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Bliss's Senior Thesis

Repository containing notebooks for Bliss's senior thesis


Installing Conda

First, ensure that you have an up-to-date installation of conda, a package manager which can create isolated Python environments for managing libraries on your machine:

Follow the directions at, and verify your installation by opening the "Terminal" application and typing:

conda info

Creating an Environment

First, assuming a recent installation of git, clone this repo at the appropriate place in your file system with the following command:

git clone
cd bliss_senior_thesis

Next, create a conda environment named thesis with the following commands:

conda env create -f bliss_senior_thesis_setup.yml
conda activate thesis

In general, before checking out and running code in the repository, you'll have to activate the environment with conda activate thesis.

Creating a new kernel

To create a new Python kernel in this environment, please run:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name thesis

Exploring on Jupyter

Run the following command to enter Jupyter Notebook:

jupyter notebook

A tab will pop up in your browser, and you can view any one of the notebooks in the repo from here. Once in a specific notebook, it will be necessary to change the kernel created above by going to "Kernel > Change Kernel > thesis".

Now, you should be all set! You can run individual code sells with Shift+Enter, or navigate to "Cell > Run All" to run every cell sequentially.


Repository containing notebooks for Bliss's senior thesis






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