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Division of labor simulation based on joint tracking experiments.

How to guide


Runs evolutionary code and the simulation. To get the full list of option run:

python -m dol.main --help

If you provide an output directory it will generate:

  • a list of of files evo_xxx.json containing the parameters of pyevolver.Evolution object at generation xxx (including the genotype of the agents' population, and the fitness).
  • a file simulation.json with the parameters of the dol.Simulation that the agents go throughout evolution.

Rerun simulation

Assuming you have a specific dir with outputs from the dol.main code (see above), you can rerun the simulation of a given generation and a given agent in the population.

For instance,

python -m dol.run_from_dir --dir <dirpath>

Will run the simulation of the last saved generation and the best agent in the simulation and

python -m dol.run_from_dir --dir <dirpath> --write_data will create a subfolder data in the same directory with all the data from the simulation.

To get the full list of options run:

python -m dol.run_from_dir --help

You can also use this module inside a python script as follows:

from dol.run_from_dir import run_simulation_from_dir

perf, sim_perfs, evo, sim, data, sim_idx = run_simulation_from_dir('path/to/data')


  • perf: the overall performance of the best agent across multiple simulations computed as the average of the performances across all the pairs of agents (np.mean(sim_perfs)).
  • sim_perfs: the list of perfomances for each simulation (i.e., a list of n values, if an agent is undergoing n simulations with n other agents). Each performance is obtain as the average performances across trials (see trials_performances and sim_performance below). If the simulation is perfomed by a single gent sim_perfs is a list with a single value equaling perf.
  • evo: the pyevolver.Evolution object.
  • sim: the dol.Simulation object.
  • sim_idx: index of the simulation obtaining the best performance (np.argmin(sim_perfs)).
  • data: a list of dictionaries each containing the data from each of the n simulations (one per paired agent). In each dictionary contains the following keys.
    key Type/Shape Description
    trials_performances list(num_trials) list of performances for each trial between the two agents of the current simulation, computed as the average of the distance between tracker and target within each trial (see delta_tracker_target below)
    sim_performance float the average across trial performances (np.mean(trials_performances).
    current_agent_pop_idx tuple(2) a tuple (pop_idx, p_idx) where pop_idx is the index of the population of the current agent and p_idx the index of the current agent within the population.
    paired_agent_pop_idx tuple(2) analogous to above for the paired agent. If the simulation is perfomed by a single agent this is None.
    genotypes ndarray with size depending on the network architecture (e.g., number of neurons) genotypes of the agent(s) in the current simulation.
    phenotypes list of 2 dict phenotypes of the agent(s) in the current simulation.
    genotype_distance float distance between the genotypes of the current agent and the paired one (None if there is only a single agent).
    delta_tracker_target ndarray(num_trials, num_data_points) a list of arrays (one per trial) each containing data points, one for each step of the simulation representing the distance between tracker and target at that step.
    target_position ndarray(num_trials, num_data_points) contains a list of np.array (one per simulation trial) representing the positions of the target throughout the simulation.
    tracker_position ndarray(num_trials, num_data_points) as above wrt target position.
    tracker_angle ndarray(num_trials, num_data_points) as above wrt target angle (only relevant in 2d mode with XY_MODE disabled).
    tracker_wheels ndarray(num_trials, num_data_points, num_motors) as above wrt tracker wheels.
    tracker_velocity ndarray(num_trials, num_data_points) as above wrt tracker velocity (difference between the wheels).
    tracker_signals ndarray(num_trials, num_data_points, num_sensors) as above wrt tracker signal.
    agents_brain_output ndarray(num_trials, num_agents, num_data_points, num_brain_neurons) contains a list of arrays (one per simulation trial) where each array contains the brain output values in the corresponding trial.
    agents_brain_input ndarray(num_trials, num_agents, num_data_points, num_brain_neurons) as above, wrt agent brain input.
    agents_sensors ndarray(num_trials, num_agents, num_data_points, num_sensors) as above, wrt agent sensors.
    agents_brain_state ndarray(num_trials, num_agents, num_data_points, num_brain_neurons) as above, wrt agent brain state.
    agents_derivatives as above, wrt agent brain derivatives.
    agents_motors ndarray(num_trials, num_agents, num_data_points, num_brain_neurons) as above, wrt agent motors.
    agents_motors_control_indexes list(num_trials) of tuple(2) a list of tuples (one per trial) where in each tuple (l,r), l is the index of the agent whose left output is controlling the left motor and r is the index of the agent whose right output is controlling the right motor.

Alife 2021 paper

The paper Evolution of Neural Complexity in Division of Labor Tasks by Ekaterina Sangati, Soheil Keshmiri, and Federico Sangati is based on this code.

Steps to reproduce the results:

  1. Install python 3.7.3

  2. Clone repository and checkout version tag 0.1.0

    • git clone
    • cd ecsu-dol-simulation
    • git checkout 0.1.0
  3. Create and activate python virtual environment, and upgrade pip

    • python3 -m venv .venv
    • source .venv/bin/activate
    • python -m pip install --upgrade pip
  4. Build required libraries

    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. If you want to run the simulations on a cluster, execute the following 3 scritps in the slurm directory :

    • sbatch slurm/array_2n_iso.slurm (isolated condition)
    • sbatch slurm/array_2n_switch.slurm (generalist condition)
    • sbatch slurm/array_2n_dual.slurm (specialist condition)

    This will run each condition (isolated, generalist, specialist) on 20 seeds (20 times from seed 1 to 20). The output directories are respectively:

    • 1d_2n_exc-0.1_zfill
    • 1d_2n_exc-0.1_zfill_rp-3_dual
    • 1d_2n_exc-0.1_zfill_rp-3_switch

    Our code has been run on 128 AMD Epyc CPUs nodes cluster at OIST running CentOS 8.

  6. Alternatively, if you want to run the simulation on a personal computer: execute the python3 command included in any slurm file above, setting seed and output directory appropriately.

  7. Optionally, if you want to rerun a simulation of a given seed after running the simulation, and optionally visualize animation and data plots of behavior and neural activity, run (see available arguments): python -m dol.run_from_dir --help

  8. In order to obtain the analysis and plots in the paper, run the following commands:

    • python -m dol.alife21.run_analysis_and_plots --indir data --outdir data/analysis_alife21, where --indir is the directory containing the data from the simultaions (default=data).
    • install R ( and run the following:
      cd rstat
      R [enter into R]
      > install.packages(c("dplyr", "tidyr", "car", "ggplot2", "ggsignif", "ggpubr", "pastecs", "")
      > q() [quit R]
      Rscript dol_complexity.R


Division of labor simulation based on joint tracking experiments.






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