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This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.

What is this repository for?

How do I get set up?

  • Summary of set up

  • Configuration

  • Dependencies

  • Database configuration

  • How to run tests

  • Deployment instructions

Contribution guidelines

  • Writing tests
  • Code review
  • Other guidelines

Who do I talk to?

  • Repo owner or admin
  • Other community or team contact

System requirements for docker###

  • Linux kernel version 3.10 or higher
  • 2.0 GB of RAM
  • 3.0 GB disk space available
  • A static IP address

The following steps are for linux (RHEL) users, if you're using Windows or Mac OS, refer to the next part##

Set up git

  • Step 1: Check if Git has already been installed in CentOS computer.

      git --version

    If not, install Git in CentOS computer.

      sudo yum install git

    To confirm that these configurations were added successfully

      git config --list
  • Step 2: Clone the repository.

    First move to the ~ directory.

      cd ~

    Then clone the repository.

      git clone
  • Step 3: Move into the repository.

      cd nordron-sciinfo
  • Step 4: Pull the files.

      git pull

Install pip

	sudo yum update
	sudo yum install python-pip
	sudo yum install epel-release		

Convert pdfs into txts

  • Step 1: Install pdfx.

      sudo pip install pdfx
  • Step 2: Make directories called Article_pdf and Article_txt under Django/src.

      mkdir ~/nordron-sciinfo/Code/Django/src/Article_txt ~/nordron-sciinfo/Code/Django/src/Article_pdf/
  • Step 3: Move into the directory Article_pdf.

      cd ~/nordron-sciinfo/Code/Django/src/Article_pdf/

    Check the files:

  • Step 4: Add pdf files to Article_pdf folder, you can use either FileZilla or scp command

  • Step 5: Convert the pdf files to txt files.

      pdfx <filename>.pdf -t -o ../Article_txt/<filename>.txt

    or write a batch file with the following code and run it ($ source .sh) in directory pdfs.

      for f in *.pdf
      	echo "Converting $f"
      	pdfx $f -t -o ../Article_txt/$(echo $f | cut -f 1 -d '.').txt

Install Django with Postgres, Nginx and Gunicorn in docker

  • Step 1: Install Docker Engine

    Check if Docker has already been installed

      docker info

    if not install docker engine

      sudo yum -y install docker docker-registry
      sudo systemctl start docker
  • Step 2: Install docker-compose

      pip install docker-compose
  • Step 3: Configure the port with

      vim <Django directory>/docker-compose.yml

    find the following lines

      	image: nginx:latest
      	container_name: ng02
      	  - "9000:7000"
      	  - ./src:/src
      	  - ./config/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d
      	  - web

    then change "9000:7000" into ":7000" e.g. "2345:7000"

  • Step 4: For the first time setting up, run the following command to build up docker in your computer

      sudo docker-compose build

    Wait for a while before it finishes collecting the required packages.

  • Step 5: Save the file and run

      sudo docker-compose up -depends_on

    if the above command is not working, use

      sudo docker-compose up -d


  • Step 6: Check your website at "localhost:". For server version, enter ":".

  • Step 7: Enter "localhost:/update" to synchronize your database. For server version, change localhost to IP as Step 6 did.

  • Step 8: If you make some change of this project in your computer, e.g. design of webpage, run the following command to restart docker in your computer

      sh <Django directory>/

For Windows and Mac OS users

Set up git

  • Step 1: Install git client software, you can choose either SourceTree or Git bash.

  • Step 2: Clone this repository (Don't know how? In the top right corner of this page you can see a "Clone wiki" button, press it.)

  • Step 3: Learn how to use git by doing the 15 minuts interactive git tutorial here: 15 Minutes GIT tutorial AND by checking out this page under "Command Line Session":

Set up pip

Convert pdfs into txts

  • Step 1: Install pdfx.

      pip install pdfx
  • Step 2: Make directories called Article_pdf and Article_txt under Django/src. (Note: if your directory is on another drive than C:, use e.g. e:<path to folder>)

      mkdir <path to this repository>\Code\Django\src\Article_txt <path to this repository>\Code\Django\src\Article_pdf\
  • Step 3: Move into the directory Article_pdf. (Note: if your director is on another drive, use cd /d d:<path to directory>\Code\Django\src\Article_pdf)

      cd <path to this repository>\Code\Django\src\Article_pdf\

    Check the files:

  • Step 4: Add pdf files to Article_pdf folder, you can use either FileZilla or scp command. If you're using local computer, just do copy and paste

  • Step 5: Convert the pdf files to txt files.

      pdfx <filename>.pdf -t -o ../Article_txt/<filename>.txt

    or write a batch script with the following code and run it in directory pdfs.

      for f in *.pdf
      	echo "Converting $f"
      	pdfx $f -t -o ../Article_txt/$(echo $f | cut -f 1 -d '.').txt

Set up docker

  • Step 1: Install Docker toolbox for Windows/Docker toolbox for Mac OS. If you cannot setup Docker toolbox successfully, please check your virtual machine's version whether it is the newest one.

    For newer versions of Windows 10 (Pro versions or Creator's Update) do as follows:

    a) Install Docker Community Edition (not Docker Toolbox)

    b) Enable Hyper-V by Open Control Panel -> System and Security -> Programs (left panel) -> Turn Windows features on or off -> Check the Hyper-V box. If you don't have Hyper-V option, then your Windows OS is not Enterprise Edition. Also, Docker seems to work a lot better on Intel processors (not AMD).

    c) Add C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin to Path in Environmental Variables. To do so, in Search (Windows Buttton), search for and then select: System (Control Panel), click the Advanced system settings link. Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it. Click Edit. If the PATH environment variable does not exist, click New. In the Edit System Variable (or New System Variable) window, specify the value of the PATH environment variable. Click OK. Close all remaining windows by clicking OK.

    d) IMPORTANT: get sure you share your drives. In the task bar, right click on the docker icon (if it isn't there, it means docker service is not running and you should start from step 1 again) and select settings. In the settings windo select on the left side "Shared Drives", select the drive on which you downloaded the git files, type in your Windows password to confirm.

    e) IGNORE step 2 and 3, just do step 4, 5 and 6, then go to your browser (Firefox, Chrome) and type "localhost:YOUR_IP_FROM_STEP_4" (without the "") and voil�, you should be done. (no need for step 7 and 8)

  • Step 2: Launch Docker toolbox and wait until it finish setting up

  • Step 3: Type the command docker-machine ip to get the ip of Docker.

  • Step 4: Configure the port with

      vim <Django directory>/docker-compose.yml

    find the following lines

      	image: nginx:latest
      	container_name: ng02
      	  - "9000:7000"
      	  - ./src:/src
      	  - ./config/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d
      	  - web

    then change "9000:7000" into ":7000" e.g. "2345:7000"

  • Step 5: For the first time setting up, run the following command to build up docker in your computer

      docker-compose build

    Wait for a while before it finishes collecting the required packages.

  • Step 6: Save the file and run

      docker-compose up

    if the above command works well, after restarting you can also use

      docker-compose up -d


    Note that -d is to make it run in background.

  • Step 7: Check your website at ":"

  • Step 8: Enter ":/update" to synchronize the database.