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Fairmarket: the key project in the new global economic ecosystem we want to build

FairCoop is an open global cooperative, self-organized via the Internet and remaining outside nation-state control. Its aim is to make the transition to a new world by reducing the economic and social inequalities among human beings as much as possible, and at the same time gradually contribute to a new global wealth, accessible to all humankind as commons.

FairCoop understands that the transformation to a fairer monetary system is a key element. Therefore, Faircoin was proposed as the cryptocurrency upon which to base its resource-redistribution actions and building of a new global economic system. To read more about FairCoop:

How to participate

Setup for running FairMarket which runs on Odoo

The following commands will create an odoo user:

useradd -m -g sudo -s /bin/bash odoo  # Create an 'Odoo' user with sudo powers
passwd odoo  # Ask and set a password for the new user

You can change odoo to whatever username you want. The -m option has its home directory created. The -g sudo adds it to the sudoers list, so it can run commands as root, and the -s /bin/bash sets the default shell to bash , which is nicer to use than the default sh. To keep things tidy, let’s work in an /odoo-dev directory inside your home directory. First, make sure you are logged in as the user created above, or during the installation process, and not as root. Assuming your user is odoo , you can confirm this with the following command:

echo $HOME

Now we can use this script. It shows us how to install Odoo from source in a Debian system:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade  # Install system updates
sudo apt-get install git  # Install Git
mkdir ~/odoo-dev  # Create a directory to work in
cd ~/odoo-dev  # Go into our work directory

####Clone repository

git clone

####Set up Odoo

./odoo/ setup_deps  # Installs Odoo system dependencies
./odoo/ setup_pg  # Installs PostgreSQL & db superuser for unix user

####Set up Fairmarket

createdb odoodb #To make a database in postresql
createdb odootestdb
psql -f data/pg_dumpall_FairMarket odoodb #To restore the database to postgresql. 

At the end, Fairmarket-Odoo should be ready to be used. The ~ symbol is a shortcut for your home directory (for example, /home/odoo ).

Now we can log in as the new user and set up Odoo.

Now you can work with the local FairMarket. You can login with the following users: admin (administrator). (owner of the company FairMarketDocumenter for testing). Password for the users: Fair.