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You can find the latest version of the source code on github

What is it?

Briefly, dmangame is about writing an AI to play a simplified Realtime Strategy Game. There is no 'playing' done by humans, the game is played by various AI. Each AI controls a team of units that it is able to communicate with. The AI's objective is to crush its enemies and hear the lamentation of their pixels.

Your objective is to code this AI.


# Play with graphics (you probably want this)
python ai/ ai/

# Play without graphics
python ai/ ai/ -c

# Play on a specific map
python ai/ ai/ -m maps/

# Run with any number of AIs
python ai/ ai/ ai/ ai/

# Help
python --help

##Game Play##

Game Mechanics


The world is a 2dimensional square that is MAP_SIZExMAP_SIZE. There are 3 main objects that exist in the game world: units, buildings and bullets.


The only object that the AIs can command are units. Each unit has an AI that it belongs to and it will only accept commands from that AI. These units have 3 abilities: moving, shooting and capturing. Additionally, every unit is able to see its surroundings and report them back to its AI. The units have energy and when that runs to zero, they die. The only way to acquire more units is through buildings.


Buildings are stationary objects that spawn a new Unit every UNIT_SPAWN_MOD turns for the AI that owns the Building. A building can be captured by another AI through its units. To capture a building, a unit must step inside it and begin capturing. If the unit can stay there for CAPTURE_LENGTH turns without shooting or moving, the base will change ownership to that units AI.


When a unit attacks, they can either attack the square they are currently standing on, or a square that is within range. if they are attacking the same square they are on, they use a Melee attack.

The melee attack instantly kills all enemy units on the same square (and no allies).

If they are attacking a distant square, they shoot a bullet towards that square. The bullet travels at about MAPSIZE/10 units a turn, while their full range is MAPSIZE/8 units. Any unit who falls within the path of a bullet will take damage (including allies).


When a bullet hits a unit, its energy is depleted by ATTACK*LOG(MAPSIZE) - ARMOR amount. If a unit's energy falls below 0, it is considered dead and is taken off the map. Any moves that the unit made during the round are still carried out - so it can finish a capture event or attack.

End game

The game ends when only one AI owns all units and buildings or LIFESPAN turns have passed. If the game ends when LIFESPAN turns have passed, it is considered a draw.

##Writing an AI##

You write an AI that is responsible for controlling a team of units. Your AI should subclass ai.AI and can implement three functions:

def _init(self):
def _unit_spawned(self, unit):
def _unit_died(self, unit):
def _spin(self):

_init() is called when the AI is first created. Every turn of the game world, _spin() is called. During this time, the AI should interact with its units and issue commands. Whenever a unit is spawned by a building, its AI is notified via the _unit_spawned(unit) call. Whenever a unit dies, the AI is notified via a _unit_died(unit) call.

You can interact with your units via the properties defined in ai.AI (ai/ For example, you can have all your units move to the top left of the world with:

for unit in self.units:

or list which squares you can see, your visible enemies or which buildings are currently in view.

print self.visible_enemies
print self.visible_squares
print self.visible_buildings

The game starts out with one building per AI. Each AI is then initialized with a call to _init(), and the game world starts running. On the first turn of the game, each building spawns a unit. Every UNIT_SPAWN_MOD (as defined in the map) turns, the buildings spawn a unit of whichever AI happens to be controlling them.

The end objective is to capture all enemy buildings and kill all enemy units. Every unit is capable of shooting towards a square, moving towards a square or capturing a building (If they are on the same square as a building).

A simple example AI###

import ai
class SimpleAI(ai.AI):
    def _init(self):
      print self.currentTurn

    def _spin(self):
      print self.my_units
      print self.visible_enemies

    def _unit_spawned(self, unit):
      print "Received a new unit: %s" % unit

This AI just prints world information as it turns. You'll notice that it dies very quickly, since it just stands there.

To run it, try:

python ai/ ai/

Building a more defensive AI:

import ai
import random
class TowerAI(ai.AI):
  def _init(self):
    self.moved_once = set()

  def _spin(self):
    for unit in self.my_units:
      if unit.visible_enemies:
        if not unit in self.moved_once:
          unit.move((random.randint(0, self.mapsize),
                     random.randint(0, self.mapsize)))

This AI is slightly smarter - for each unit, it picks a spot on the map and moves the unit there. If it arrives there without issue, it will stop moving and attack anything that comes near it.

If the unit notices an enemy unit on the way there, it'll start attacking. The attack stops the unit's movement, and the unit will sit at that location. (and not continue to its final destination).

python ai/ ai/

##Unit API##

The most up to date API information is in


Each unit can perform one action per turn. If multiple actions are enqueued inadvertently, an exception will be raised.

####unit.shoot((x,y))#### this will shoot a bullet towards (x,y), even if X,Y is not in range. The bullet will travel as far as it can go. Any units who are in the path of the bullet at the end of the round will take damage.

####unit.move((x,y))#### this will move the unit towards (x,y) by their speed amount

####unit.capture(building)#### this initiates a capture of the building if the unit is occupying the same square as the building. For a capture to happen successfully, the Unit must stay in the building for a length of time after initiating the capture.


See ai/ for the available AI functions, and look in ai/ for more example AIs.

See Also:

I've been a fan of AI based games for a while, such as the [Google AI Challenge][g_src] and the [Queue ICPC Challenge][i_src]. They are fun and challenging (could you tell from their titles?) [g_src]: [i_src]:


an ai game. maybe.






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