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MNIST Digit Recognition

This package provides training and evaluation code to perform Digit Recognition with Convolutional Neural Network on the MNIST dataset. The accuracy on the test set is 99.47%.

  1. Installation
  2. Methodology
  3. Running
  4. Results

1. Installation

The package depends on:

  1. TF-Slim: The lightweight syntactic sugar library of TensorFlow
  2. Menpo Project: The Python framework for data handling and deformable modeling.

In general, as explained in Menpo's installation instructions, it is highly recommended to use conda as your Python distribution.

Once downloading and installing conda, this project can be installed by:

Step 1: Create a new conda environment and activate it:

$ conda create -n mnist python=3.5
$ source activate mnist

Step 2: Install TensorFlow following the official installation instructions. For example, for 64-bit Linux, the installation of GPU enabled, Python 3.5 TensorFlow involves:

(mnist)$ export TF_BINARY_URL=
(mnist)$ pip install --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL

Step 3: Install menpo from the menpo channel as:

(mnist)$ conda install -c menpo menpo

Step 4: Clone and install the digitrecognition project as:

(mnist)$ cd ~/Documents
(mnist)$ git clone
(mnist)$ pip install -e digitrecognition/

2. Methodology

The solution implemented in this package is the following:

  • Data pre-processing
    During training, each image is pre-processed in the following way:

    • The image is rotated around its centre with a random angle.
    • The image is skewed (distorted) with random angles.

    The pre-proceessing is happenning on the fly, i.e. every time a new example is loaded the pre-processing is applied. Given that we also do not limit the number of batches, the system will keep training with an infinite number of randomly perturbed examples. This pre-processing is implemented using Menpo. You can find the implementation in To get an idea of the results of the employed pre-processing, you can run the following code in a Jupyter notebook:

    %matplotlib inline
    from numpy.random import randint
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from menpo.image import Image
    from digitrecognition import import_mnist_data
    from digitrecognition.data_provider import preprocess
    # Load train images
    train_images, _, _, _, _, _ = import_mnist_data(verbose=True)
    # Generate random image index
    i = randint(0, len(train_images))
    # Pre-process image
    im = train_images[i].pixels_with_channels_at_back()[..., None]
    im = preprocess(im)
    # Plot before and after
  • Network architecture:
    After trying a few network architectures, the best performing one is:

    1. Convolutional layer (64 filters, 5x5 kernel, batch normalization)
    2. Max-Pooling layer (2x2 kernel)
    3. Convolutional layer (32 filters, 5x5 kernel, batch normalization)
    4. Max-Pooling layer (2x2 kernel)
    5. Fully Connected layer (1024 outputs, batch normalization)
    6. Fully Connected layer (10 outputs)

    The definitions of the various architectures can be found in

  • Learning rate decay:
    The experiments showed that to decay the learning rate can help a lot. The initial value of the learning rate is 0.001 and then it decreases with a rate of 0.9 every 10000 steps. Refer to for more details on how this is implemented.

  • Optimizer:
    The employed optimizer is tf.train.AdamOptimizer which proved better than tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer.

3. Running

To run the training and evaluation, do the following:

Data Collection: In the terminal, run

(mnist)$ python digitrecognition/

which will download the MNIST data, if are not already downloaded, load them and convert them to tfrecords files. The files are stored in the data/ folder. Note that the data will be split in the training, validation and testing sets.

Training: To train the model, run:

(mnist)$ python digitrecognition/

which will initiate the training. Various arguments can be passed in through that function:

  --architecture ARCHITECTURE
                        The network architecture to use: baseline, ultimate,
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size.
  --num_train_batches NUM_TRAIN_BATCHES
                        Number of batches to train (epochs).
  --log_train_dir LOG_TRAIN_DIR
                        Directory with the training log data.
  --initial_learning_rate INITIAL_LEARNING_RATE
                        Initial value of learning rate decay.
  --decay_steps DECAY_STEPS
                        Learning rate decay steps.
  --decay_rate DECAY_RATE
                        Learning rate decay rate.
  --eval_set EVAL_SET   The dataset to evaluate on: train, validation or test
  --num_samples NUM_SAMPLES
                        Number of samples to evaluate.
  --log_eval_dir LOG_EVAL_DIR
                        Directory with the evaluation log data.
  --momentum MOMENTUM   Optimizer .
  --optimization OPTIMIZATION
                        The optimization method to use. Either 'rms' or
  --verbose [VERBOSE]   Print log in terminal.

These arguments and their default values are defined in Note that by default, the training log files are stored in ./log/train/.

Evaluation: To evaluate the model on the validation set, run:

(mnist)$ python digitrecognition/

Note that by default, the validation log files are stored in ./log/eval/.

Testing: Testing can be performed as:

(mnist)$ python digitrecognition/ --eval_set=test --log_eval_dir=./log/eval_test

TensorBoard: You can simultaneously run the training and validation. The results can be observed through TensorBoard. Simply run:

(mnist)$ tensorboard --logdir=log

This makes it easy to explore the graph, data, loss evolution and accuracy on the validation set.

4. Results

The ultimate architecture achieves the best accuracy on the test set, followed by ultimate_v2 and baseline. Specifically, the accuracy on the test set is:

Architecture Accuracy Steps
ultimate 99.47% ~210k
ultimate_v2 99.37% ~257k


_Figure 1: The streaming accuracy of `ultimate` network. The blue and orange lines report the accuracy on the validation and test set._


_Figure 2: The streaming loss of `ultimate` (blue) and `ultimate_v2` (green) networks._


_Figure 3: The graph of the `ultimate` network._


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