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#py-ydd py-ydd is a library to use YDDs (Yet another Decision Diagrams) with Python. Such structure allows to efficiently store extremely large families of sets, and perform various operations on them quiet efficiently.


Families of sets

A YDD is an acyclic graph where each node represents a different family of set. To make sure those nodes are unique in the entire graph, py-ydd relies on engines to handle the construction of new YDDs.

Go on an create your engine:

from ydd.engines.default import DefaultEngine as Engine
engine = Engine()

The DefaultEngine is pure Python class. It can't compete in terms of performances with the ones that are written in C++, but it is handy to quickly test something, or prototype your code.

Now you're ready to create your families of sets:

family = engine.make({1, 2, 3}, {1, 2})
>>> [frozenset({1, 2}), frozenset({1, 2, 3})]

And you can perform various kind of operations on them. Note that families of sets behave like Python's built-in sets, and implement the same operations.

family = family | engine.make({4 ,5})
>>> [frozenset({4, 5}), frozenset({1, 2}), frozenset({1, 2, 3})]

family = family & engine.make({4, 5}, {1, 2, 3}, {6, 7})
>>> [frozenset({4, 5}), frozenset({1, 2, 3})]

family = family - engine.make({1, 2, 3})
>>> [frozenset({4, 5})]


Basic operations such as the union, the intersection, etc. may be nice, but you'll certainly want to create your own homomorphisms. In order to do that, you can use the two lower-level methods all engines implement: make_terminal and make_node.

To understand how to use those methods, one has to understand how a YDD encodes its elements first. Each element (i.e. each encoded set), is represented as a collection of keys (i.e. elements of the set). Each node of the graph represents a key, and has two children (then, and else) that represent other keys, the rejecting terminal or the accepting terminal. A path from the root to the accepting terminal represents a set. On this path, choosing the then child of a node indicates that its key is a member of the set, while choosing its else child indicates it isn't. Any path that leads to the rejecting terminal isn't a member of the family.

For example, take the family [{1, 2}, {1}], represented by the following YDD:

1 -> (
  then: 2 -> (
    then: $1,
    else: $1
  else: $0

Note that you can obtain a similar output if you type repr(engine.make({1, 2}, {1})).

Now let's go back to our methods.

make_terminal(terminal: bool) -> Root allows you to create terminal nodes. The parameter terminal tells the engine to create either the accepting terminal (True) or the rejecting one (False).

make_node(key: object, then_: Root, else_: Root) -> Root allows you to create any kind of node. The DefaultEngine can accept any type for the key, as long as it is hashable and comparable to the other keys of the YDD. Be careful when using this method to make sure that the keys of then_ and else_ are strictly greater than key, otherwise you'll break the nodes canonicity.

Alright! Enoug theory, let's see an example. Here's a homomorphism that returns all sets containing the element 42:

def sets_containing_42(engine, family):
    if family.is_zero() or family.is_one():
        return engine.make_terminal(False)

    if family.key < 42:
        return engine.make_node(
            sets_containing_42(engine, family.then_),
            sets_containing_42(engine, family.else_))
    elif family.key == 42:
        return engine.make_node(
    elif family.key > 42:
        return engine.make_terminal(False)

If the given family node is terminal, obviously it can't contain 42, so we simply return the rejecting terminal (representing the empty family). Then if the node's key is smaller than 42, we return a new node with the same key, but we create its children by applying the homomorphism to those of the original node. Finally, if the node's key is greater, we return the rejecting terminal since we know 42 can't be contained in any path starting from there.



For performance reasons, the core of py-ydd is implemented in C++, and uses Boost.Python to interface it with Python. Thus, you need to install Boost (or at least Boost.Python) first.

You can skip the remaining of this chapter if you already have Boost.Python installed on your system.

Download the latest version of Boost (1.59.0 as of this writing), decompress the archive and navigate to its directory. There, type

./ --with-libraries=python

If you're Python executable is not located at a unusual location, pass the parameter --with-python=/path/to/python to the above command. Boost usually detects automatically the correct paths for the includes and libraries directories, but might fail to do so on some systems (for instance if you have Python installed with macports on OS X), which would be the cause of the dreaded pyconfig.h: No such file or directory. To address this issue, edit the file projet-config.jam and replace

if ! [ python.configured ]
    using python : 3.5 : /path/to/python ;


if ! [ python.configured ]
    using python
      : 3.x
      : /path/to/python
      : /path/to/includes
      : /path/to/libraries

Now you're ready to run Boost's build tool:

./b2 install

It'll install Boost.Python to your /usr/local/.

Please refer to the official documentation of Boost for troubleshooting, or if you're running Windows.

Installation of py-ydd

Once the requirements installed, you can simply type

python install

to install py-ydd on your system.


To run the tests, type python -m unittest discover.


A library to use YaDDs in Python.







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