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Transitland Datastore

A community-run and -edited timetable and map of public transit service around the world.

Integrates with the Transitland Feed Registry.

Behind the scenes: a Ruby on Rails web service (backed by Postgres/PostGIS), along with an asynchronous Sidekiq queue (backed by Resque) that runs Ruby and Python data-ingestion libraries.

For more information about the overall process, see Transitland: How it Works.

Data Model

Every entity has a globally unique Onestop ID. Entities include:

  • Feed
  • Operator
  • Stop
  • Route

The Datastore uses changesets to track additions/edits/removals of entities.

Entities are associated with each other using relationship managers:

Entities also include any number of identifiers.

For a complete visualization of the Datastore's data model, see doc/data-model.svg

To Develop Locally

  1. We'll assume you already have Ruby 2.0+ and Python 2.7 interpreters available on your system.

  2. Install dependencies. Here's how to do it on Mac OS using the Homebrew package manager:

  • brew install postgis Postgres database with the PostGIS extension
  • brew install redis Redis key-value store (used for the Sidekiq async worker queue)
  • optional brew install graphviz Graphviz graph visualization library (used to generate entity-relation diagrams). Only necessary if you'll be adding models and database migrations.
  1. Run the Datastore setup script, which will install Ruby gems, install Python packages, and set your local configuration to default values:

  2. Depending upon your needs, you may need to modify your configuration by editing config/application.yml and config/database.yml.

    Note that any values in config/database.yml can also be overwritten with environment variables---useful if you're running a production server.

    The tokens you specify in config/application.yml will be used for API Authentication.

  3. Create and initialize the database:

bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:setup
  1. Optional Add sample data to the database (includes a few operators, stops, and routes in the SF Bay Area):
bundle exec rake db:seed
  1. Start the server and background queue: bundle exec foreman start

To Run Tests Locally

  1. Run the full test suite: bundle exec rake
  2. To view coverage report: open coverage/index.html

API Endpoints

Example URL Parameters
POST /api/v1/changesets include a changeset payload in the request body (secured)
PUT /api/v1/changesets/32
(a Changeset can only be updated if it hasn't yet been applied)
include a changeset payload in the request body (secured)
POST /api/v1/changesets/1/append Add an additional changeset payload to a Changeset (secured)
POST /api/v1/changesets/1/check (secured)
POST /api/v1/changesets/1/apply (secured)
POST /api/v1/changesets/1/revert (secured)
GET /api/v1/onestop_id/o-9q8y-SFMTA final part of the path can be a Onestop ID for any type of entity (for example, a stop or an operator)
GET /api/v1/stops none required
GET /api/v1/stops?identifer=4973 identifier can be any type of stop identifier
GET /api/v1/stops?identifer_starts_with=gtfs://f-9q9 identifer_starts_with can be any type of stop identifier fragment
GET /api/v1/stops?lon=-121.977772198&lat=37.413530093&r=100 lon is longitude; lat is latitude; r is radius of search in meters (if not specified, defaults to 100 meters)
GET /api/v1/stops?bbox=-122.4183,37.7758,-122.4120,37.7858 bbox is a search bounding box with southwest longitude, southwest latitude, northeast longitude, northeast latitude (separated by commas)
GET /api/v1/stops?servedBy=o-9q9-BART,r-9q8y-richmond~dalycity~millbrae servedBy can be any number of Onestop ID's for operators and routes
GET /api/v1/stops?tag_key=wheelchair_boarding find all stops that have a tag of tag_key with any value
GET /api/v1/stops?tag_key=wheelchair_boarding&tag_value=1 find all stops that have a tag of tag_key and a value of tag_value
GET /api/v1/operators none required
GET /api/v1/operators?identifer=SFMUNI identifier can be any type of operator identifier
GET /api/v1/operators?identifer_starts_with=gtfs://f-9q9 identifer_starts_with can be any type of operator identifier fragment
GET /api/v1/operators?lon=-121.977772198&lat=37.413530093&r=100 lon is longitude; lat is latitude; r is radius of search in meters (if not specified, defaults to 100 meters)
GET /api/v1/operators?bbox=-122.4183,37.7758,-122.4120,37.7858 bbox is a search bounding box with southwest longitude, southwest latitude, northeast longitude, northeast latitude (separated by commas)
GET /api/v1/operators?tag_key=agency_timezone find all operators that have a tag of tag_key with any value
GET /api/v1/operators?tag_key=agency_timezone&tag_value=America/Los_Angeles find all operators that have a tag of tag_key and a value of tag_value
GET /api/v1/routes none required
GET /api/v1/routes?identifer=19X identifier can be any type of route identifier
GET /api/v1/routes?identifer_starts_with=gtfs://f-9q9 identifer_starts_with can be any type of route identifier fragment
GET /api/v1/routes?operatedBy=o-9q9-BART operatedBy is a Onestop ID for an operator/agency
GET /api/v1/routes?bbox=-122.4183,37.7758,-122.4120,37.7858 bbox is a search bounding box with southwest longitude, southwest latitude, northeast longitude, northeast latitude (separated by commas)
GET /api/v1/routes?tag_key=vehicle_type find all routes that have a tag of tag_key with any value
GET /api/v1/routes?tag_key=vehicle_type&tag_value=bus find all routes that have a tag of tag_key and a value of tag_value
POST /api/v1/webhooks/feed_eater (secured)
POST /api/v1/webhooks/feed_eater?feed_onestop_ids=f-9q9-bayarearapidtransit,f-9q9-actransit feed_onestop_ids is an optional parameter; by default, all feeds in the registry are checked for updates (secured)
GET /api/v1/feeds none required
GET /api/v1/feeds?tag_key=license find all feeds that have a tag of tag_key with any value
GET /api/v1/feeds?tag_key=license&tag_value=Creative%20Commons%20Attribution%203.0%20Unported%20License find all feeds that have a tag of tag_key and a value of tag_value
GET /api/v1/feeds/f-9q9-bayarearapidtransit none required
GET /api/v1/feeds/f-9q9-bayarearapidtransit/feed_imports none required
GET /api/v1/schedule_stop_pairs Find all Schedule Stop Pairs
GET /api/v1/schedule_stop_pairs?origin_onestop_id=s-9q8yyugptw-sanfranciscocaltrainstation Find all Schedule Stop Pairs from origin
GET /api/v1/schedule_stop_pairs?origin_onestop_id=s-9q8yyugptw-sanfranciscocaltrainstation&date=2015-08-05 Find all Schedule Stop Pairs from origin on date

Pagination for JSON endpoints:

  • ?offset=50 is the index of the first entity to be displayed (starts with 0)
  • by default, 50 entities are displayed per page


  • by default, responses are paginated JSON
  • specify .geojson instead for GeoJSON on some endpoints. For example: /api/v1/stops.geojson?bbox=-122.4183,37.7758,-122.4120,37.7858 and /api/v1/routes.geojson?operatedBy=o-9q9-bayarearapidtransit

Running the FeedEater pipeline

This asynchronous background worker will import feeds specified in the Transitland Feed Registry.

To enqueue a worker from the command line:

  • to load all feeds: bundle exec rake enqueue_feed_eater_worker
  • to load one specified feed: bundle exec rake enqueue_feed_eater_worker[f-9q9-bayarearapidtransit]
  • to load a few specified feeds: bundle exec rake enqueue_feed_eater_worker['f-9q9-actransit f-c23-kingcounty']

To enqueue a worker from an endpoint:

POST /api/v1/webhooks/feed_eater

Note that this endpoint requires API authentication.

To check the status of background workers, you can view Sidekiq's dashboard at: /worker_dashboard. In production and staging environments, accessing the dashboard will require the user name and password specified in /config/application.yml or by environment variable.

To run the background workers regularly on servers, set up crontab entries:

bundle exec whenever --update-crontab --set environment=production

Note that the crontab schedule is set in config/schedule.rb.

API Authentication

Any API calls that involve writing to the database (creating/editing/applying changesets or running the "feed eater" data ingestion pipeline) require authentication. API keys are specified in config/application.yml. The key can be any alphanumeric string. For example:

# config/application.yml

Or, specify as an environment variable. For example, TRANSITLAND_DATASTORE_AUTH_TOKEN: 1a4494f1fc463ab8e32d6b bundle exec rails server

To authenticate, include the following in your POST or PUT request:

header name header value
Authorization Token token=fde67e1437ebf73e1f3eW

Conflating Stops with OpenStreetMap

Depends on the Valhalla routing engine and its Tyr ("Take Your Route") service.

To automatically conflate stops whenever they are created or their location changed, add TYR_AUTH_TOKEN to config/application.yml and set AUTO_CONFLATE_STOPS_WITH_OSM to true.


A community-run and -edited timetable and map of public transit service around the world.







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  • Ruby 90.8%
  • Python 6.2%
  • HTML 2.6%
  • Other 0.4%