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Monolithe is a Python toolset that generates sdks with their documentation and ReST api documentation based some specifications and configuration.

It provides the following commands:

  • monogen-sdk: generates a bambou-based sdk according to specifications and configuration.
  • monogen-apidoc: generates ReST api documentation according to specifications and configuration.

The specifications are a set of files containing json data describing one object per file, its properties and their characteristics, and its position in the api hierarchy.

For more info, please read the [Monolithe Specifications Reference](Specifications

In addition to the specifications, Monolithe uses a configuration that describes all the information relative to your sdk. For instance, you can set its name, the class prefix, some vanilla files, the license, and so on.

For more info, please read the [Monolithe Configuration & Vanilla Reference](Configuration & Vanilla

Monolithe is before all a framework that you can integrate with other tools.

For more info, please read the Monolithe API Documentation (TODO).


And remember, kids! You should always be using a virtualenv.

You can install Monolithe from PyPi:

$ pip install monolithe

Or install it from the source:

$ python install

Or install it in develop mode:

$ python develop

Or directly run the command wrappers provided in the commands directory. Simply install the dependencies once:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

ToDoList Tutorial

You can find an examples folder in the source code repository. This contains a working example for a todo list api. More informations can be found in each files of the examples.

Be sure to have Flask installed in addition to Monolithe's requirements.txt.

The example is composed of:

  • Some specifications in examples/specifications/
  • A Monolithe configuration in examples/conf/conf.ini
  • Some vanilla data in examples/vanilla
  • A command that starts a really stupid server that implements a ReST API for the ToDoList
  • A command that interacts with the server using the generated sdk named tdldk.

Step 1: install dependencies

$ cd monolithe # be sure to go and stay there for the rest of the tutorial ;)
$ pip install flask
$ pip install -r `requirements.txt`

Step 2: generate the tdldk

$ ./commands/monogen-sdk --config examples/conf/conf.ini --folder examples/specifications

Customizable using the configuration and the content of the vanilla/sdk folder.

You can also generate the sdk documentation by adding the --doc argument. But it's slow.

You'll see a codegen directory created under examples.

It contains all the auto-generated sdk source code according to the specifications files.

You can install it by doing:

$ cd examples/codegen
$ python develop
$ cd ../..

This is mandatory for Step 6

Don't forget to come back to the root folder

Step 3: generate the ReST api documentation

$ ./commands/monogen-apidoc --config examples/conf/conf.ini --folder examples/specifications

Customizable using the configuration and the content of the vanilla/apidoc folder.

You'll see a apidocgen directory created under examples.

You can open the index.html to navigate the api documentation.

Step 4: start the demo server

$ ./examples/
> * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
> * Restarting with stat

check that it's working by doing

$ curl
> [{"description": "Things to buy", "ID": "1", "title": "Shopping List"}, {"description": "You should not see this", "ID": "2", "title": "Secret List"}]

Step 5: run the client

$ ./examples/

And follow on screen instructions.

For mor information, open the file and follow the comments.

Step 6: have fun with the cli

Each Monolithe SDK comes with a command line interface. According to the Monolithe Configuration file, this cli is named tdl.

You can simply run

# hint: the exports can be put in a source file ;)
$ export TDL_USERNAME=user
$ export TDL_PASSWORD=password
$ export TDL_API_URL=
$ export TDL_API_VERSION=1.0
$ export TDL_ENTERPRISE=root

$ tdl create task --in lists 2 -p title='my task' description='from cli'
> [Success] task has been created with ID=b3ae22d2-6c87-11e5-be61-080027ba8f35
> +--------------+--------------------------------------+
> | status       | TODO                                 |
> | description  | from cli                             |
> | title        | my task                              |
> | parentType   | <the demo server doesn't handle that>|
> | parentID     | 2                                    |
> | owner        | <the demo server doesn't handle that>|
> | creationDate | <the demo server doesn't handle that>|
> | ID           | b3ae22d2-6c87-11e5-be61-080027ba8f35 |
> +--------------+--------------------------------------+

$ tdl list tasks --in lists 2
> [Success] 3 tasks have been retrieved
> +----------+---------------------------+---------------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+------+
> | status   | description               | title               | parentType   |   parentID |   owner |   creationDate |   ID |
> |----------+---------------------------+---------------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+------|
> | TODO     | We are doing it right now | Explain Monolithe   | list         |          2 |         |                |   21 |
> | TODO     | Almost done               | Make Garuda popular | list         |          2 |         |                |   22 |
> | TODO     | That is the plan          | Dominate the world  | list         |          2 |         |                |   23 |
> | TODO     | from cli                  | my task             |              |          2 |         |                |[snip]|
> +----------+---------------------------+---------------------+--------------+------------+---------+----------------+------+

tdl --help for the complete usage

Command Line Interfaces Quick Reference


This command will generate a sdk using specifications either from a local folder, or from a Github repository.

From Github

Using your username/password:

$ monogen-sdk --config [conf.ini] --branches [branch1[,branch2,...branchX]]
> Enter your Github API URL: []
> Enter your Github login: [username]
> Enter your Github organization: [repo-organization]
> Enter your Github repository: [repo-name]
> Enter your Github password for amercada: [password]

Of course, you can give all those parameters right from the cli:

$ monogen-sdk --config [conf.ini] -g [] -l [username] -o [repo-organization] -r [repo-name] -b [branch1[,branch2,...branchX]]
> Enter your Github Password:

You can also use a Github Application Token (

$ monogen-sdk --config [conf.ini] -g [] -t [token] -o [repo-organization] -r [repo-name] -b [branch1[,branch2,...branchX]]

Then you won't have to enter your password.

You can also defaults certains arguments by using a environment variables, and eventually put them in a source file:

$ cat ~/.monorc
> export MONOLITHE_GITHUB_ORGANIZATION=[repo-organization]
> export MONOLITHE_CONFIG_REPOSITORY_PATH=[/path/to/specsfolder]
> export MONOLITHE_CONFIG_FULLPATH=[path/to/conf]
$ source ~/.monorc

Then simply:

$ monogen-sdk -b [branch1[,branch2,...branchX]]
From a folder
$ monogen-sdk --config [conf.ini] --folder [/path/to/specifications/]


This command will generate a ReST api documentation using specifications either from a local folder, or from a Github repository.

This command is very similar to monogen-sdk.

From a folder
$ monogen-apidoc --config [conf.ini] --folder [/path/to/specifications/]
From Github

The monogen-apidoc works exactly the same than monogen-sdk


sdk generator based on specifications







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