S3 bucket used to store the
application inputs consisting of ticker lists and configuration, and the
outputs consisting of recommendation objects.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -app_namespace APP_NAMESPACE
                        Application namespace used to identify AWS resources

Where -app_namespace is used to identify the AWS resources required by the service, namely the name of the S3 bucket used to read inputs and store outputs. Internally this namespace is used to look up the CloudFormation exports exposed by AWS infrastructure that hosts this system. For more information, please refer to the main project which includes the infrastructure automation.

For example:

python -app_namespace sa

Recommendation Service Output

The main output of this service is a set of recommendations which are stored in S3. As mentioned earlier in the document, recommendations are created only when none exist or when the current ones are expired. When all recommendations are current, the service will do nothing. Here is an example:

[INFO] - Uploading Security Recommendation Set to S3: s3://app-infra-base-sadatabucketcc1b0cfa-19um03obhhhy4/base-recommendations/macd-crossover-recommendation-set.json
(venv) ~/development/git-projects/stock-advisor/src >>./
[INFO] - Parsing command line parameters
[INFO] - Parameters:
[INFO] - Application Namespace: sa
[INFO] - Business Date is: 2020-06-22
[INFO] - Testing AWS connectivity
[INFO] - AWS connectivity test successful
[INFO] - Testing Intrinio connectivity
[INFO] - Intrinio connectivity test successful
[INFO] - Loading Strategy Configuration "strategies.ini" from S3
[INFO] - Downloading Configuration File: s3://app-infra-base-sadatabucketcc1b0cfa-19um03obhhhy4/configuration/strategies.ini --> ./config/strategies.ini.s3download
[INFO] - Initalizing Trading Strategies
[INFO] - Downloading TickerList: s3://app-infra-base-sadatabucketcc1b0cfa-19um03obhhhy4/ticker-files/djia30.json --> ./app_data//djia30.json
[INFO] - Downloading TickerList: s3://app-infra-base-sadatabucketcc1b0cfa-19um03obhhhy4/ticker-files/djia30.json --> ./app_data//djia30.json
[INFO] - Executing PRICE_DISPERSION strategy
[INFO] - Downloading Security Recommendation Set: s3://app-infra-base-sadatabucketcc1b0cfa-19um03obhhhy4/base-recommendations/price-dispersion-recommendation-set.json --> ./app_data//price-dispersion-recommendation-set.json
[INFO] - Recommendation set is still valid. There is nothing to do
[INFO] - Executing MACD_CROSSOVER strategy
[INFO] - Downloading Security Recommendation Set: s3://app-infra-base-sadatabucketcc1b0cfa-19um03obhhhy4/base-recommendations/macd-crossover-recommendation-set.json --> ./app_data//macd-crossover-recommendation-set.json
[INFO] - Recommendation set is still valid. There is nothing to do

When a new portfolio is generated and an SNS event will be published resulting in the below email/sms notification.

From: sa-app-notification-topic (
To: Me

A New Stock Recommendation is available for the month of April

Ticker Symbol: BA
Ticker Symbol: GE
Ticker Symbol: XOM

Caching of financial data

All financial data is saved to a local cache to reduce throttling and API limits when using the Yahoo Finance API. As of this version the data is set to never expire, and the cache will grow to a maximum size of 4GB.

The cache is located in the following path:


To delete or reset the contents of the cache, simply delete entire ./financial-data/ folder

Portfolio Manager

Portfolio Manager Design

The Portfolio Manager service is a component of the Stock Advisor system that actively manages a portfolio based on the output of the recommendation service. The service is designed to run daily, and typically takes a few seconds to execute. When running in ECS, the service is scheduled to run daily at 11am EST, and will maintain a stock portfolio on the supplied TDAmeritrade account.

Portfolio Management Strategy

The current strategy is to buy and hold a portfolio based on the most recent recommendations. When a new recommendation set is created, the portfolio will be balanced accordingly. Specifically, each time service is run, it will do the following:

  1. Read the latest recommendations and portfolio objects from S3.
  2. Reprice the portfolio and update it based on the contents of the recommendations. If the portfolio recommendations have changed then create a new portfolio, otherwise keep the existing one.
  3. Check to see of the Equities market is open and if it is, materialize the portfolio. This means taking the securities in it, which represent the desired state, and execute the trades necessary to create matching positions.
  4. If there are any errors, and only a portion of the portfolio could be materialized, the same actions will be retried the next time the service runs.

Running the Portfolio Manager from the command line

>>python -h
usage: [-h] -app_namespace APP_NAMESPACE
                                -portfolio_size PORTFOLIO_SIZE

Executes trades and maintains a portfolio based on the output of the
recommendation service

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -app_namespace APP_NAMESPACE
                        Application namespace used to identify AWS resources
  -portfolio_size PORTFOLIO_SIZE
                        Number of securties that will be part of the portfolio

where app_namespace has the same meaning as it does for the recommendation service, namely to identify AWS resources based on the CloudFormation exports exposed by the infrastructure and automations scripts. portfolio_size on on the other hand will determine the size of the portfolio by selecting a subset of the recommendation.

For example:

>>python -app_namespace sa -portfolio_size 3

Portfolio Manager Output

The main output of the service is an updated portfolio, stored in S3. Here is an example output generated by running the service

[INFO] - Application Parameters
[INFO] - -app_namespace: sa
[INFO] - -portfolio_size: 3
[INFO] - Loading latest recommendations
[INFO] - Testing AWS connectivity
[INFO] - AWS connectivity test successful
[INFO] - Testing Intrinio connectivity
[INFO] - Intrinio connectivity test successful
[INFO] - Testing TDAmeritrade connectivity
[INFO] - Generating TDAmeritrade refresh token
[INFO] - TDAmeritrade connectivity test successful
[INFO] - Downloading Security Recommendation Set: s3://app-infra-base-sadatabucketcc1b0cfa-19um03obhhhy4/base-recommendations/security-recommendation-set.json --> ./app_data/security-recommendation-set.json
[INFO] - Loading current portfolio
[INFO] - Downloading Portfolio: s3://app-infra-base-sadatabucketcc1b0cfa-19um03obhhhy4/portfolios/current-portfolio.json --> ./app_data/current-portfolio.json
[INFO] - Loaded recommendation set id: 52821fda-90dc-11ea-b5d1-acbc329ef75f
[INFO] - Repricing portfolio
[INFO] - Repriced portfolio for date of 2020-05-08 00:00:00
[INFO] - Portfolio is still current. No rebalancing necessary
[INFO] - Market is closed. Nothing to trade
[INFO] - updated portfolio: {
    "portfolio_id": "3a53394e-93e8-11ea-b6ab-8217042f1400",
    "set_id": "52821fda-90dc-11ea-b5d1-acbc329ef75f",
    "creation_date": "2020-05-12T00:33:40.845042+00:00",
    "price_date": "2020-05-08",
    "securities_set": [],
    "current_portfolio": {
        "securities": [
                "ticker_symbol": "BA",
                "quantity": 3.0,
                "purchase_date": "2020-05-12T03:38:35.997029+00:00",
                "purchase_price": 129.21333,
                "current_price": 133.44,
                "current_returns": 0.03271078920417869,
                "trade_state": "FILLED",
                "order_id": 123456
                "ticker_symbol": "GE",
                "quantity": 67.0,
                "purchase_date": "2020-05-12T03:38:35.997090+00:00",
                "purchase_price": 6.19522,
                "current_price": 6.29,
                "current_returns": 0.015298891726201802,
                "trade_state": "FILLED",
                "order_id": 234567
                "ticker_symbol": "XOM",
                "quantity": 9.0,
                "purchase_date": "2020-05-12T03:38:35.997113+00:00",
                "purchase_price": 45.70556,
                "current_price": 46.18,
                "current_returns": 0.010380356350518483,
                "trade_state": "FILLED",
                "order_id": 345678
[INFO] - Saving updated portfolio
[INFO] - Uploading Portfolio to S3: s3://app-infra-base-sadatabucketcc1b0cfa-19um03obhhhy4/portfolios/current-portfolio.json
[INFO] - Publishing portfolio update to SNS topic: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789010:sa-app-notifications-topic

After updating the portfolio a notification will be sent to SNS with the selected portfolio and its current returns. This results in the following email.

From: sa-app-notification-topic (
To: Me

Portfolio was created on: 2020/05/11 08:33 PM (UTC)
Price date is: 2020/05/08

Symbol: BA
Purchase Price: 129.21
Current Price: 133.44 (+3%)

Symbol: GE
Purchase Price: 6.20
Current Price: 6.29 (+2%)

Symbol: XOM
Purchase Price: 45.70
Current Price: 46.18 (+1%)


Both services will publish SNS notification in case of important events. Specifically, it will publish events in the following scenarios:

  1. When the Recommendation Service Produces a new recommendation
  2. Daily, showing the portfolio's current positions and returns.
  3. When an error occurs that prevents either service from working.

The first two notifications are described in more details in the previous sections. Error notifications, on the other hand tend to be more generic, and are really intended to bring attention to the fact that the system is unstable. This is important because for the most part things are running autonomously and don't require any special interaction on behalf of the user.

Each notification includes an error message and a stack trace and are intended for a technical audience. Future version of this software will introduce a UI or other ways of interacting with the system that won't necessarily rely on the AWS console.

The following is an example of an error notification that is produced by the portfolio manager when the current recommendation set has expired (recommendations always come with expiration dates).

From: sa-app-notification-topic (
To: Me

There was an error running the Portfolio Manager Service: Validation Error: Current recommendation set is not valid

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 54, in <module>
   (current_portfolio, sr) = portfolio_mgr_svc.get_service_inputs(app_ns)
 File "/Users/hanegraaff/development/git-projects/stock-advisor/src/services/", line 41, in get_service_inputs
   raise ValidationError("Current recommendation set is not valid", None)
exception.exceptions.ValidationError: Validation Error: Current recommendation set is not valid

Running the Services

The previous sections describe how to run the services locally. This section describes how to run the services either locally using Docker, or using ECS. The latter, specifically AWS Fargate, is the intended runtime platform for these services.

Running the service as a docker image

It is possible to package the services as a Docker image. To build the container, run the This command will build both Stock Advisor services, and you'll be able to run them locally.

Sending build context to Docker daemon    126MB
Step 1/6 : FROM python:3.8-slim-buster
 ---> ee07b1466448
Step 2/6 : LABEL maintainer
 ---> Running in a684be7d3a89
Removing intermediate container a684be7d3a89
 ---> fa1bfe7dedbb
Step 3/6 : COPY ./src /app
 ---> 2b4972cee31b
Step 4/6 : WORKDIR /app
 ---> Running in cc780c1aca64
Removing intermediate container cc780c1aca64
 ---> 2c9d26ea0a28
Step 5/6 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
 ---> Running in 8e6d18a64ef7
Removing intermediate container 8e6d18a64ef7
 ---> b166ecddc400
Step 6/6 : ENTRYPOINT ["python", ""]
 ---> Running in 3963296f1b3f
Removing intermediate container 3963296f1b3f
 ---> f1a79df20439
Successfully built f1a79df20439
Successfully tagged stock-advisor/recommendation_svc:v1.0.0

The resulting image will look like this:

>>docker images
REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
stock-advisor/portfolio-manager    v1.0.0              def2c4dd97bd        32 seconds ago      435MB
stock-advisor/recommendation-svc   v1.0.0              4f443c16ccce        38 seconds ago      435MB
python                             3.8-slim-buster     56930ef6f6a2        2 weeks ago         193MB

Once built, the container is executed in a similar way as the script. Note how the INTRINIO_API_KEY must be supplied as a special environment variable when running the recommendation system. AWS credentials must also be supplied externally, in a similar way.

For example:

docker run -e INTRINIO_API_KEY=xxx image-id -app_namespace sa

Running the service in ECS

This service is intended to be run in ECS using a Fargate task. The automation contained in the main project will create the ECS Cluster, Task Definitions, Scheduled Tasks, Container Repositories and CodeBuild project needed to build and deploy the service to AWS. Please refer to the main project for instructions on how to leverage automation to build and deploy the system.

Both the Recommendation Service and Portfolio manager are configured to run as scheduled tasks, and run daily

Tasks may be run on demand using the AWS console and navigating to the ECS Task defintions

ECS Task Definitions

When running the task be sure to set the following:

  1. Set the launch type to Fargate.
  2. Select the VPC that was created using the automation. The CIDR block is, or you can check the tags to identify the proper one.
  3. Select a security group with 'no inbound/full outbound' access. This automation creates one called sa-sg.
  4. Ensure the that a public IP address is auto assigned.

ECS Task Definitions ECS Task Definitions

All application logs are stored inside CloudWatch.

Unit Testing

You may run all unit tests using this command:


This command will execute all unit tests and run the coverage report (using

src >>./
Ran 191 tests in 4.213s

Name                                      Stmts   Miss  Cover
connectors/            75      8    89%
connectors/                 31      3    90%
connectors/                 219     56    74%
connectors/                  31      0   100%
connectors/                 146     20    86%
exception/                      40      1    98%
model/                          56      5    91%
model/                           77      2    97%
model/                  30      0   100%
model/                         33      0   100%
services/                          142     10    93%
services/                74      1    99%
services/               21      0   100%
strategies/                  19      3    84%
strategies/                     19      0   100%
strategies/        89      8    91%
strategies/     108     26    76%
support/                     47      3    94%
support/                         24      0   100%
support/                   33      2    94%
support/                              46      2    96%
TOTAL                                      1360    150    89%


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