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Hypermedia directives for bitcoin arbitrage

  1. if node N interacts with a node that isn't itself, who would it be based on model R?


  1. Intra- and Inter-exchange arbitrage

##Front end ideas

URL: ./charge/
METHOD: post

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
    controller('paymentSection', [
      ($scope, $q, $http) ->
        console.log $scope
        $scope.goToGoogle = () ->
          count = 0
          arrOfVoters = [
            () ->
              return $http.get('http://endpointProfile1')
            () ->
              return $http.get('http://endpointProfile2')
            () ->
              return $http.get('http://endpointProfile3')
            () ->
              return $http.get('http://endpointProfile4')
          d = $q.all arrOfVoters

          d.then (data) ->
            if data.count > .65
              window.location.href = $scope.purchase.nextPage
  <div ctrl="">
      nextPage: ''
      Go to Google if voter endpoints suggest that
      should be the next site the next user sees


  1. Set up angularFire and angularfire-generator through Yeoman. Build out Directives, etc.
  2. Wrap with angularAMD and angularamd-generator.
  3. pygraphviz, etc.
  4. Rickshaw or D3+c3.
  5. twisted to automate posts to Firebase instance.
  6. BreezeJS wrappers for factories (data mode) and services layer.