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RDSS Message API


This repository documents the RDSS Message API and describes the format and structure of Messages sent within the RDSS project, and architectural designs and patterns for the underlying messaging system.

All internal integration between services that compose RDSS is done using the messages specified below.


The API, format, structures and patterns are derived from material from Enterprise Integration Patterns.

The rationale for this approach is documented in detail in report on Initial Technical Architecture and Delivery Proposals.

Including application developers and vendors responsible for delivering code and products that will produce and / or consume Messages required to conform to this specification. All engineers MUST ensure that where deliverables interact with the messaging system, those deliverables conform to this specification.


  • Specification version:  3.0.2
  • Data model version:    3.0.0

Releases of this specification can be found under Releases. Vendors MUST implement against a release - all other branches are considered in a constant state of flux and MAY change at any time.

The versioning scheme of this specification follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (also known as SemVer). Using SemVer, the version number is given in the format of MAJOR.MINOR.PATH, where:

  • MAJOR version changes contain non-compatible API changes.
  • MINOR version changes contain backwards compatible enhancements.
  • PATCH version changes contain backwards compatible bugfixes.

Vendors implementing this specification SHOULD make a best effort to implement all MINOR and PATCH changes as and when they are made available. The implementation and release of MAJOR changes however MUST be coordinated with maintainers of the messaging system to ensure compatibility between this API and the messaging system itself.

The version of this specification used to generate a given Message can be determined by inspecting the version header (as described in the Message Header) section.


The keywords MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, NOT RECOMMENDED, RECOMMENDED, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119.


The messaging system does not support any direct authentication as part of the Message header or payloads, or against any of the various endpoints.

Instead, access to the messaging system is managed through restricting access to the Kinesis Streams and other AWS components that underpin the systems infrastructure. Consumers and producers of Messages which interact with the messaging system will be provided with the necessary keys to achieve this interaction.

Message Structure

The following diagram describes the Message structure (the diagram can be edited using StarUML. The source is provided in the model/model.mdj file):

Message Structure

A Message is broken into two parts:

A complete example of a Message can be found here. The JSON schema for a complete message can be found here

The standard encoding for a Message is JSON, and the examples provided in this documentation are given in this format.

The maximum size of a serialised JSON Message MUST NOT exceed 1000KB.

Data Types


The purpose of using a UUID is to reasonably guarantee that disparate and unconnected systems can independently generate identifiers without the requirement of a centralised registry to ensure conflicts and duplicates do not occur.

All references to UUID (universally unique identifier) in this specification refer explicitly to a 128-bit number - sometimes also referred to as a GUID (globally unique identifier) - represented in a textual format consisting of five groups separated by hyphens in the form 8-4-4-4-12, providing for a total of 36 characters (32 alphanumeric characters and four hyphens).

Producers of Messages for publication are free to choose from any of the UUID versions described in RFC4122 when generating UUIDs, under the assumption that the implementation used to generate the UUID is sufficiently random so as to guarantee that the probability of generating a duplicate is low enough to be negligible. In this regard, developers SHOULD defer to language specific SDKs or established third-party libraries for this functionality.

The following block of code demonstrates how to generate UUIDs using Python:

import uuid


uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, '')


uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, '')

The following regular expression MAY be adopted by both producers and consumers in order to validate a UUID:


Should a consumer encounter an invalid UUID on a Message, that Message MUST be moved to the Invalid Message Queue with the error code GENERR010.


All timestamps provided as part of a JSON payload MUST be provided in RFC3339 format and MUST contain both the date and time component:

  • Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds:
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (e.g. 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00)
  • Complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of a second:
    • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (e.g. 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00)

Note with regards to the timezone component of a timestamp, for the purposes of clarity this MUST be provided in all instances, either with the UTC designation Z or as an hours and minutes offset, e.g. +01:00.

Email Address

All email addresses provided as part of a JSON payload MUST be provided in RFC5322 Section 3.4.1 format.

Message Header

The Message Header contains important metadata describing the Message itself, including the type of Message, routing information, timings, sequencing, and so forth.

An example Message Header can be found here. The JSON schema of the Message Header can be found here.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              String

System wide unique identifier describing the Message, as described in the UUID section.


  • Multiplicity:    0..1
  • Type:              String

Provided on a return Message, containing the messageId of the originally received Message.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              MessageClass

One of Command, Event or Document, as described by the following rules:

  • Command: used for Message payloads that are explicitly instructing a consumer to carry out an activity and respond with a subsequent Message for consumption by the producer or others.
  • Event: used for Message payloads which inform consumers of a specific event having occurred, where that event was not in response to a Command and does not contain a substantial payload of data.
  • Document: used for Message payloads that contain a payload of information for consumption, typically triggered in response to a Command.

Note that these rules are not exhaustive and may be expanded upon in future releases of this specification.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              MessageType

Describes the type of Message, in the format of <Type><Operation> and is described in the Message Body section.


  • Multiplicity:    0..1
  • Type:              String

Describes the address to which the receiver should dispatch their return Message.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              MessageTimings

Contains any temporal information related to the Message.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              Timestamp

Describes the point in time in which the Message was dispatched.


  • Multiplicity:    0..1
  • Type:              Timestamp

Describes the point in time when the Message expires.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              MessageSequence

Describes whether or not this Message is part of a larger sequence of Messages and, if so, where in that sequence it belongs.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              String

System wide unique identifier that distinguishes this sequence of Messages from others, as described in the UUID section.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              Integer

Position in the sequence of Messages where this Message belongs.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              Integer

Total number of Messages in this sequence.


  • Multiplicity:    0..*
  • Type:              MessageHistory

Describes the route that this Message has taken, up to and including this point in time.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              String

The ID of the machine that generated the history entry.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              String

The hostname, IP address, or other identifying network address of the machine that generated the history entry.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              Timestamp

The timestamp at which the history entry was generated.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              String

The version of this specification that the producer responsible for generating the message was using when the message was generated.


  • Multiplicity:    0..1
  • Type:              String

If an error has occurred and this message is being moved to the Invalid Message Queue or Error Message Queue, this field MUST be populated with the error code that represents the error that occurred.

The value MUST be one of the error codes defined in the Error Codes section.


  • Multiplicity:    0..1
  • Type:              String

A free text field that clients and applications SHOULD populate with a meaningful description of the error that occurred when a message is moved to the Invalid Message Queue or Error Message Queue.


  • Multiplicity:    1
  • Type:              String

The identifier of the application that generated the message.

Message Body

JSON Schema

The following JSON schemas are provided as part of this project, which fully describe the associated Data Model:

The schemas can be used to assist in development and validation of JSON objects that represent payloads, which are described in this API. Additionally, they are also used within the message-api-schema-validator/ tool, which validates the example payload JSON objects described in the messages/body/ folder.

Currently, all JSON schemas IDs (including $ref declarations within the schemas) are namespaced under However, consumers of the schemas should not expect the schemas to be available at the URLs represented by these IDs.


The following example Message payloads are provided in the messages/body/ folder:

Vocabulary Metadata
Read Message Type: VocabularyRead
Documentation: messages/body/vocabulary/read/
Message Type: MetadataRead
Documentation: messages/body/metadata/read/
Create Not Supported Message Type: MetadataCreate
Documentation: messages/body/metadata/create/
Update Not Supported Message Type: MetadataUpdate
Documentation: messages/body/metadata/update/
Patch Message Type: VocabularyPatch
Documentation: messages/body/vocabulary/patch/
Not Supported
Delete Not Supported Message Type: MetadataDelete
Documentation: messages/body/metadata/delete/

In all instances where a response is required, the correlationId MUST be provided in the header of the Message and MUST match the messageId provided in the original request.

Digital Objects

The following section applies to the management of digital objects, which form the core of metadata payloads.

Digital Object Identification

Every digital object published by a producer MUST contain a unique objectUuid field. This field uniquely identifies a specific digital object under a specific version, and MUST NOT be duplicated when publishing subsequent versions of the same digital object.

Digital Object Versioning

Digital objects MAY have a version associated with them. Versioning allows both producers and consumers of Messages to identify changes to the fields of a digital object and thus allow those changes to be persisted and / or processed in addition to previous versions of that digital object.

A digital object MUST generate a new version when any file or property of the digital object is altered, and in such circumstances the MetadataUpdate type is used to distribute the updated digital object(s).

It is the decision of to the consuming application to decide what constitutes a major and a minor change to a digital object. For example, the following rules MAY be adopted by a consumer to determine what constitutes a major change:

  • A modification to the title of the digital object / deposit.
  • A modification to any part of a file or its associated metadata, such that the modification would cause a different checksum to be generated for that file.
  • A modification to a collection of files or its associated metadata, even if that modifies simply reorders existing files.

In order to communicate a new version of a digital object to consuming applications, the producer MUST utilise the objectRelatedIdentifier field of the payload, with a relationship type of isNewVersionOf and a reference to the previous versions objectUuid value.

When republishing a previously published digital object, a producer MAY also choose to utilise the objectRelatedIdentifier field with a relationship type of isPreviousVersionOf. This functionality may be used by consumers who underwent an outage, and are attempting to "catch up" with missed Messages.

Message Triggers

The following describes the expected behaviour of applications which publish Messages. These behaviours are designed to accommodate all possible applications.

Metadata Create

A MetadataCreate Message MUST be sent when a new work or item is created within the originating application.

Typically, applications include a workflow or curation process which requires a final approval step before the uploaded work or item is published.

MetadataCreate Messages SHOULD only be sent for works or items which are intended to be publically available.

Metadata Update

A MetadataUpdate Message MUST be sent when a modification is made to an item or work within the originating application, and MUST include the entire digital object (i.e. it MUST NOT include only the changed fields / files).

Typically, applications include a workflow or curation process which requires a final approval step before the modified work or item is published.

In the event that a Message is modified in such a way as to change its visibility from confidential to public, this should instead be treated as MetadataCreate as consumers of the Message SHOULD NOT have received a MetadataCreate Message for its original creation.

Metadata Delete

Typically, applications do not delete works or items when a request is made to do so - instead they are hidden from view.

A MetadataDelete Message MUST be sent when the intention of the originating application is to remove a work or item from either public view, or from the view of regular users of the application, even if this operation does not result in deleting the work or item from the application.

Messaging Receiving

This section describes the behaviour that applications which consume Messages from the RDSS messaging system MUST exhibit when a Message is received and processed.

The section is split into subsections, depending on the type of application which is processing the received Message.

Institutional Repositories

Upon receiving a MetadataCreate or MetadataUpdate payload, an IR MUST either create a work or item using the metadata contained within the payload, or update an existing work or item by applying the modified fields within the payload, respectively.

It is possible for a metadata payload to contain no files. This is known as a "metadata only" record, and a work or item MUST still be created using the values contained within the payload.

Upon receiving a MetadataDelete payload, an IR MUST remove the visibility of that work or item from the view of regular users.

To achieve this, it is RECOMMENDED that the metadata represented by the payload and its associated files are completely removed from the IR, however it is understood that this is not always feasible and potentially contrary to the purpose of the repository.

Preservation Systems

Upon receiving a MetadataCreate or MetadataUpdate payload, a PS MUST generate a preservation item which contains both the metadata contained within the payload and any files referenced by that metadata.

MetadataDelete payloads SHOULD be ignored by PS's, however a PS MAY apply a flag or marker to the preserved object in order to indicate that a delete was requested for that particular object.

File Download Behaviour

This section describes the behaviour that consumers MUST adopt when retrieving files from producing systems that are referenced within consumed payloads. By adopting this behaviour, consumers can be confident of robust and consistent behaviour.

  • Consumers MUST expect - and be capable of handling - substantial datasets. The staging area to which the files are placed during download MUST be able to accommodate such files.

  • Consumers MUST implement a mechanism that allows for resumption of fetching of datasets, to allow for network interruptions to occur without the need for a cold restart.

  • When fetching files over HTTPS, applications MUST validate certificates to mitigate against connection tampering / man-in-the-middle attacks. Certificates presented by HTTPS hosts will either be provided to consumers, or will be issued by common trusted certificate authorities.

  • After fetching of the file is complete, the file MUST be validated against the associated checksum(s), should they be provided in the metadata payload.

  • Consumers SHOULD implement an exponential backoff algorithm when initiating / resuming a download, to allow for brief network errors to be avoided. An example of an exponential backoff algorithm can be found in Network Failure Behaviour.

Multi-Message Sequence

The underlying AWS Kinesis Stream enforces a limit of 1000KB on the size of a single Message, this limit may prevent the entire body of a Message from being contained within a single Message. In order to provide for Messages that are greater than 1000KB in size, all consumers and producers MUST support Message sequences.

Messaging sequencing information is conveyed through the messageSequence object as described in the Message Header: sequence, position and total.

The following Python code snippet describes the process of splitting a larger messageBody into smaller constituent parts which, when inserted into a Message that contains both the messageHeader, the messageHeader and messageBody JSON keys, and the wrapping JSON {} braces, will be less than 1000KB in size:

import json

max_message_size = 1000000

def calculate_available_size(message_json):
    return max_message_size - len(str(message_json['messageHeader'])) - len(
        'messageHeader') - len('messageBody') - len('{}')

def split_payload(available_size, message_body_json):
    message_body_str = str(message_body_json)
    return [message_body_str[i: i + available_size] for i in
            range(0, len(message_body_str), available_size)]

available_size = calculate_available_size(message)
sequences = split_payload(available_size, message['messageBody'])

When a consumer receives a Message, they MUST inspect the messageSequence header to determine whether there are more than 1 Messages in the sequences (i.e. total > 1). In this case, the consumer MUST wait for all constituent Messages to arrive before reconstructing the overall payload and processing it.

Error Queues

There are a number of queues defined which are responsible for processing erroneous Messages from both consumers and producers of the system. These queues will route these Messages to respective S3 Buckets, where they will be persisted for analysis by the appropriate parties (e.g. SysOps and DevOps).

All Messages placed on the Error Message Queue or Invalid Message Queue MUST contain the errorCode and errorDescription fields within the messageHeader of the Message.

Error Message Queue

If a receiver is unable to process a Message due to, for example, and infrastructure issue (such as network connectivity), or a Message that exceeds the maximum size defined in Non-Functional Requirement, it SHOULD move the erroneous Message to the Error Message Queue.

A Message that is to be routed to the Error Message Queue must be decorated with the appropriate error code, as per the Error Codes section, before it is dispatched.

Invalid Message Queue

If a receiver receives a Message it cannot process, for example if the Message is malformed or does not contain all the mandatory fields, it SHOULD move the invalid Message to an Invalid Message Queue.

A Message that is to be routed to the Invalid Message Queue must be decorated with the appropriate error code, as per the Error Codes section, before it is dispatched.

Error Codes

General Error Codes

The following tables describes the error codes that MUST be utilised when a Message is moved to either the Error Message Queue and the Invalid Message Queue, and in all Logging entries that describe an error:

Error Code Description
GENERR001 The Message Body is not in the expected format, for example mandatory fields are missing.
GENERR002 The provided messageType is not supported.
GENERR003 The expiration date of the Message had passed at the point at which delivery was attempted.
GENERR004 Invalid, missing or corrupt headers were detected on the Message.
GENERR005 Maximum number of connection retries exceeded when attempting to send the Message.
GENERR006 An error occurred interacting with the underlying system.
GENERR007 Malformed JSON was detected in the Message Body.
GENERR008 An attempt to roll back a transaction failed.
GENERR009 An unexpected or unknown error occurred.
GENERR010 Received an invalid / malformed UUID.

Application Error Codes

The following sections describe the error codes that MUST be utilised when an application raises an error that relate specifically to the type of Messages it receives.

Metadata Error Codes

Error Code Description
APPERRMET001 Received a Metadata UPDATE with a datasetUuid that does not exist.
APPERRMET002 Received a Metadata DELETE with a datasetUuid that does not exist.
APPERRMET003 Received a Metadata READ with a datasetUuid that does not exist.
APPERRMET004 Received an invalid checksum for a file provided within the payload.

Vocabulary Error Codes

Error Code Description
APPERRVOC002 Received a Vocabulary READ with a vocabularyId that does not exist.

Audit Log

The Audit Log is a component of the system through which every Message dispatched into the system will be routed. Messages that are provided to the Audit Log will be persisted to an S3 Bucket, where they will be made available to the appropriate parties for analysis (for example, SysOps and DeOps staff).

It is delivered in the form of an AWS Kinesis Stream, which in turn loads the data into an Amazon S3 via an AWS Lambda Function. The data is then made available for consumption and processing by other systems (e.g reporting).

In order for a Message to be consumed by the Audit Log, Messages MUST be in serialised JSON format and MUST NOT exceed 1000KB.


The following diagram describes the topology of the Messaging system (the diagram can be edited using Microsoft Visio. The source is provided in the topology/topology.vsdx file).

Hohpe EID Stencils is used in the creation of the topology diagram.

EIP Key Description
Directional Queue Directional Queue
Invalid Message Queue Invalid Message Queue
Error Message Queue Error Message Queue
Channel Adaptor Channel Adaptor
Message Broker Message Broker
Content Based Router Content Based Router

Topology (click the diagram to view in high resolution)

Transactional Behaviour

All clients MUST implement transactional behaviour for both sending and receiving of Messages.


Receiving a Message is achieved through the use of AWS Kinesis Stream’s API. Each Kinesis Stream consists of one or more Shards, where a Shard is a uniquely identified group of records within a Stream. When polling a Stream for records, all Shards in the Stream MUST be queried for records as a record can be written to any Shard, and it is impossible to predict which Shard a record will be written to.

In order to achieve transactionality when reading from a Kinesis Stream, a client MUST keep track of all Shards within the Stream, and MUST keep track of the Sequence ID of the most recently received and successfully processed record within each Shard.

In doing so, this permits the client to restart the polling of the Kinesis Stream and its respective Shards by being able to begin polling at the point in the Shard of the last record that was received and processed. Should a failure occur with the client or with the parsing of a record, polling of the Stream can resume from the last successfully processed record.

The process for reading records from a Stream (including the handling of the respective Shards) is detailed in the Message Gateway Sequence Diagrams section.

The following Python code snippet describes the behaviour that clients SHOULD adopt when consuming Messages from a queue in order to achieve transactional behaviour:

import boto3
import time

class KinesisClient(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.client = boto3.client('kinesis')

    def poll_stream(self, stream_name):
        shard_ids = self.__get_shard_ids(stream_name, None)
        for shard_id in shard_ids:
            sequence_number = self.__get_sequence_number_for_shard(shard_id)
            shard_iterator = self.__get_shard_iterator(stream_name, shard_id,
            self.__do_poll(shard_id, shard_iterator)

    def __get_shard_ids(self, stream_name, start_shard_id):
        shard_ids = []
        if start_shard_id is None:
            response = self.client.describe_stream(
            response = self.client.describe_stream(
        for shard in response['StreamDescription']['Shards']:
        if response['StreamDescription']['HasMoreShards']:
            shard_ids.append(self.__get_shard_ids(stream_name, shard_ids[-1]))
        return shard_ids

    def __get_sequence_number_for_shard(self, shard_id):
        # Fetch the Sequence Number stored against the Shard ID

    def __get_shard_iterator(self, stream_name, shard_id, sequence_number):
        if sequence_number is not None:
            response = self.client.get_shard_iterator(
            response = self.client.get_shard_iterator(
        return response['ShardIterator']

    def __do_poll(self, shard_id, shard_iterator):
        caught_up = False
            while True:
                response = self.client.get_records(
                records = response["Records"]
                if len(records) > 0:
                    caught_up = False
                    for record in records:
                        sequence_number = record['SequenceNumber']
                shard_iterator = response["NextShardIterator"]
                millis_behind_latest = response["MillisBehindLatest"]
                if millis_behind_latest > 0:
                    caught_up = False
                elif millis_behind_latest == 0 and not caught_up:
                    caught_up = True
            self.__store_sequence_number_for_shard(shard_id, sequence_number)

    def __process_record(self, record):
        # Process the record...

    def __store_sequence_number_for_shard(self, shard_id, sequence_number):
        # Store the Sequence Number against the Shard ID


  • This example does not account for resharding (i.e. splitting and merging Shards). Such behaviour will change the state of the Stream, something which clients need to accommodate.
  • This example does not implement threading. It is expected that the polling of each Shard takes place in its own thread, so that each Shard can be operated upon in parallel.

This behaviour is described in more detail in the Metadata Read sequence diagram.

When processing Messages, the behaviour of the underlying AWS Kinesis is such that it guarantees "at least once" delivery of a Message, meaning therefore that it's possible (and probable) that a client should expect to receive duplicate Messages.

In order to prevent the processing of duplicate Messages, all Messages received by a client MUST be written to a Local Data Repository, which MUST be referenced when deciding whether to process a Message. Should the messageId of a Message already exist in the Local Data Repository, it can be deduced that the Message in question has already been processed and thus can be discarded.


When sending a Message, a sender MUST NOT consider a Message as sent until they receive a successful response to the send request from the underlying AWS Kinesis stream.

Similar to receiving Messages, a Message sent by a client MUST be saved in the Local Data Repository with an initial status of TO_SEND. Once a successful send operation has been carried out, this MUST be changed to SENT.

Local Data Repository

The nature of the AWS Kinesis stream which forms the basis of the Messages queues guarantee an "at least once" delivery system, meaning therefore that it's possible (and likely) that a single consumer may receive the same Message multiple times. This is also true when a client sends a Message - they will receive the sent Message back again.

In order to prevent the same Message from being processed multiple times, clients MUST maintain a local data repository. This repository will store, for each Message, at a minimum:

  • messageId
  • messageClass
  • messageType
  • sequence
  • position
  • status

Valid values for status are RECEIVED, TO_SEND and SENT.

Network Failure Behaviour

In the event that a client attempting to send a Message encounters network connectivity issues preventing the sending of that Message, the client SHOULD attempt to resend the Message.

If a client attempts to resend a Message, they MUST employ an exponential backoff algorithm. This is both to prevent repeated fixed-delay requests against a non-functioning network endpoint and, in the event that the network connectivity issue is the result of congestion, to reduce the impact of that congestion.

The following Python code describes the algorithm that SHOULD be adopted by clients when determining the delay between retries:

max_retries = 10
retry = 1

while retry <= max_retries:
  sleep_ms = pow(2, retry) * 100
  if send_message():
  retry += 1

if(retry > max_retries):

In the event that max_retries are exceeded, clients MUST write a log entry (as per Logging) with the special error code GENERR010.

Message Gateway & Channel Adaptor

The messaging system offers applications who wish to send and receive Messages two mechanisms of interaction: a Message Gateway and a Channel Adaptor.

A Message Gateway offers a preferred approach to interfacing with the messaging system, whereas the Channel Adaptor exists outside of, and independently from, the application and therefore can be utilised by applications where modification of the application code is not feasible (however, such applications MUST still expose a mechanism for programmatic access and querying of the application).

Message Gateway

The Message Gateway offers the preferred interface to the messaging system. It exists within the Message consuming / producing application itself and encapsulates the code specific to the messaging system whilst exposing APIs for interaction.

The following diagram describes the class structure of a Message Gateway (the diagram can be edited using StarUML. The source is provided in the message-gateway/message-gateway-simple.mdj file).

Message Gateway

The Message Gateway is designed to abstract the complexities and specifics of the underlying queueing system from the application, including the handling the requests and responses, and hiding the scenario where a single call to the Message Gateway interface may result in multiple calls to the queueing system.

The Message Gateway MUST be synchronous, such that all calls to Message Gateway interface will block until the underlying request(s) complete in full.

All Message Gateway implementations MUST be configurable to support, at a minimum:

  • Switching between queue types, e.g. AWS Kinesis Stream, RabbitMQ and Mock
  • Specify the addresses of the channels supported by the Message Gateway
  • The retry interval for pulling from the queue when waiting for a return Message

Message Gateway Sequence Diagrams

The sequence diagrams below describe the flow of executing through the Message Gateway for both a Metadata Create and a Metadata Read operation (the diagrams can be edited using Visual Paradigm. The source is provided in the message-gateway/sequence-diagrams.vpp file).

Metadata Create

Message Gateway Metadata Create

The creation process is "fire and forget", insomuch that it does not expect a return Message in response to the Message that it puts on the queue.

Metadata Read

Message Gateway Metdata Read

In contrast to the Metadata Create operation, the Metadata Read operation requires a response Message.

To model this, the Message Channel lifeline enters the following loops:

  1. Fetch the Shards for the current Stream through DescribeStreams.
  2. For each Shard return in step 1, create a new thread and:
  • 2.1. Execute the GetShardIterator to retrieve the Shard Iterator for the current Shard
  • 2.1. Execute GetRecords for the current ShardIterator
  • 2.2. Search the returned record's for a Message with a correlationId that matches the request Message
  • 2.3. If found, all threads exit their loops
  • 2.4. Otherwise, update the ShardIterator with the NextShardIterator value returned in step 2.1
  • 2.5. Sleep for a predefined period of time
  • 2.6. Return to step 2.1

Channel Adaptor

The alternative interface to the messaging system is the Channel Adaptor, which does not require modification of the application itself. Instead, the Channel Adaptor exists as a separate component and acts as a middle man between the queues and the application, leveraging synchronous APIs that the application exposes.

Channel Adaptor

The typical implementation of a Channel Adaptor would be a pull mechanism which periodically polls the APIs exposed by the application, probing for newly created datasets and objects.

The Channel Adaptor would then convert the retrieved data to a format compatible with the messaging system (as specified by this API), before adding to the relevant queue for consumption and processing by other components and applications.


All applications that interact with the messaging system, whether as a sender or receiver, MUST generate useful log messages for consumption by engineers and system operations staff.


Log messages generated by applications must be written to the local syslog service provided by the operating system. Most Unix based operating systems provide a simple utility known as logger to interact with the syslog service.

The following example describes how to generate the log Message examples provided in the Log Message Format section:

logger -p -i "[INFO] Message sent"
logger -p -i "[INFO] Message received"

For informational purposes, the expected format of a raw syslog log Message is described in the Log Message Format section.

Log Message Format

Log messages delivered in syslog format consist of two parts:


<134>1 2017-03-01T13:14:15.000Z msgsender-1.2.0 848221 "[INFO] Message sent."

<134>1 2017-03-01T15:16:17.000Z msgreceiver-1.3.1 810038 "[INFO] Message received."

In this example, the Log Message Header begins with a priority of 134, followed by a syslog protocol version of 1. The hostname of the originating machine is and the applications are msgsender and msgreceiver with versions 1.2.0 and 1.3.1 respectively. The process IDs are 848221 and 810038. The Log Message then follows.

Log Message Header

The header of a syslog log message takes the following format:


Describes the priority of the log message. It is derived from the numerical codes of the facility and the severity of the log message as (FACILITY * 8) + SEVERITY. These values are described in more detail in section 6.2.1 of RFC5424.

Log messages MUST use a facility value of between 16 - local0 and 23 - local7 inclusive (other facilities are reserved for system processes and services), and are free to use any severity value deemed appropriate for the purposes of the log message.


Describes the version of the syslog protocol specification utilised by the originator. The current version is 1.


Describes the originator system time at which the log message was generated. It is given in the format of RFC3339 with the following further restrictions imposed:

  • The T and Z characters in this syntax MUST be uppercase.
  • Usage of the T character is REQUIRED.
  • Leap seconds MUST NOT be used.

Identifies the fully qualified hostname of the machine that originated the log message.


Identifies the application that originated the message. This value MUST be unique to the application and MUST contain the version of the application.


Contains the process identifier of the application on the operating system of the machine that originated the log message.

Log Message

The message itself that contains free-form text that provides information about the event that is being logged.

All Messages sent and received by the application MUST be logged and MUST contain, at a minimum, the severity of the log message wrapped in square brackets (e.g. [INFO]) along with meaningful information relevant to the severity against which the log message is being generated.

Non-Functional Requirements

The following sections describe the requirements and limitations imposed by the underlying technologies and infrastructure utilised by the messaging system. All consumers and producers of Messages in the system MUST ensure that they are operating within these requirements and limitations.

The vast majority of technologies and infrastructure that drives the messaging system are provided by Amazon AWS, more details on the limitations imposed by AWS not described below can be found in AWS Service Limits.


Requirement Value Description
Message Size 1000KB AWS Kinesis Firehose and AWS Kinesis Streams imposes a maximum size of 1000KB per message.

Message Channels

Requirement Value Description
Time To Live 168 hours AWS Kinesis Stream has a maximum retention period of 168 hours, thereby giving our Message Channels a TTL of 168 hours.
Throughput Per shard: 1MB/s in and 4MB/s out Each AWS Kinesis Stream can by default support up to 50 shards in US East, ES West and EU Ireland, and 25 shards in other regions. These values can be increased with justification.

Audit Logs & Error Message Queues

Requirement Value Description
Account Limit 20 per region A single AWS account can have a maximum of 20 AWS Kinesis Firehose delivery streams per region.
Time To Live 24 hours with a retry of 0 to 7200 seconds Should the delivery destination be unavailable, AWS Kinesis Firehose will retain records for a maximum of 24 hours and can retry delivery from 0 to 7200 seconds.
Throughput 200 transactions/second, 5000 records/second and 5MB/s These values can be increased with justification.
Buffer 1MB to 128MB and 60 to 900 seconds Buffer sizes can range from 1MB to 128MB with intervals of 60 to 900 seconds.
Compression GZIP, ZIP and SNAPPY Data provided to the AWS Kinesis Firehose can be compressed using GZIP, ZIP and SNAPPY. However, the uncompressed size cannot exceeded 1000KB.

Log Messages

Requirement Value Description
Minimum Length 480 bytes The minimum length of a log message is 480 bytes as per RFC5424.
Maximum Length 2048 bytes The recommended maximum length of a log message is 2048 bytes as per RFC5424, however implementations are free to increase this.


Specification document for RDSS messaging API







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