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Kinnected is an application to keep all of your perfessional connections in one place. Simple way to allow for viewing the different relationships in your group

###Set up

  1. Make sure you have python 3.5 installed on your machine

  2. Clone the repo and cd into the directory

  3. Create a virtual envorment with the command

    python3 -m venv flask

  4. Install requirments with

    flask/bin/pip install -r requirments.txt

  5. Execute the to create the database


    • if this doesn't execute give it exection permission with

      chmod a+x

  6. Migrate the database by executing


    • same as above if it doesn't execute give it permission with

      chmod a+x

  7. Start the server with the command


    • follow above steps to make the file executatble
  8. Go to port localhost:5000 to view that local app