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Quick start

To set up a development environment quickly, you can install the Virtualenv
package ( and then run


This will create a virtualenv under deploy/env and download, use easy_install
to get correct versions of prerequisites from the Internet, and finally run the
initial database setup.


Please ensure these Python packages are available on your server:

*   Django, ``pip install "Django>=1.4,<1.5"`

*   Pygments, ``pip install Pygments``

    We used version 1.4 during development; earlier versions may also work.

*   South, ``pip install South``

    We used version 0.7.3 during development; earlier versions may also work.

*   Sphinx, ``pip install Sphinx``

    We used version 1.1 during development because it handles MathJax.

    Note that the Sphinx requirement might seem to be a bit of an overkill
    for comment compiling. We use it though because it handles math nicely
    (a requirement for scientific commenting), and formats all manner of
    bullets, paragraphs, tt-text, etc. ``rst2html`` from ``docutils`` might
    be a better, lightweight substitute in the future.

*   Haystack search, ``pip install django-haystack``

    We used versions 1.2.x during development.

    You can edit the ```` file under ``deploy`` to customize
    the search options.

    We use either the Xapian or the Whoosh backend with Haystack:

    *   Whoosh: ``pip install Whoosh``

    *   For Xapian, see the installation instructions at

        Installation in a hosted environment will require more work.

        (We use Xapian version 1.2.6 on our dev and production servers)

        After installing Xapian, also install xapian-haystack:

        *   ``pip install xapian-haystack``

*   User registration, ``pip install django-registration``

*   Python Imaging Library (for screenshot handling): ``pip install PIL``

*   Mercurial:

Not required yet (might be as we add more functionality to the site):

*   ``pip install python-openid``


#.  Cloning the SciPy Central code repository:

    ``git clone``

#.  Ensure the following Django settings are in your ```` file:

    *   ``CSRF_FAILURE_VIEW = 'scipy_central.pages.views.csrf_failure'``
    *   ``ROOT_URLCONF = 'deploy.urls'``
    *   ``INSTALLED_APPS`` contains these apps:

        *   ``'django.contrib.auth'``
        *   ``'django.contrib.contenttypes'``
        *   ``'django.contrib.sessions'``
        *   ``'django.contrib.sites'``
        *   ``'django.contrib.messages'``
        *   ``'django.contrib.staticfiles'``
        *   ``'django.contrib.admin'``
        *   ``'django.contrib.admindocs'``
        *   ``'django.contrib.humanize'``
        *   ``'haystack'``
        *   ``'registration'``
        *   ``'south'``
        *   ``'widget_tweaks'``
        *   ``'scipy_central.filestorage'``
        *   ``'scipy_central.pages'``
        *   ``'scipy_central.person'``
        *   ``'scipy_central.submission'``
        *   ``'scipy_central.tagging'``
        *   ``'scipy_central.screenshot'``
        *   ``'scipy_central.pagehit'``

    *   ``AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'person.UserProfile'``
    *   ``REGISTRATION_OPEN = True``
    *   ``LOGIN_URL = '/user/login/'``
    *   ``SPC = { ... }``: see which key-value pairs are required by examing
        the code in the ```` file that is part of the SciPy
        Central code repository.
    *   ``JQUERY_URL = '...'``
    *   ``JQUERYUI_URL = '...'``
    *   ``JQUERYUI_CSS = '...'``
    *   ``ANALYTICS_SNIPPET = '...'``
    *   ``LOGGING = {...}``: you need a logger called ``scipycentral``, see
        more information at
        and also see the ```` file that is part of the SciPy
        Central code repository.

#.	``./ syncdb``
#.  ``./ migrate``          # to run the ``south`` db migrations
#.	``./ loaddata sample``  # to load licenses, tags and other data
#.  ``./ rebuild_index``    # to rebuild the Haystack search index
#.  or ``./ update_index``

Backup and restore

There are 4 components to backup:

    #.  Database: use ``deploy/``
    #.  Repositories: use ``rsync`` and mirror ``SPC['storage_dir']``
        directory that you set in ````
    #.  Raw image files: rsync the ``SPC['raw_image_dir']``
    #.  Resized images: rsync the ``SPC['resized_image_dir']``

To restore:

    #.  Delete your existing database.

    #.  Run: ``./ syncdb`` to create the empty tables in the database.

    #.  ``./ migrate`` to run the ``south`` db migrations

    #.  ``./ reset contenttypes`` to remove the ``contenttypes``
        objects created by ``syncdb``, which will inevitibly clash with those
        restored from the database dump (in the next step). See

    #.  ``./ loaddata backup-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.json``

        which restores the json database dump created by ```` in
        step 1 of the backup procedure.

    #.  Do a full mirror of the rsynced repositories to your new
        ``SPC['storage_dir']`` location. This storage contains hidden
        directories (.hg or .git directories).

    #.  Similarly, restore the mirror of the resized images (the raw images
        may optionally be restored).


Code from other BSD-licensed applications has been used in this project, and
attributed at the point of use. In summary though, we have used code from:

* `django-taggit <>`_
* ` <>`_
* `django-registration <>`_
* `django-avatar <>`_
* `Sphinx <>`)

The jQuery Forms extensions is MIT licensed (compatible with BSD); more
information at

The Rss Feed icon is taken from Wikipedia and its licensed under GNU GPL v2, GNU LGPL v2.1, Mozilla Public License v1.1 and is described at


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  • Python 79.6%
  • JavaScript 20.4%