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Secret Gun Registry

America desperately needs a gun registry. Currently all we have are paper records which cannot be searched. A gun registry would be a searchable database that tracks a gun's serial number as it is bought and sold throughout the country. However, because of strong lobbying powers and 18 U.S.C. 926(a) such a registry isn't allowed.

Much of the argument against such a registry comes from the thought that it would help the government disarm citizens if there was ever revolts against them. However, this concern can be mitigated.

We present a database that has slow and resource intensive retrievals, encrypted storage and no scanning. These slowdowns and resource requirements are a fundamental property of the way the data is stored. This means:

  • Transaction information can only be retrieved for known serial numbers
  • A full view of the database is not possible without first enumerating all serial numbers
  • Each retrieval can be forced to take an arbitrary amount of time, thus limiting any brute force attack
  • These properties persist even if the raw data is stolen and analyzed with new code.

How to use

If you just want to play around, import the GunRegistry object and have a go! defines the various properties of the database including how resource intensive each query should be. This resource intensiveness is defined by bcrypt/scrypt parameters.

To make this a bit more useful, we also include GunRegistryRedis and GunRegistryCassandra that store results in Redis or Cassandra.

For the default non-development config values, we can see the following performance:

In [1]: from gun_registry import GunRegistry

In [2]: db = GunRegistry()

# Inserting a record takes 114 seconds!
In [3]: db.add_record("US3249877651X", name='mynameisfiber', timestamp=234234)
enc_gunid: 20.0598s
enc_metadata: 94.7125s

In [4]: db.add_record("US3249877651X", name='someoneelse', timestamp=234236)
enc_gunid: 20.2734s
enc_metadata: 94.6475s

# Each data retrieval takes ~95 seconds plus a 20 second overhead
In [5]: result = list(db.get_records("US3249877651X"))
enc_gunid: 19.9013s
dec_metadata: 97.4017s
dec_metadata: 93.0884s

In [6]: for i in result:
   ...:     print(i['name'])

# Attempting to read a key that doesn't exist takes ~20 seconds
In [7]: list(db.get_records("RANDOM_ID"))
enc_gunid: 19.8754s
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-a2463cf0fa96> in <module>()                              
----> 1 list(db.get_records("RANDOM_ID"))    
/home/micha/playground/gunregistry/ in get_records(self, gunid)
      8             values = self._get_records(key)       
      9         except KeyError:
---> 10             raise KeyError(gunid)
     11         for value in values:
     12             yield Record(gunid).dec_metadata(value)
KeyError: 'RANDOM_ID'  


In you'll see the various parameters for setting how resource intensive the encryption tasks are. Here's a rundown of what they mean:

Parameter Meaning
bcrypt.gensalt(rounds=18) This designates how hard it is to do the data lookup (even if the data doesn't exist in the registry). Values range from 4-31 where 4 means the calculation is fast and 31 is incredibly slow. For reference, on my laptop rounds=4 results in 0.002s per gun id while rounds=18 results in 20s. Each additional round roughly doubles the required time.
SCRYPT_ENC_PARAMS['maxtime'] Maximum time in seconds to encrypt/decrypt the payload of each record. The actual amount of time spent encryption is generally fairly close to this number.
SCRYPT_ENC_PARAMS['maxmem'] Maximum amount of memory in bytes used to encrypt/decrypt the payload of each record. Actual memory use is generally fairly close to this number
SCRYPT_ENC_PARAMS['maxmemfrac'] Same as maxmem above, but written in terms of a fraction of available memory.


Sketch of a privacy ensuring gun registry






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