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The BitTorrent mainline client commented and explained. This excludes the GUI, and focuses only on the downloader ( and its dependencies), not the tracker ( The code is copied from its CVS repository on SourceForge.

It's probably best to read the BitTorrent protocol specification before reading the implementation.


Below are all the classes comprising the downloader.


The networking layer that sends and receives data with peers.

A drop in replacement for poll if the version of Python does not support it. It uses select instead, which is less efficient.

A reactor loop that relies on either poll or selectpoll. It specifies:

  • scheduling tasks within the loop
  • connecting to a given address, which invokes methods on a given handler depending on whether it succeeds or fails
  • listening for new connections on a given port, which invokes a method on a handler the server is constructed with
  • closing/removing connections that have timed out or cannot be written to, which also notifies the handler
  • running the loop until a flag is asynchronously set

It defines a helper class named SingleSocket that wraps the socket. It specifies:

  • whether the socket is still connecting or has connected
  • a handler that is invoked whenever data is received, or all queued data has been written
  • bytes enqueued for sending
  • the last time data was read from the socket so it can be monitored for timeouts


The storage layer that reads and writes bytes on disk.

The low-level byte offset-oriented storage interface.

  • takes a sequence of (file, length) pairs
  • can read data spanning multiple files given a first byte offset and length
  • can write data spanning multiple files given that data and a first byte offset

The high-level piece and block storage interface.

  • takes the SHA-1 hashes, piece size, and block size
  • maintains the bitfield of what pieces we have
  • manages what byte offsets pieces are written to on disk; pieces may be written to earlier positions to minimize "holes" and limit space usage
  • after the piecepicker decides to begin downloading a piece, tracks what blocks are still missing
  • once all block for a piece are written, validates the SHA-1 hash of the piece
  • once a piece has been validated, sets the corresponding bit in the bitfield
  • tracks when in endgame mode, combining the bitfield with what blocks are missing for downloading pieces
  • tracks when file is finished


Standalone classes that the downloader classes below use.

Parses command line arguments.

Classes used for testing with dependency injection:

  • class FakeHandle is a fake file handle with seek, read, write, flush, and close methods
  • class FakeOpen is a fake filesystem with open, exists, and getsize methods

Methods to validate data that has been bdecoded.

  • method check_peers validates a response from the tracker
  • method check_info validates the metainfo data, which is contained in the .torrent file

An array of boolean values. Used to represent what pieces each peer has, as well as what pieces the client has.

  • tracks whether all values are True; when used to track downloaded pieces, this means the file is complete
  • can convert to an actual bit array for sending over the wire

Methods to convert between bencoded form and Python objects.

  • method bdecode converts from a bencoded string to Python objects
  • method bencode converts from Python objects to a bencoded string

Computes the rate in bytes/second of a data flow.

  • averages rate over last max_rate_period seconds, so rates from long ago have little impact
  • if measuring upload rate, can compute the time until the rate falls below a given value after temporarily suspending uploads

Computes the time until a download completes.

  • like, attempts to minimize rates from long ago dominating the computation
  • can also return the bytes remaining, since required to compute the time remaining

Decides which peers to choke.

  • every 10 seconds unchokes the max_upload - 1 fastest peers who are interested
  • every 30 seconds optimistically unchokes one of the peers who is also interested but not the fastest
  • if client is a peer, we unchoke peers who are uploading to us the fastest to try for pareto efficiency
  • if client is a seed, we unchoke peers who are downloading the fastest to disseminate data as fast as possible
  • may also change who we choke upon peers connecting or disconnecting, or becoming interested or uninterested

Decides what piece to download from a peer. decides what block to download.

  • adds together the bitfields for pieces each peer has
  • knows what pieces have been downloaded, what pieces are downloading, and the availability of the remaining pieces
  • picks the rarest piece that is already downloading from another peer or seed in order to finish it faster
  • if picking one of the first pieces to download, pick a random piece to download from the peer
  • if peer does not have a piece that's already being downloaded, and not picking one of the first pieces, pick one of the rarest

Communicates with the tracker, primarily to find new peers.

  • checks in while requesting more peers every interval seconds if it has less than minpeers
  • always checks in every announce_interval seconds, and requests more peers if it has less than maxpeers
  • also check in whenever the download is started, stopped, or completed
  • attempts to connect to new peers immediately


The classes that combine the networking, storage, and standalone classes above. These classes contain the majority of the high-level logic from the BitTorrent protocol specification.

Manages the state for downloading from a peer.

  • maintains whether this client is interested in the peer, and whether this peer is choking the client
  • maintains the bitfield of pieces this peer has, what blocks the client has requested, and a Measure instance for download
  • when a block is downloaded, writes it to StorageWrapper, and updates the PiecePicker if it completes a piece
  • when a block is downloaded or the peer sends a have message, makes a new request for a block if possible
  • also monitors entering endgame mode, where a Download instance requests blocks belonging to every other Download instance

Manages the state for uploading to a peer.

  • maintains whether this peer is interested in this client, and whether this client is choking the peer
  • has a queue of blocks requests by this peer, and a Measure instance for the upload rate
  • reads requested blocks from StorageWrapper and writes them to the connection
  • clears the queue of blocks whenever the peer becomes uninterested, or we choke the peer

Manages established connections.

  • suspends upload rate if it exceeds the maximum, and then resumes it after a calculated time
  • decodes each incoming message
  • choke, unchoke, have, bitfield, and piece messages go to the Download object of a Connection
  • interested, uninterested, piece request, and their cancel messages go to the Upload object of a Connection

It defines a helper class named Connection that wraps the Connection from Encrypter. It specifies:

  • a Download instance to hold download state, and an Upload instance to hold upload state
  • methods that write every message type to its wrapped Connection, which delegates to the SingleSocket instance

This module doesn't actually define a class called Encrypter. It defines an Encoder class, which RawServer uses as its handler:

  • it schedules sending keep alive messages to each peer
  • it tracks whether any incoming connection was established, to tell if behind a firewall
  • notified by RawServer when connections are created, destroyed, flushed, or when data comes in
  • only notifies the Connecter instance of fully established connections to peers

It defines a helper class named Connection that wraps the SingleSocket from RawServer. It specifies:

  • a buffer for accumulated data from the peer
  • a state machine to read the header, download id, peer id, and then endless messages from the peer
  • delegates to the Connecter whenever an incoming connection is made or a message is read

The top-level module, or the main program. It does, in order:

  • parse the command line arguments
  • read and bdecode the metainfo (torrent) file
  • make the directory structure of files
  • create the networking layer, or RawServer
  • create the storage layer, or Storage wrapped in StorageWrapper
  • create the Choker, RateMeasure, PiecePicker, and upload and download Measure instances
  • create the Downloader, which owns the StorageWrapper, PiecePicker, and download Measure instance
  • create the Connecter, which owns the Upload factory, Downloader, Choker, and upload Measure instance
  • create the Encoder, which owns the Connecter and RawServer instance
  • create the Rerequester and begin connecting to the tracker
  • listen forever on the RawServer, and pass the Encoder as its event handler


The BitTorrent mainline client dissected and explained.







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