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This code uses cryptography to encrypt and decrypt (with key or brute force) with symmetric encryption. Additionally, it contains other additional features related to cybersecurity.

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::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::P R O Y E C T ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Write a script that performs at least 5 Cybersecurity tasks and meets the following topics:
 1. Exception Handling
 2. log usage
 3. Using de argparse
  3.1 When executing the script, all arguments should be included and no user interaction should be required.
  3.2 Documentation must be included for the -h argument to work.
 4. Socket usage.
 5. Consult an API related to computer security.
 6. Use at least one non-native Python module (requires to be installed with PIP).
 7. That reports be generated, in at least one of the Cybersecurity tasks, in html, xls(x) or txt format.
 8. The script must be made up of at least 3 modules (2 .py files and a PS script), where one must have the main function.
Indicate the HASH (SHA512) of each of the files delivered.
The aplication code has the next options for you:
1. Encode a Message
2. Unencode a Message
3. Hack an encoded Message
4. Investigate an organization (with your hunter api key)
5. Send Messages for or
Now we will explain which parameters you have to add for each option:
---If you need help for the parameters you can execute ' -h'---
[*] If you want to ENCODE a message, these are the possible options:
	-opc 1
		-lang *Choose a language with 1 or 2*
			-msg *"Write your encodable message"*
				-t_cifr 1 -rot *Add a number between 1-25*
				-t_cifr 2 -key *"Write your key"*

[+] Example(s):
:::: -opc 1 -lang 1 -msg "This is my message in english" -t_cifr 1 -rot 13
:::: -opc 1 -lang 2 -msg "Este es mi mensaje en español" -t_cifr 2 -key "keyword"
[*] If you want to UNENCODE a message, these are the possible options:
	-opc 2
		-lang *Choose a language with 1 or 2*
			-msg *"Write your encodable message"*
				-t_cifr 1 -rot *Add a number between 1-25*
				-t_cifr 2 -key *"Write your key"*

[+] Example(s):
:::: -opc 2 -lang 1 -msg "guvf vf zl zrffntr va ratyvfu" -t_cifr 1 -rot 13
:::: -opc 2 -lang 2 -msg "e s lsmaetijse ep m aeeeñsnno" -t_cifr 2 -key "keyword"
[*] If you want to HACK an encoded message, these are the possible options:
	-opc 3
		-lang *Choose a language with 1 or 2*
			-msg *"Write your encodable message"*
				-t_cifr *Choose a type of hacking writing the number 1 or 2*

[+] Example(s):
:::: -opc 3 -lang 1 -msg "guvf vf zl zrffntr va ratyvfu" -t_cifr 1
:::: -opc 3 -lang 2 -msg "e s lsmaetijse ep m aeeeñsnno" -t_cifr 2
[*] If you want to GET INFORMATION of an ORGANIZATION with your HUNTER api key,
::: these are the possible options:
	-opc 4
		-apikey *"Write your api key"*
			-domain *"Write the domain"*

[+] Example(s):
:::: -opc 4 -apikey '31mn93abbx811o05q119lDp1mms931ml5c31jjj7' -domain ""
:::: -opc 4 -apikey '31mn93abbx811o05q119lDp1mms931ml5c31jjj7' -domain ""
:::: -opc 4 -apikey '31mn93abbx811o05q119lDp1mms931ml5c31jjj7' -domain "telmex"
[*] If you want to SEND an EMAIL (you can also ADD a PICTURE in your email):
	-opc 5
		-t_email *Choose the type of email with 1 or 2*
			-email *"Write your email"*
				-passw *"Write your email password"*
					-to  *"Write the email of your friend"*
						-subj *"Write the subject of your message"*
							-msg *"Write your message"*
								# (OPTIONAL) #
								-pic *"Write the name of your image","Write the directory of your image"*

[+] Example(s):
:::: -opc 5 -t_email 1 -email "" -passw "yourpassword" -to "" 
-subj "Subject:" -msg "Your message" -pic "Picture.jpg","C:\Users\UserName\Documents"

:::: -opc 5 -t_email 2 -email "" -passw "yourpassword" -to "" 
-subj "Subject:" -msg "Your message" -pic "Picture.jpeg","C:\Users\UserName\Documents"

:::: -opc 5 -t_email 1 -email "" -passw "yourpassword" -to "" 
-subj "Subject:" -msg "Your message" -pic "Picture.jpg","C:\Users\UserName\Documents"

:::: -opc 5 -t_email 2 -email "" -passw "yourpassword" -to "" 
-subj "Subject:" -msg "Your message"
[*] If you want to verify if a PORT is OPEN:
	-opc 6
		-ip *"Write the IP"*
			-port *Write the port you want to verify*

[+] Example(s):
:::: -opc 6 -ip "" -port 8080
[*] If you want to verify the DNS:
	-opc 7

[+] Example(s):
:::: -opc 7


This code uses cryptography to encrypt and decrypt (with key or brute force) with symmetric encryption. Additionally, it contains other additional features related to cybersecurity.






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