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NBX Backend Recruitment Assignment

Welcome to the NBX developer assignment! The goal of this project to get an idea of your coding style. Enjoy!


This is a User Service API. It's purpose is to manage user resources. It should provide JSON endpoints to do this.


  • health: GET / - this is just an endpoint that returns the service name. You can hit this once you bring up the service to make sure it's working.

  • list users: GET /users - return the list of users

    • Response Body:

          "id": "uuid",
          "name": "string",
          "email": "string"
  • create user: POST /users - create a user with the given request payload

    • Request Body:

          "name": "string",
          "email": "string"
    • Response Body:

          "id": "uuid",
          "name": "string",
          "email": "string"
  • get user by id: GET /users/{user_id} - return the user with the ID from the url, or 404 if not found

    • Response Body:

          "id": "uuid",
          "name": "string",
          "email": "string"
  • update a user: PUT /users/{user_id} - update the user with the provided ID with the request payload, or 404 if not found

    • Request Body:

          "id": "uuid",
          "name": "string",
          "email": "string"
    • Response Body:

          "id": "uuid",
          "name": "string",
          "email": "string"
  • delete a user: DELETE /users/{user_id} - delete the user with the given ID

    • Response: 204 No Content

Possible Extras

  • input validation
  • unit tests (if you do this, add a section to this README with details on how to run them)
  • functional tests (if you do this, add a section to this README with details on how to run them)
  • use a database to store user resources
  • restructure files to be more maintainable
  • UI
  • Error handling


How to run the project


From within the project, run docker-compose build


From within the project, run docker-compose up -d

Verify the service is up and running

Running curl http://localhost:8080 should return {"name": "user-service"}

Apply Changes

After you've made changes, run the above two commands again

View logs

From within the project, run docker-compose logs -f app

Running tests

from the project root run the following:

dkc build && dkc up -d

pytest tests/functionality

Make sure the test container is up and running On first startup uncomment the cluster init scripts in database/

On subsequent builds cluster-init and bucket-create commands should be commented as CB server will fail if the cluster or buckets are already in place