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  • On Mac OS X 10.9.2: The system python is incompatible with the clang 5.1. You need to remove all occurences of -mno-fused-madd in /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/ Also renew (or delete) the corresponding .pyc, .pyo files.

  • For production on linux using nginx/uwsgi you need the following ppa (for both saucy and raring): apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/uwsgi

  • Ruby does not like libreadline6, which comes on newer Ubuntus. Make sure you have libreadline-gplv2-dev instead of libreadline6-dev.

Setup a development environment:

You need fabric 1.5.1 and a ssh server installed:

On Mac

The system python has an old but serviceable pip version. It can be updated with

sudo pip install -U pip

If you have Homebrew installed, and you want to use the Homebrew python, pip installs with python:

brew install python

Either way, you should use pip to install fabric:

pip install -U fabric
iODBC on Mac

Then, you need to install libiodbc. You can get it from MacPorts, or we maintain a package that you can install directly. That package was built on Yosemite; on an older system you way want to build from source. We are using version 3.52.9, with this MacPorts patch applied:

--- iodbcinst/unicode.h.orig
+++ iodbcinst/unicode.h
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
 #ifndef _UNICODE_H
 #define _UNICODE_H

+#include <sys/types.h>

 #if defined (__APPLE__) && !defined (MACOSX102) && !defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
 #define HAVE_WCHAR_H

On Ubuntu

You can get all that you need to bootstrap with:

apt-get install fabric git openssh-server

And then:

fab devenv:projectpath=~/assembl install_builddeps
fab devenv:projectpath=~/assembl bootstrap
cd ~/assembl


git clone
cd assembl
fab devenv install_builddeps
fab devenv bootstrap_from_checkout


Note: memcached and redis must be running already.

cd ~/assembl

Only the first time you run it:

source venv/bin/activate
#(wait for virtuoso to start)

Creating a user the first time you run assembl (so you have a superuser):

assembl-add-user --email --name "Your Name" --username desiredusername --password yourpassword development.ini

(NOTE: Just running $venv/bin/supervisord will NOT work, as celery will run command line tools, thus breaking out of the environment. You need to run source venv/bin/activate from the same terminal before running the above)

On subsequent runs, just make sure supervisord is running.

Then, start the development server and compass with this command:

supervisorctl start dev:

Multiple environments

If you want to run multiple environments on your machine, you should have different values for various parameters in development.ini. In that case, you would copy it to a local.ini file, and customize the values there; substitute local.ini for development.ini in the rest of the instructions in this file.

Once you create your local.ini, re-run the fab devenv app_setup step.

The variables that have to be different between instances are the following (for convenience they are marked with UNIQUE_PER_SERVER in the ini file):

public_port = 6543
changes.socket = ipc:///tmp/assembl_changes/0
changes.websocket.port = 8085 = redis://localhost:6379/0 = redis://localhost:6379/1
port = 6543
port = 5132
http_port = 8892

Most of these are ports, and it should be easy to find an unoccupied port; in the case of changes.socket, you simply need a different filename, and in the case of celery_task.*.broker, the final number has to be changed to another low integer.

Updating an environment

cd ~/assembl
#Any git operations (ex:  git pull)
fab devenv app_compile
$venv/bin/supervisorctl start dev:*

You can monitor any of the processes, for example pserve, with these commands:

$venv/bin/supervisorctl tail -f dev:pserve
$venv/bin/supervisorctl tail -f dev:pserve stderr

In production:

#(Instead of dev:*. You may have to stop dev:*)
$venv/bin/supervisorctl start prod:*

Updating an environment after switching branch locally (will regenerate css, all compiled files, update dependencies, database schema, etc.):

fab devenv app_compile

Updating an environment to it's specified branch, tag or revision:

cd ~/assembl
fab devenv app_fullupdate

Schema migrations

Upgrade to latest manally:

alembic -c development.ini upgrade head

Create a new one:

alembic -c development.ini revision -m "Your message"
Make sure to verify the generated code...

Autogeneration (--autogenerate) isn't supported since we don't have full reflextion support in virtuoso's sqlalchemy driver.

Running tests

Only the first time you run it:

cp testing.ini.example testing.ini
assembl-db-manage testing.ini bootstrap


#(wait for virtuoso to start)
py.test --cov assembl assembl

Typically when developping a specific test:

py.test assembl -s -k name_of_test --pdb

Python shell with database connection

pshell development.ini

Raw sql connection

isql-vt localhost:5132 dba dba

A note on vagrant

If you use vagrant, we have a few processes that expect to use socket files in %(here)s. Vagrant does not allow creating sockets in a shared folder; so if you insist on using vagrant, make sure to move sockets locations. There is one is supervisord.conf, and one in an unkonwn location.


See (doc/


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