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Code used for the ICTD '17 paper, "Can Human Development Be Measured with Satellite Imagery"

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You can use the following commands to do training and testing for our DiiD final project. Before you run any of these commands, do this:

sudo -u andrew bash       # Change user to Andrew
cd ~/DiiD-Predictor       # Change directory to this directory
source venv/bin/activate  # Start Python virtual environment (load dependencies)

Most of these commands will take a really long time to run. To make sure that they still run even after your SSH session has ended, use nohup at the beginning of every command. You can start off a command with nohup and then watch it's progress with the following recipe:

nohup <command> &  # run the command, don't terminate when SSH session is closed
tail -f nohup.log  # view the output of the program

For example, to extract features, run:

nohup python \
  images/Rwanda_simple/ \
  block5_pool \
  --output-dir features/rwanda_vgg16_block5_pool/ &
tail -f nohup.log

Preprocess images to have the expected indexes

Note: The rwanda_TL.csv file comes will have to be uploaded securely (it's protected data). Before doing this, create a csv directory in the DiiD-Predictor directory. For uploading this file with scp, see related instructions for connecting over ssh (here)[]. Then, run the script.

python \
  images/Rwanda/ \
  csv/rwanda_TL.csv \
  --output-dir images/Rwanda_simple/

Split into the test set

python util/ \
  images/Rwanda_simple/ 0.1 > indexes/Rwanda_test_indexes.txt

Extract features from an arbitrary layer of a neural network model

python \
  images/Rwanda_simple/ \
  block5_pool \
  --output-dir features/rwanda_vgg16_block5_pool/

The --flatten flag is optional, and it flattens the feature array for each image. Replace "block5_conv3" with the name of the layer you want to extract features for. You can also set the number of images to process together with the --batch-size argument. While this extracts features from an ImageNet VGG16 model, you can also provide another model with the --model option.

Train the top layers of the neural network

To train the top layers:

python \
  features/rwanda_vgg16_block5_pool \
  csv/rwanda_TL.csv \
  indexes/Rwanda_test_indexes.txt \
  --learning-rate 0.01 \
  --batch-size=100 \
  --epochs=6 \

Note that this steps depends on having run the previous steps to have the CSV file for Rwanda data, having the images moved into simple indexing form (single integer in the title), and having generated the test set image indexes.

Get final layer features (can be used for predicting ed and wealth index)

We rely on the extract_features script once again:

python \
  features/rwanda_vgg16_block5_pool \
  conv7 \
  --flatten \
  --model models/rwanda_vgg16_trained_top.h5 \
  --input-type=features \
  --batch-size=16 \

Train a model for predicting wealth and education index

python \
  features/rwanda_vgg16_trained_top_conv7_flattened/ \
  csv/rwanda_DHS_wealth.csv \
  csv/rwanda_cluster_avg_educ_nightlights.csv \
  csv/rwanda_TL.csv \
  nightlights/F182010.v4d_web.stable_lights.avg_vis.tif \
  models/indexes/rwanda_vgg16_trained_top \

Add the --show-test-results flag, and optionally set the --prediction-output-basename option, to see and save the model performance on the test set.

Train a model for predicting wealth, education and water index

python \
  features/rwanda_vgg16_trained_top_conv7_flattened/ \
  csv/rwanda_DHS_wealth.csv \
  csv/rwanda_cluster_avg_educ_nightlights.csv \
  csv/rwanda_cluster_avg_water_nightlights.csv \
  csv/rwanda_TL.csv \
  nightlights/F182010.v4d_web.stable_lights.avg_vis.tif \
  models/indexes/rwanda_vgg16_trained_top \

Retrain convolutional layers

Extract the features in block 4:

python \
  images/Rwanda_simple/ \
  block4_pool \
  --output-dir features/rwanda_vgg16_block4_pool/

Then retrain only the end of top of the net and the last convolutional block. (At the time of writing this, this step wasn't yet implemented.)

python \
  features/rwanda_vgg16_block4_pool \
  models/rwanda_vgg16_trained_top.h5 \
  csv/rwanda_TL.csv \
  indexes/Rwanda_test_indexes.txt \
  --batch-size=100 \
  --learning-rate=.0001 \
  --epochs=6 \

And then extract the final layer features...

First, by flattening the learned model:

python \
  models/rwanda_vgg16_tuned.h5 \

And then by extracting flattened final layer features:

python \
  features/rwanda_vgg16_block5_pool \
  conv7 \
  --flatten \
  --model models/rwanda_vgg16_tuned_flattened.h5 \
  --input-type=features \
  --batch-size=16 \

And then retrain the index predictors!

python \
  features/rwanda_vgg16_tuned_conv7_flattened/ \
  csv/rwanda_DHS_wealth.csv \
  csv/rwanda_cluster_avg_educ_nightlights.csv \
  csv/rwanda_TL.csv \
  nightlights/F182010.v4d_web.stable_lights.avg_vis.tif \
  models/indexes/rwanda_vgg16_tuned \

Getting images that cause activation in later layers

Extract the features of a convolutional layer:

python \
  features/rwanda_vgg16_block4_pool/ \
  block5_conv3 \
  --model models/rwanda_vgg16_tuned.h5

Compute which images activate each filter in that layer:

python \
  features/rwanda_vgg16_tuned_block5_conv3/ \
  activations/rwanda_vgg16_tuned_block5_conv3.txt \

Visualize which images maximize each filter:

python \
  activations/rwanda_vgg16_tuned_block5_conv3.txt \
  images/Rwanda_simple/ \

Restricting feature extraction and training to a subset of images

Run this command twice. Once to produce training indexes for training the top (indexes/Rwanda_train_top_training_indexes.txt), and once to produce indexes for fine-tuning (indexes/Rwanda_tuning_training_indexes.txt).

python util/ \
  images/Rwanda_simple/ \
  csv/rwanda_TL.csv \
  indexes/Rwanda_test_indexes.txt \
  10000 > indexes/Rwanda_train_top_training_indexes.txt

You can also precompute the indexes of features that are close to the DHS clusters:

python util/ \
  csv/rwanda_DHS_wealth.csv \
  csv/rwanda_cluster_avg_educ_nightlights.csv \
  csv/rwanda_cluster_avg_water_nightlights.csv \
  csv/rwanda_TL.csv \
  nightlights/F182010.v4d_web.stable_lights.avg_vis.tif > indexes/Rwanda_dhs_cluster_indexes.txt

You can restric feature extraction to just examples with indexes defined in a set of files:

python \
  images/Rwanda_simple/ \
  block5_pool \
  --output-dir features/rwanda_vgg16_block5_pool/ \
  --filter-indexes indexes/Rwanda_test_indexes.txt indexes/Rwanda_train_top_training_indexes.txt

Note that you can provide multiple files from which to read the indexes for feature extraction!

Then, you can train the top or do fine-tuning with these precomputed training indexes, for example:

python \
  features/rwanda_vgg16_block5_pool \
  csv/rwanda_TL.csv \
  indexes/Rwanda_test_indexes.txt \
  --learning-rate 0.01 \
  --batch-size=100 \
  --epochs=6 \
  --training-indexes-file=indexes/Rwanda_train_top_training_indexes.txt \


If you're setting up a machine from scratch, you'll need to follow these steps.

GPU setup

It's critical that you work with a GPU for this to have any reasonable performance on training and feature extraction.

On a Google Cloud compute instance:

Install the GPU (instructions based on those from (Google Cloud docs)[]):

echo "Checking for CUDA and installing."
if ! dpkg-query -W cuda; then
  # The 16.04 installer works with 16.10.
  curl -O
  sudo dpkg -i ./cuda-repo-ubuntu1604_8.0.61-1_amd64.deb
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install cuda -y

Add the CudNN library: From your main development computer (not Google Cloud), transfer the deb that you download from here (make sure to download version 5.1).

scp -i ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine ~/Downloads/libcudnn6_6.0.20-1+cuda8.0_amd64.deb  andrew@

Then from the compute machine, install it with dpkg:

sudo dkpg -i libcudnn6_6.0.20-1+cuda8.0_amd64.deb

Other Project dependencies

git clone <link to this repository>

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pip --fix-missing
pip install virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python-gdal

cd DiiD-Predictor
virtualenv --system-site-packages venv -p python3  # lets you access system-wide python3-gdal
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -I -r requirements.txt

Get images for a country

mkdir images
cd images/
gsutil -m cp -r gs://diid/Rwanda .


Code used for the ICTD '17 paper, "Can Human Development Be Measured with Satellite Imagery"






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  • Jupyter Notebook 55.1%
  • Python 44.9%