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Jorge Luis Borges wrote The Garden of Forking Paths. This project lets you create gardens of computing, forking paths.

Install it

git clone garden.git && cd garden.git
python install

How it works, through an example

You are a teacher, and want to compute students' grades. Assignments are worth 40% of the grade and exams 60%. You want letter grades too. We'll use decimal.Decimal (imported as D) instead of floats to avoid precision problems:

>>> from decimal import Decimal as D
>>> def compute_percent(assignments, exams):
...    assignments = D(assignments)
...    exams = D(exams)
...    return str((D('0.4') * assignments) + (D('0.6') * exams))
>>> def compute_letter(percent):
...     percent = D(percent)
...     if percent > D('0.9'):
...         return 'A'
...     elif percent > D('0.7'):
...         return 'B'
...     elif percent > D('0.6'):
...         return 'C'
...     elif percent > D('0.5'):
...         return 'D'
...     else:
...         return 'F'

Define how functions relate to each other by putting them in a Garden. This code adds a path for 'percent' that depends on 'assignments' and 'exams'. The code also adds a path for 'letter' which depends on 'percent' (gloss over the 'v1' strings for now -- they will be important later):

>>> from garden.path import Garden
>>> garden = Garden()
>>> garden.addPath('percent', 'v1', inputs=[
...     ('assignments', 'v1'),
...     ('exams', 'v1'),
... ])
>>> garden.addPath('letter', 'v1', inputs=[
...     ('percent', 'v1'),
... ])

Get a Worker ready to do the computations by telling it which functions correspond to which pieces of data:

>>> from garden.worker import BlockingWorker
>>> worker = BlockingWorker()
>>> worker.registerFunction('percent', 'v1', compute_percent)
>>> worker.registerFunction('letter', 'v1', compute_letter)

Create a place to store the results:

>>> from import InMemoryStore
>>> store = InMemoryStore()

Create a Gardener to coordinate work for the worker and tell them about each other:

>>> from garden.gardener import Gardener
>>> gardener = Gardener(garden, store)
>>> gardener.subscribe(worker)
>>> worker.subscribe(gardener)

Now give the Gardener some data about Frodo's progress in the class:

>>> from import Input
>>> gardener.inputReceived(Input('Frodo', 'assignments', 'v1', '0.5'))
>>> gardener.inputReceived(Input('Frodo', 'exams', 'v1', '0.9'))

And see that the grade was computed:

>>> store.get('Frodo', 'percent', 'v1').result
[Data(entity='Frodo', name='percent', version='v1', ... value='0.74')]
>>> store.get('Frodo', 'letter', 'v1').result
[Data(entity='Frodo', name='letter', version='v1', ... value='B')]

Are you kidding me?

That was way too much work. Why would anyone want to use such a complicated system to do what is essentially two function calls?

Because this is no ordinary garden,

In all fictional works, each time a man is confronted with several alternatives, he chooses one and eliminates the others; in the fiction of Ts’ui Pên, he chooses -- simultaneously -- all of them. ...In the work of Ts’ui Pên, all possible outcomes occur.

(The Garden of Forking Paths by Jorge Luis Borges)


There's a mistake in the compute_letter function above: the cut-off for B, C and D grades are 10% too low. We want to fix this, but want to be able to test our fix before we replace the buggy function. Here's our fixed function:

>>> def compute_letter_v2(percent):
...     percent = D(percent)
...     if percent > D('0.9'):
...         return 'A'
...     elif percent > D('0.8'):
...         return 'B'
...     elif percent > D('0.7'):
...         return 'C'
...     elif percent > D('0.6'):
...         return 'D'
...     else:
...         return 'F'

Add the new function spec to the Garden, with a distinct version:

>>> garden.addPath('letter', 'v2', inputs=[
...     ('percent', 'v1'),
... ])

Tell the worker about the new function:

>>> worker.registerFunction('letter', 'v2', compute_letter_v2)

Compute the result:

>>> gardener.doPossibleWork('Frodo', 'letter', 'v2')

And see that Frodo now has two 'letter' values:

>>> store.get('Frodo', 'letter', 'v1').result
[Data(entity='Frodo', name='letter', version='v1', ... value='B')]
>>> store.get('Frodo', 'letter', 'v2').result
[Data(entity='Frodo', name='letter', version='v2', ... value='C')]

More Versions

Suppose we are a terrible teacher and want to change the grade weighting half way through the semester so that exams are 90% and assignments are 10%. We make a new version of compute_percent, add it to the Garden and tell the worker about it as before. We also indicate that both 'letter' functions can use this new 'percent' as an input:

>>> def compute_percent_v2(assignments, exams):
...    assignments = D(assignments)
...    exams = D(exams)
...    return str((D('0.1') * assignments) + (D('0.9') * exams))
>>> garden.addPath('percent', 'v2', inputs=[
...     ('assignments', 'v1'),
...     ('exams', 'v1'),
... ])
>>> garden.addPath('letter', 'v1', inputs=[
...     ('percent', 'v2'),
... ])
>>> garden.addPath('letter', 'v2', inputs=[
...     ('percent', 'v2'),
... ])
>>> worker.registerFunction('percent', 'v2', compute_percent_v2)
>>> gardener.doPossibleWork('Frodo', 'percent', 'v2')

As you may expect, Frodo now has two versions of 'percent':

>>> store.get('Frodo', 'percent', 'v1').result
[Data(entity='Frodo', name='percent', version='v1', ... value='0.74')]
>>> store.get('Frodo', 'percent', 'v2').result
[Data(entity='Frodo', name='percent', version='v2', ... value='0.86')]

And Frodo now has four versions of 'letter':

>>> store.get('Frodo', 'letter', 'v1').result
[Data(entity='Frodo', name='letter', version='v1', ... value='B'),
 Data(entity='Frodo', name='letter', version='v1', ... value='B')]
>>> store.get('Frodo', 'letter', 'v2').result
[Data(entity='Frodo', name='letter', version='v2', ... value='C'),
 Data(entity='Frodo', name='letter', version='v2', ... value='B')]

Confused? Enlightened?


There are many ways to deploy components of the Garden. Here are some:

Single Combination Process

You can start a single process containing both a Gardener and a single Worker pretty easily. Write a python module containing getWorker() and getGarden() functions, which return an IWorker and a Garden respectively. Save the following as

from garden.worker import ThreadedWorker
from garden.path import Garden

def cake(eggs, flour, flavor):
    words = []
    if flour == 'wheat':
    return ' '.join(words + [flavor, 'cake'])

def getGarden():
    garden = Garden()
    garden.addPath('cake', '1', [
        ('eggs', '1'),
        ('flour', '1'),
        ('flavor', '1'),
    return garden

def getWorker():
    worker = ThreadedWorker()
    worker.registerFunction('cake', '1', cake)
    return worker

And then spawn a combo process with twistd:

twistd -n garden combo -m sample --sqlite-db=/tmp/data.sqlite -w tcp:9990

Data will be saved in /tmp/data.sqlite. New data values can be sent using HTTP on port 9990. (You can manually add data by visiting and you can view a live feed of the results at

Load some data with curl:

curl -d 'entity=Gandalf' -d 'name=eggs' -d 'version=1' -d 'value=good'
curl -d 'entity=Gandalf' -d 'name=flour' -d 'version=1' -d 'value=wheat'
curl -d 'entity=Gandalf' -d 'name=flavor' -d 'version=1' -d 'value=hobbit'

And see the result:

$ sqlite3 /tmp/data.sqlite "select value from data where name='cake';"
gross hobbit cake

Use better flour, and see the data change:

curl -d 'entity=Gandalf' -d 'name=flour' -d 'version=1' -d 'value=white'
$ sqlite3 /tmp/data.sqlite "select value from data where name='cake';"
hobbit cake 


The Garden of Forking Paths






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