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Automatically generate a RESTful API service for CRUD operation on database


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Inspired by: sandman2

based on: sqlalchemy-filters Flask-ResponseBuilder Flask-ErrorsHandler

Automatically generate a RESTful APIs for CRUD operation and advanced search on a database. If a list of Model is not provided, all tables are affected, instead you can customize:

  • resource name
  • fields name
  • resource url
  • allowed methods
  • hidden fields


  • HATEOAS support
  • conditional requests via ETag header
  • full range of CRUD operations
  • filtering, sorting and pagination
  • customizable responses via query string
  • custom FETCH method for advanced search
  • JSON and XML response based on Accept header
  • export to csv available
  • meta resource description
  • cli tool to run autocrud on a database


Install flask_autocrud using pip:

$ pip install Flask-AutoCRUD

Example usage

from flask import Flask

from flask_autocrud import AutoCrud
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite+pysqlite:///db.sqlite3'

db = SQLAlchemy(app)
AutoCrud(app, db)

Go to and see all available resources with its endpoint. NOTE: you must set SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI with your database.

If you want to see an example use with Flask-Admin see in example folder.

Filtering and Sorting

Add filters as query string parameters, they are used in AND. NOTE: At this time OR operator are not implemented.

You can use entity fields as parameter with the following placeholders:

  • null value: null
  • in operator: list separated by ;
  • not operator: ! means: not equal, not null, not in
  • comparators: __gt__ (grater), __lt__ (lesser), __gte__ (grater-equal), __lte__ (lesser-equal)
  • like operator: % for example: %%test%, %test% or %%test NOTE first % are not used in expression, it only indicated that value must be used with like operator.

Other parameters:

  • Use _fields parameter to get only the fields listed as value, separated by ;.
  • Use _limit and _page parameters for pagination.
  • Sorting is implemented with _sort parameter. The value is a list of field separated by ; You can prepend - to reverse order.
  • Use _export parameter to export data into csv format.
  • Use _extended in order to fetch data of related resources.
  • Use _as_table in order to flatten nested dict useful if you want render response as table

Example requests:

  • /invoice?InvoiceId=(35;344)
  • /invoice?Total=__lte__10&sort=Total
  • /invoice?fields=BillingCountry;Total;InvoiceId&InvoiceId=!355;344&sort=-InvoiceId
  • /invoice?fields=Total;InvoiceId&BillingPostalCode=!null&BillingCountry=%%ermany
  • /invoice?fields=Total;InvoiceDate;InvoiceId;CustomerId&page=2&limit=10
  • /invoice?InvoiceDate=(2009-01-01;2009-02-01 00:00:00)

Example FETCH:

curl --request FETCH \
    --url \
    --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    --data '{
        "fields": [
        "related": {
            "Employee": [
            "Invoice": [
        "filters": [
                "model": "Customer",
                "field": "SupportRepId",
                "op": "==",
                "value": 5
                "model": "Invoice",
                "field": "Total",
                "op": ">",
                "value": 6
        "sorting": [
                "model": "Invoice",
                "field": "Total",
                "direction": "asc"
                "model": "Customer",
                "field": "Address",
                "direction": "desc"

AutoCRUD cli

You can use autocrud as a standalone application configurable via yaml file. Some options could be given via cli see: autocrud -h, but if configuration file is given these options will be ignored.

If gunicorn is installed on your system it will be chosen as wsgi http server otherwise the default Flask builtin simple server will be used. Under windows you can install waitress.

Configuration file contains 2 principal macro section:

  • app: every configuration under it will be passed to Flask config object
  • wsgi: every configuration under it will be passed to the chosen wsgi

For example:

  SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI: sqlite+pysqlite:///examples/db.sqlite3
  bind: localhost:5000
  workers: 1
  threads: 1


  1. AUTOCRUD_METADATA_ENABLED: (default: True) enable metadata endpoint for a resource
  2. AUTOCRUD_METADATA_URL: (default: '/meta) added at the end of url resource
  3. AUTOCRUD_READ_ONLY: (default: False) enable only http GET method
  4. AUTOCRUD_BASE_URL: (default: '') prefix url for resources
  5. AUTOCRUD_RESOURCES_URL: (default: '/resources') url for all available resources
  6. AUTOCRUD_RESOURCES_URL_ENABLED: (default: True) enable route for resources list
  7. AUTOCRUD_SUBDOMAIN: (default: None) bind autocrud endpoints to a subdomain
  8. AUTOCRUD_MAX_QUERY_LIMIT: (default 1000) max query limit, 0 means no limit
  9. AUTOCRUD_FETCH_ENABLED: (default True) enable or disable FETCH method
  10. AUTOCRUD_QUERY_STRING_FILTERS_ENABLED: (default True) enable or disable filters in querystring
  11. AUTOCRUD_EXPORT_ENABLED: (default True) enable or disable export to csv
  12. AUTOCRUD_DATABASE_SCHEMA: (default None) database schema to consider
  13. AUTOCRUD_CONDITIONAL_REQUEST_ENABLED: (default True) allow conditional request

License MIT


Automatically generate a RESTful API service for CRUD operation on database







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