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Introduction to property-based testing

See the slides at

Examples of property-based testing including targeted property-based testing written in Elixir with PropCheck.

The project was initialized using mix:

$ mix new elixir-propcheck --app pbt

mix comes with Elixir.

Example of stateful property-based testing from PropEr testing book.

Examples of property-based testing using the Hypothesis library:

Examples of targeted property-based testing in Erlang. Project initialized with rebar3:

$ rebar3 new lib erlang-targeted-pbt

Targeted property-based testing

Some notes below for preparing to demo targeted PBT. More complete examples in Elixir can be found in ./elixir-propcheck/test.

Targeted property-based testing

  • Targeted property-based testing, A. Löscher and K. Sagonas, 2017.

    "We introduce targeted property-based testing, an enhanced form of property-based testing that aims to make the input generation component of a property-based testing tool guided by a search strategy rather than being completely random"

  • Automating targeted property-based testing, A. Löscher and K. Sagonas, 2018.

    "To use [targeted PBT], however, the user currently needs to specify a search strategy and also supply all ingredients that the search strategy requires. - [In this paper], we focus on simulated annealing, the default search strategy of our tool, and present a technique that automatically creates all the ingredients that targeted PBT requires starting from only a random generator."

  • Targeted property-based testing with Applications in Sensor Networks, A. Löscher's PhD thesis, 2018.

    "This dissertation presents targeted property-based testing, an enhanced form of PBT where the input generation is guided by a search strategy instead of being random, thereby combining the strengths of QuickCheck-like and search-based testing techniques. It furthermore presents an automation for the simulated annealing search strategy that reduces the manual task of using targeted PBT."

  • Andreas Löscher:

  • Konstantinos Sagonas:



What is targeted PBT?

  • PBT relies on generators, functions producing data from given search space
    • Typically sample a small part of the full search space
    • Unguided: no feedback to generator if our samples are good or bad
  • Targeted PBT: Give feedback to the generator
    • Couples test execution to data generation
    • "This is more like it, well done!"
    • "This is not a good sample, please try again."

What you lose in targeted PBT

  • Complex data generators (recursive)
  • Stateful tests
  • Generator metrics
  • Shrinking (at least partially)
  • Variations in data

What you gain

  • Generates data made for the problem at hand
  • Can generate data not found with traditional generators
  • Can replace complex generators
    • Simplifies generating, for example, unbalanced trees

"Who's a good boy" a.k.a. how to give treats to generators

  • Formulated as an optimization problem
    • Task is to maximize a given function
    • Generator produces data leading to larger values -> reward
    • Generator produces data leading to smaller values -> no reward
  • Be careful of local optima
    • Short-term vs. long-term rewards -> Non-greedy algorithms

Generic problem setup

  • Search space S
  • Target function E: S -> R
    • Mapping from search space to real numbers
    • Also known as energy or utility function
  • Task: Minimize E
    • Equivalent to maximizing -E

Examples of search space S

  • All lists of integers with length below 1000
  • All valid User objects with given ID
  • All HTTP requests accepted by a server

Examples from Hypothesis documentation:

  • Number of elements in a collection, or tasks in a queue
  • Mean or maximum runtime of a task (or both, if you use label)
  • Compression ratio for data (perhaps per-algorithm or per-level)
  • Number of steps taken by a state machine

Examples of target function E

  • Execution time

    • S = All lists of integers with length below 1000
    • E = (Negative) time to sort the list
  • Response time

    • S = All HTTP requests accepted by the server
    • E = (Negative) server response time

Motivating example: maximize sort time

This property searches for input data that maximizes the execution time and it indeed fails, finding examples of lists that take more than a second to sort.

property "targeted quick sort", [:verbose, :noshrink, search_steps: 500] do
    lists = list(integer())
    short_lists = such_that(l <- lists, when: length(l) < 100_000)

    forall_targeted l <- short_lists do
      t0 = :erlang.monotonic_time(:millisecond)
      t1 = :erlang.monotonic_time(:millisecond)
      spent = t1 - t0
      spent < 1000

How does it work?

  • Simulated annealing as optimization algorithm
    • Non-greedy: probabilistic algorithm that may trade short-term rewards for long-term benefits
    • Originates from physics
  • Method for finding the global minimum of a function E(s) with respect to s

  • Algorithm:

    1. Choose initial temperature T=T_0, initial state s=s_0 and compute e=E(s)
    2. Generate a candidate ("neighbor") s' and compute e'=E(s')
    3. With acceptance probability P(e, e', T), move to new state by assigning s=s', e=e'
    4. If done, exit. Otherwise, update T according to annealing schedule and move to 1.

Acceptance probability P(e, e', T)

  • Depends on "temperature" T
  • In the beginning of the search, T is large
  • As search progresses, T -> 0 according to annealing schedule
  • T large: Transitions to higher-energy states (e' > e) are likely
  • T small: Transitions to higher-energy states are unlikely
  • T = 0: Transitions allowed only to smaller-energy states ("greedy" algorithm)
  • Example: P(e, e', T) = 1 if e' < e, otherwise P(e, e', T) = exp[-(e'-e) / T]

Recap of simulated annealing

  • Probabilistic, iterative algorithm to minimize given target function
  • Requires
    • Candidate generator function neighbor()
    • Acceptance probability function P(e, e', T)
    • Annealing schedule
    • Initial guess s_0 and initial temperature T_0

Candidate generation

  • Efficient candidate generation requires that you don't "hop around" to random states like crazy: rather try moves to states with similar energy
    • Similar to Metropolis-Hastings
    • Be careful of local minima
    • Also occasional restarts may help if trapped in a bad environment

Candidate generation in targeted PBT

  • Customizable via custom neighbor function (user_nf in propcheck)
  • Instead of letting framework decide which neighbors to try, you can define your own neighbor function
  • Neighbor function takes the previous data point and a tuple of current depth and temperature and returns the next value to try
# Always add steps right and down at the end of drawn path
def path_next() do
  fn prev_path, , {_depth, _temperature} ->
      next_steps <- list(oneof([:right, :down])),
      do: prev_path ++ next_steps

Quiz 1

What are the values of l in the following case?

def list_next() do
  fn _prev_list, , {_depth, _temperature} ->
    [1, 2, 3]

property "targeted list generation" do
  forall_targeted l <- user_nf(list(integer()), list_next()) do

Answer: l is always [1, 2, 3].

Quiz 2

What's the generated data like in the following case?

def list_next() do
  fn prev_list, , {_depth, _temperature} ->

property "targeted list generation" do
  forall_targeted l <- user_nf(list(integer()), list_next()) do

Answer: l is random but fixed, equal to the first randomly drawn list.

More variations

  • With custom neighbor functions, all generated data is a variation of the first drawn value
  • You can get more variation by wrapping targeted search in a forall block
  • Test below executes the forall block five times and searches for 10 steps for each block
property "targeted path generation with variation", search_steps: 10, numtests: 5 do
  forall p <- path() do
    # Trick to make a generator from value
    p_gen = let(p_ <- p, do: p_)

    forall_targeted p2 <- user_nf(p_gen, path_next()) do
      {x, y} = List.foldl(p2, {0, 0}, fn v, acc -> move(v, acc) end)
      neg_loss = x - y
      IO.puts("Last point: {#{x}, #{y}}, negative loss: #{neg_loss}")