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How to run PR2 Push/Pull Data Collection

Desktop computer

First open three terminals on your desktop.

In Terminal 1:


ssh username@c1

You are now logged into the computer on the robot. Then type:

robot users 

If no one else is using the robot you can then do:

robot claim

and then:

robot start

After waiting about 30 mseconds for the robot to start type:

roslaunch pr2_pick_main main_prereqs.launch

In Terminal 2:


setrobot c1
roslaunch pr2_pick_main frontend.launch

Alternatively, if you do not want the RViz visualization, use the following launch instead:

roslaunch pr2_pick_manipulation move_group.launch

In Terminal 3:


ssh username@c1

If you are exploring action parameters:

rosrun pr2_pick_main --explore

Otherwise, if you are actually collecting data:

rosrun pr2_pick_main

If you would like to start at an arbitrary trial number (e.g. trial 14) to continue a previously started data collection:

rosrun pr2_pick_main --trial_number 14

Laptop computer for UI

Open two terminals.

On Terminal 4:

setrobot c1
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch

On Terminal 5:

setrobot c1
roscd pr2_pick_main/web/web_interface

Open a browser and point to http://localhost:3000.

Backing up saved parameters

Open a terminal and do the following.

ssh username@c1
roscd pr2_pick_contest/
git commit -am "committing new parameters"
git push

Backing up collected data

Open a terminal and do the following.

ssh username@c1
roscd pr2_pick_main/data/experiments/
git add *.bag
git commit -am "adding next batch of collected data"
git push

Updating software after changes

On every computer you are using (c1, desktop, laptop) do:

roscd push_pull
git pull
cd ../../../

When you are done

Ctrl + C all terminal windows. On one of the terminals that was ssh'ed to c1 do:

robot stop
robot release