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Website that fetches (specific) article information based on DOI. Functionality is based on the web service at

Website implementation uses the following components:

  • Python (Python license, GPL compatible)
  • Python-Flask - web microframework (Flask license, three clause BSD license)
  • Flask-AppConfig - Easy configuring library for Flask (MIT license)
  • Flask-Bootstrap - Twitter Bootstrap library for Flask (BSD license)
  • WTForms - Easy forms in web pages (BSD license)
  • Flask-WTF - WTForms library for Flask (BSD license)
  • Requests - Customizable HTTP requests for Python (Apache 2.0 license)
  • [ lxml - XML and HTML processing in Python (BSD license, libxml2 and libxslt2 under MIT license)]
  • SQLAlchemy - Object Relational Mapper for database connectivity (MIT license)
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy - SQLAlchemy library for Flask (BSD license)
  • Python-JSON - parsing the input from (LGPL license)
  • MySQL (or sqlite3) - for storing the citations (various licensing schemes, see
  • Python-Nameparser - For parsing names into firstname, middlename and lastname (LGPL license)
  • [ Bibtexparser - For abbreviating journal names (LGPLv3 license) ]
  • [ Charder - For character encoding detection (LGPL license) ] A very import aspect of the program is provided by the REST API at See

[ The ones shown in brackets were used at some point, but are not currently required. ]


Deployment example (probably does not work for you out-of-the-box): 0. Download and unpack the release archive

  1. Install python2.7 $ sudo apt-get instal python2.7 (Debian Linux)
  2. Install pip $ sudo easy_install pip
  3. Install virtualenv $ sudo pip install virtualenv
  4. Go to the software base folder (this folder)
  5. Set up virtualenv $ virtualenv venv
  6. Activate vitualenv $ . venv/bin/activate
  7. Make sure that your system has required libraries installed $ sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev $ sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
  8. Install python requirements $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  9. Create database $ mysql -u root -p $$ CREATE DATABASE doifetcherdb $$ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON doifetcherdb.* TO 'username' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' $$ FLUSH PRIVILEGES
  10. Update class TestingConfig: TESTING = True SECRET_KEY = '(Generate secret key here, eg.' SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://username:password@localhost/doifetcherdb'
  11. Update doifetcher.wsgi

    -- coding: utf-8 --

    activate_venv = '/path/to/install/dir/venv/bin/' execfile(activate_venv, dict(file=activate_venv)) import sys sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/install/dir') from doifetcher import create_app from config import Config, TestingConfig application = create_app(config=TestingConfig)
  12. Set up apache-wsgi ( $ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi 12.1 Configure apache (read the apache docs or find a tutorial, if you don't know how) <VirtualHost *> ServerName WSGIDaemonProcess doifetcher_process user=user1 group=group1 threads=5 WSGIScriptAlias /doifetcher /path/to/install/dir/doifetcher.wsgi WSGIScriptRelading On <Directory /path/to/install/dir> WSGIProcessGroup doifetcher_process WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} Order deny,allow Allow from all 12.2 Test config $ sudo apache2ctl configtest $ sudo apache2ctl restart
  13. You should now be able to browse to and see the front page
  14. Set up database tables $ python $$ from doifetcher import create_app $$ from config import TestingConfig $$ app = create_app(config=TestingConfig) $$ app.test_request_context().push() $$ from doifetcher.model import db $$ db.init_app(app) $$ db.create_all()
  15. Database connectivity should now be set up assuming that you did not run into problems on the way.


Article database that fetches article data by DOI







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