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HOWTO: Running Gen3 Middleware using Pegasus

Create your own conda environment

First and foremost, we are using few extra packages which do not come with the LSST stack by default. These are:

  1. networkx
  2. pygraphviz
  3. pydotplus / pydot

You cannot install them in the default conda environment due to permission restrictions. Probably the easiest way to circumvent these restrictions is to clone default LSST environment. Executing lines shown below should give you your own conda environment called demo and install missing packages.

scl enable devtoolset-6 bash
source /software/lsstsw/stack/loadLSST.bash
conda create --name demo --clone lsst-scipipe
conda activate demo
conda install networkx pydotplus pygraphviz pydot

If you need a support for Oracle database, you need to install two additional packages:

  1. oracle-instantclient: Oracle client libraries,
  2. cx_oracle: Python module which enables accessing Oracle database
conda install cx_oracle
conda install -c anaconda oracle-instantclient


The Oracle instant client available through anaconda is rather dated ( If you need more recent version, you will probably need to install it manually (see this__ page how to do it).

Of course, you only need to do this once.

Set up Pegasus

Currently, due to Gen3 Middleware limitations (no subsetting/merging dataset repositories) Pegasus is configured to run in shared file system mode and only handles transferring of non-science files (stderr/stedout).

Global configuration for Pegasus, should not require any modifications.


Transformation catalog, tells Pegasus where to find pipetask -- Gen3 single-node activator.

You will need to update the pfn to inform Pegasus about the location of the pipetask version you want to use.


Site catalog.

If you may want to update locations of the shared scratch and local storage, but it is not strictly required. Also, we are overriding those values while calling pegasus-plan.

Prepare the Butler

At the moment, each time you run the script, it copies required input files from an existing ci_hsc dataset repository to the local directory called DATA.

To make the Butler work with your copy you need to update paths datastore.root and registry.db in the attached Butler configuration file butler.yaml.

Again, you only need to do this once. The script will use this file to overwrite the original one from ci_hsc.

Prepare the environment

The script should set up the required environment any time you start a new shell (just remember to adjust the path to the directory with the files).

scl enable devtoolset-6 bash
cd ${HOME}/demo/develop

Allocate compute nodes

export NODESET="mxknodes" -n 2 -s 1 -m 00:20:00 -N ${NODESET} -g 1200 -q normal lsstvc

Run demo

The script is the main driver we use to run Gen3 pipelines with Pegasus. Roughly speaking, it:

  1. copies ci_hcs repository to the local directory,
  2. converts Gen3 Quantum Graph into more convenient representation we call Science Graph,
  3. creates pickle files with corresponding quanta,
  4. makes some figures,
  5. calls Pegasus to execute the corresponding workflow.

To execute a portion of ci_hsc pipeline using Pegasus, run the following command:

./ 0 1

First argument is the just run number which you can adjust as you please. Second determines how big portion of ci_hsc pipeline is supposed to be used. Setting in to 1 will use the minimal For now I would not change it as lager portion of the pipeline suffers form

Since makes a fresh copy of ci_hsc data every time it runs, you may need to update the path pointing it to your "master" copy if you are not happy with using mine.


Keep in mind though, you cannot use just any ci_hcs dataset repository. Due to frequent changes in Butler innerworkins, you have to use the version which was build with that specific version of Gen3 Middleware you are using.


Codes to run Gen3 Middleware in Pegasus






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