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Setup Local Vagrant Server

vagrant up
fab vagrant bootstrap
fab vagrant createsuperuser
fab vagrant loaddata
fab vagrant runserver

Setup a Remote Staging/Production Server

Provision a fresh Server with Chef and Fabric

Configure server settings

Create a node file with the name scripts/cookbook/node_staging.json from the template in scripts/cookbook/node_staging.json.template. Set the postgresql password and add your ssh public key to scripts/node_staging.json. Tested with Ubuntu 12.04 (precise pangolin).

Sample config file

    "user": "www-data",
    "servername": "",
    "dbname": "marine-planner",
    "staticfiles": "/usr/local/apps/marine-planner/mediaroot",
    "mediafiles": "/usr/local/apps/marine-planner/mediaroot",
    "users": [
            "name": "jsmith",
            "key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3sdkfjhsdkhjfdjkhfffdj.....fhfhfjdjdfhQ== jsmith@machine.local"
    "postgresql": {
        "password": {
            "postgres": "some random password here"
    "run_list": [

When first creating a new droplet on digital ocean, you can add ssh keys for users. This will allows those users to log in as root from there machines with ssh USERNAME@IP_ADDRESS. After the prepare command (see below) runs users will no longer have access to the root login. Instead users will be logged into their own acocunts. The prepare command creates one or more users with sudo access based on the list of users specified in the json file. If you need to log in as root you will need to reuqest the root password from Digital Ocean.

Install Prerequisites and Deploy

These commands install all the prerequisites, including postgresql, python and all the required modules in a virtual environment as well as gunicorn and nginx to serve the static files. Try running with 'root' if your username doens't work.

fab staging:<username>@<hostname> prepare

# Deploy to staging site (by default uses the staging branch)
fab staging:<username>@<hostname> deploy

# Deploy to live site
fab staging:<username>@<hostname> deploy:master


Installation is defined in scripts/cookbooks/app/recipes/default.rb

Start ElasticSearch

sudo /etc/init.d/elasticsearch start

Build ElasticSearch Index

cd /usr/local/apps/geosurvey/server
./ rebuild_index --settings=config.environments.staging

Backing up and restoring databases

If you are restoring a live database to your vagrant you should drop and recreate the local datbase before restoring

To drop and recreate

vagrant ssh

# Once on the vagrant machine
dropdb geosurvey 
createdb -U postgres -T template0 -O postgres geosurvey -E UTF8 --locale=en_US.UTF-8
fab staging:username@ backup_db
fab staging:username@ restore_db:backups/2013-11-111755-geosurvey.dump
fab staging:username@ migrate_db

Running managment commands on tools-dev (ost-dev5)

Log into and run

./ COMMAND_NAME --settings=config.environments.staging


This will take whatever is in you local directory, i.e. it does not pull from github. So make sure to do a git pull ... if necessary. Staging site

fab staging:wilblack@ deploy

Live site

fab deploy


No packages published


  • JavaScript 71.5%
  • Python 15.0%
  • CSS 8.3%
  • Objective-C 2.7%
  • Ruby 2.0%
  • Shell 0.4%
  • Other 0.1%