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Flask Application Starting Template

This is a Flask application template with all the trimmings. You can use it to start a web application and have access to all of these awesome technologies:

  1. Flask (and associated goodies)
  2. Flask-Login to manage session login and logout.
  3. Flask-SQLAlchemy for database management.
  4. SQLAlchemy-migrate to keep track of database updates.
  5. Twitter Bootstrap for HTML/CSS stuff.
  6. jQuery and loDash for JS stuff.

Quick Start

  1. Download (or fork, or whatever) the repository.

  2. Create a virtual environment virtualenv venv

  3. Activate the venv source venv/bin/activate

  4. Get the requirements pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Change the stuff to suit your needs.

  6. Change the secret key in webapp/ to something different (this is for security purposes).

  7. If you would just like to try this out without much customizing, you can use

    ./ create

    The above will create a sqlite3 database with the User schema cooked in.


Authentication and registration is hooked in with Flask-SQLAlchemy and Flask-Login. The system uses a sqlite3 database by default, but that's easy to change by updating the file. Passwords are stored in the sqlite3 database using - it is suggested that you review this behavior to ensure this is what you really want.


The following are the python requirements for the project. Everything here is included in a requirements.txt file that can be used with pip.

  1. Flask==0.10.1
  2. Flask-Login==0.2.9
  3. Flask-SQLAlchemy==1.0
  4. Flask-WTF==0.9.4
  5. Jinja2==2.7.2
  6. MarkupSafe==0.18
  7. SQLAlchemy==0.9.3
  8. WTForms==1.0.5
  9. Werkzeug==0.9.4
  10. itsdangerous==0.23
  11. python-ldap==2.4.14
  12. wsgiref==0.1.2
  13. sqlalchemy-migrate==0.9.2

Database Migration

Database management (create, migrate, upgrade, downgrade) uses scripts created by Miguel Grinberg. All credit is to his Flask Mega Tutorial blog posts. The database stuff can be seen here:

All of the management scripts from the blog post from Miguel have been added to a single file, It has create, migrate, upgrade and downgrade options included.


This app uses a bash environment variable to control if it's in development mode. In order to use dev mode: export APP_DEV=1


A Flask template with all the fixins!






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