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The following is adapted from an email from Dr. Little, dated 2016-01-09.


  • Data is to be read from files containing records in CSV format and delimited by some combination of carriage returns and/or line feeds

  • The first line of the file may contain field names, which will be something like this: "Ref, Date, Time, RPM, Wind, Direction, Batt V, Ext V, Current"

    • Ref is some string identified, e.g. 01
    • Date is the date for this record in DD-MM-YYYY format, e.g. 28-05-2015
    • Time is the time for this record in HH:MM:SS format, e.g. 00:01:04
    • RPM is the revolutions per minute (TODO: of an anemometer?), e.g. 0
    • Wind is the wind speed in (TODO: units == m/s?), e.g. 0
    • Direction is the wind direction, which is one of N, S, E, W (TODO: others?) e.g. N
    • Batt V is the battery voltage in (TODO: units?) e.g. 4.06
    • Ext V is (TODO: external voltage? Units?) e.g. 0.00
    • Current is (TODO: current of what? Units?) e.g. -198.20
  • An example record:


  • The data rate should be one record per minute, but this should not be assumed - it may vary

  • One file is produced for each calendar day, the file name contains the date (TODO: format of filename & example?)


Accumulate data into a single data source

A single "mega file" with all data from all CSV input files ever processed should be maintained.

Wind Probability Distribution (Windspeed Transform)

In this case the number of times the wind is at (say) 3m/s is added up and given as a percentage of the total number of data points. This needs to be done for wind speeds from 0-40m/s (or higher) in increments of 0.5m/s (eg if a wind speed is 10.4m/s it will go to the 10-10.5 m/s 'bin'. I'd like this outputted as a .csv file with wind speeds and probability. This will turn the data into a much smaller amount.

Wind Speed With Wind Direction (extra - nice to have)

This means taking all the wind speed data and putting all the data from each direction into a smaller data subset. Each direction would be analysed as per section 2, so that probability distributions can be generated for each direction.

Proposed Implementation

A single Python program named "" which will maintain a database of records added so far. The program is command-line based, with multiple sub-command in the style of git. The syntax for the program is as follows assuming the command prompt current working directory is where the program is installed):

*nix systems:

./ command [command-args]


winda command [command-args]

For example:

winda add *.CSV


Some example commands to give a quick overview of usage:

winda add *.CSV
winda show files
winda show files P15*.CSV
winda show calibration
winda show calibration BB
winda calibrate AA 1.42 1.44 100 1.0 1500
winda speeds --date 2015-06-02 > June_2_speeds.csv
winda speeds --date 2015-06-02 --dir > June_2_speeds_and_directions.csv
winda speeds --file P150602.CSV > june_2_speeds.csv
winda speeds --increment 5 --file P1506*.CSV > june_speeds_5ms_increments.csv
winda speeds --range 0-30 --date 150601 > june_1_speeds_to_30_ms.csv
winda speeds --range 20-40 --increment 0.25 --from 150601 --to 150630 > out.csv
winda average
winda average --date 2015-06-02
winda average --dir --date 2015-06-02
winda export > all_data.csv
winda export --date 150601 > some_data.csv
winda remove --file P1506*.CSV
winda remove --date 150601
winda info
winda reset

Really useful:

winda --help
winda add --help
winda show --help
winda calibrate --help
winda speeds --help
winda average --help
winda export --help
winda remove --help
winda info --help
winda reset --help


Command: add


winda add pattern [pattern ...]


Add data file(s) to the database. Will not re-add a file which has already been added. Errors may be printed indicating trouble processing records from a file. If no records were added to the database, the file is not considered to have been added, and another attempt may be made.

Command arguments

This command requires at least one argument - the name of a file to add, or a glob pattern which matches at least one file to add.


winda add *.CSV

Command: show files


winda show files [pattern]


Shows information about files which have been added to the database.

Command arguments

If a glob pattern is provided, only files matching that pattern are listed.


winda show files
winda show files P15*.CSV

Command: show calibration


winda show calibration [ref]


Shows information about calibration of sensors by ref value.

Command arguments

If ref is specified, only that sensor is listed in the output.


winda show calibration 
winda show calibration BB

Command: remove


winda remove|rm <filter>


Remove data from from the database according to some filter critera. See section "Data Filters" below for how to use a filter. Note that when removing by date or date range, the file will only be removed once all records in event and raw_data have been removed for that file.

Command arguments

The remove command must be supplied with a valid data filter. See section "Data Filters" below for how to use a filter.


winda remove --file P1506*.CSV
winda remove --date 150601
winda remove --from 150601 --to 150701

Command: speeds


winda speeds [--range r] [--increment i] [--direction-split] [--2] <filter>


Analyse data from the database, outputting the wind speed transform for the specified records. The default range is 0-40 m/s, and the default increment is 0.5 m/s.

Command arguments

The speeds command must be supplied with a valid data filter. See section "Data Filters" below for how to use a filter.

The command may also take an optional "--range r" value which specifies the range of wind speeds to be output. The --range parameter, r is a pair of integers (the lower and upper bound of the range), separated by a "-". For example:

--range 0-30

...means to output for the range of speeds 0 m/s to 30 m/s inclusive.

The command may also take an optional "--increment i" value which specifies the increment used to split the output. The --increment parameter, i is a decimal value which defines the step size, for example:

--increment 1.5 output in 1.5 m/s steps.

The command may also take an optional [--direction-split] argument, which will do one analysis per wind direction in the input data. The output will have an addition column with the windo direction in it.

The command may also take an optional [--2] argument which will tell winda to take data from the second windspeed device.


winda speed 
winda speed --increment 5 --file P1506*.CSV
winda speed --date 150601 --2
winda speed --range 20-40 --increment 0.25 --from 150601 --to 150701

Command: average


winda average [--direction-split] [--2] <filter>


Analyse data from the database, outputting the average (mean) wind speed for all records matching , optinally split by wind direction.

Command arguments

The average command must be supplied with a valid data filter. See section "Data Filters" below for how to use a filter.

The command may also take an optional [--direction-split] argument, which will split the output by wind direction.

The command may also take an optional [--2] argument which will tell winda to take data from the second windspeed device.


winda average 
winda average --2
winda average --direction-split
winda average --date 150601
winda average --from 150601 --to 150701 --dir

Command: export


winda export <filter> 


Dump data from the database to stadard output in CSV format. The following fields are included:

  • ref
  • event_start
  • event_end
  • windspeed_ms_1
  • windspeed_ms_2
  • wind_direction
  • irradiance_wm2

Command Arguments

This command may take one or more filter arguments to limit the output to just records matching those arguments. If no filter arguments are provided, all data is exported.


winda export dump.csv

Command: reset


winda reset


Clear the database (prompts for confirmation).

Command Arguments

This command does not take any arguments.


winda reset

Command: info


winda info


Show summary information about the database. Output includes the database filename, the number of files which have been added and the number of records in the database:

Database file:          all.db
Size:                   13,456 bytes
Number of files added:  3
Number of records:      4320

Command Arguments

This command does not take any arguments.


winda info

Data Filters

Several arguments can be used to specify data from the database in different ways:

By File

To specify data from specific files, use the --file option:

--file pattern

...where pattern is a glob pattern which matches one or more files which have been added to the database.

By Date

To specify data from a specific date, use the --date option:

--date YYMMDD

...where YYMMDD is the date from which records are to be selected in YYMMDD format. For example:

--date 150503 select all records from the 3rd of May 2015.

By Date/Time Range

To specify data from a period of time, use --from and --to:


Both the --from and --to allow the specification of a date/time. If the time is not required, inly the date may be specified. For example:

--from 150501 --to 150502133000

...which will select records from the 1st of May 2015 through 1:30 pm on the 2nd of May 2015.


Wind Data Analysis Program






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