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Subway Rate Limit Distributor

Turnstile retrieves its rate limits configuration from a Redis database. It also listens on a "control" channel for commands ordering it to reload that configuration. There is some capability to spread this reload across a time interval, but in deployments with large numbers of Turnstile instances, this could still result in a large number of queries to a single Redis server.

Subway provides a means to mitigate this problem. Subway listens to the "control" channel on a single "master" server; when it receives a command to reload the limits, it distributes the limits configuration to a set of slave servers and forwards the reload command to the "control" channel on those slave servers. This can allow the limits to be fanned out to a large number of Redis servers, avoiding the single-bottleneck described above.

Configuring Subway

Subway requires a single command-line argument, which specifies the configuration file. The configuration file is an INI-style file. The basic configuration for Subway is in the [config] section; all values here are optional, and the recognized options are:


Specifies the control channel used by Turnstile. This will be used for both the master and all slaves. It defaults to "control".


Specifies the key in which the rate limits are stored. This will be used for both the master and all slaves. It defaults to "limits".


Normally, when a reload occurs, the limits are reloaded from the database immediately. This configuration option allows the declaration of a time interval; the reload will be scheduled at a random time within the specified interval, after receipt of a reload command. It is possible for the reload command to override this value; see Turnstile's setup_limits command for more information.


Subway calls the pubsub() method of StrictRedis, which takes an optional shard_hint argument, which could be used by the underlying client for sharding. This configuration option allows this shard_hint to be specified.

The remaining sections--[master] and all the [slave:*] sections--specify the connection to the master or slave Redis servers. The recognized options for these sections are as follows:


The database number on the Redis server to connect to. Must be an integer. Optional.


The host name of the Redis server to connect to. Either this or unix_socket_path must be provided.


The required authentication password for the Redis server. Optional.


The port number of the Redis server to connect to. Must be an integer. Optional.


Allows specification of an alternate socket timeout, in seconds. Must be an integer. Optional.


The path to a UNIX socket for the Redis server. Either this or host must be provided.

The [master] section is required, and specifies the master Redis server for the limits data. Slaves are specified using [slave:<name>], where <name> may be any string; this string is not used by Subway and exists solely to allow specification of slaves. At least one slave must be specified.

Running Subway

Subway requires a single argument, the configuration file described above. Following is a usage summary for the subway daemon:

usage: subway [-h] config

Run the Subway limits configuration synchronization daemon.

positional arguments:
  config      Configuration file for subway.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Subway Rate Limit Distributor







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