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1. Linux

First of all download Robocheck

$ git clone
1.1 Using the installation script

Run the following command from the downloaded folder.

$ ./

From now on you can run Robocheck just by using the command $ robocheck.

1.2 Step by step installation:

After you've downloaded the files check to see if Python is installed. You can install it by running

$ apt-get install python

The next step would be to install python-pip

$ apt-get install python-pip

Create an alias for Robocheck in ~/.bashrc like this:

alias robocheck="python /path/to/"

Installing Robocheck's dependencies:

  1. Valgrind
    $ valgrind --version
    If the command is not found run:
    $ apt-get install valgrind
  2. Dr. Memory
    $ drmemory -version
    If the command is not found download Dr. Memory from here. After downloading extract the files from the archive using
    $ tar -xzf DrMemory-Linux-1.5.1-6.tar.gz
    Create a symbolic link to drmemory's binary in /bin so that it can be run using drmemory command.
    $ ln -s /path/to/DrMemory-Linux-1.5.1-6/bin/ /bin/drmemory
    Check to see if it's working by running
    $ drmemory -version

You have succesfully installed Robocheck! :)

2. Windows

Download robocheck by clicking here or on the Download ZIP button on the right of this page and then extract the archive.

Before moving further make sure you installed:

  • Python2.7 along with python-pip. You can download the installer from here.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio. The installer is found here. (Before running Robocheck cl and nmmake commands should be available from the command prompt. Go to this link for a guide on how to do this.)
1.1 Using the installation script

Open a command prompt window and go to the extracted directory.

C:\path\to\robocheck> install-robocheck-windows.bat

If the installation was successful the next step should be setting the environment variables.

Go to Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings and then, under the Advanced tab, click on Environment Variables....

Edit the PATH system variable by appending the following, each suffixed by a semicolon:

  • robocheck folder path
  • drmemory bin folder path

Test if robocheck is available from command prompt

C:\> robocheck
1.2 Step by step installation

Open a command prompt.

C:\> pip install -U mock

Download Dr. Memory from this link. Extract the archive and then add the path of the Dr. Memory bin/ directory to the PATH variable as shown above.

You have succesfully installed Robocheck! :)


1. If you have an alias in .bashrc run:
robocheck --config
2. Otherwise run:
python /path/to/ --config

Using Robocheck

IMPORTANT!!! Never run Robocheck through a symbolic link! Use either an alias or the full command.

Robocheck receives a zip archive that must have a predefined structure!

1. Zip Archive's structure

The archive must have in the root two folders src/ and bins/. In the src/ folder there should be all the source files for the executables and in bins/ all the binaries/executables and if necessary their data files.

2. Running robocheck

After the archive was created using the specifications from 3.1 you can run Robocheck:

  • (Linux) If you have an alias in .bashrc using robocheck /path/to/
  • (Windows) If the environment paths are set accordingly using python /path/to/
  • Otherwise using python /path/to/ /path/to/