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Folder synchronisation software

Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Juliette Monsel <>

FolderSync is a utility to keep your backups up to date. You can visualise the differences between your data and your backup and choose what will be copied and what will be suppressed. The frequent synchronisation paths can be saved as favorites.


This software was designed for linux and requires the system commands cp -ra --parent and rm -r. It also depends on the Tkinter library for the GUI, so tcl/tk should be installed (python3-tk package for Ubuntu users)

Optional dependencies:

  • zenity or tkfilebrowser: nicer file dialogs
  • libnotify and a notification server if your desktop environment does not provide one: to be notified when the scan/sync is finished


$ sudo python3 install

Run without installing

$ python3 foldersync