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Ascetic Migrations

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For my personal projects I'd like to use raw sql migrations. Django for example generates ugly key names: something like: key_number


Simply run in your bash:

pip install amigrations


from amigratons import AMigrations

amigrations = AMigrations('mysql://root:123456@localhost:3306/amigrations_test', path_to_folder_with_migrations)
files_created = amigrations.create(migraiton_message)
# files_created is a dictionary with two keys: up and down. If you want immediately update migration content, please
# do following
with files_created['up'].open('w') as fpu, files_created['down'].open('w') as fpd:
    fpu.write('CREATE TABLE test (id int(11) not null AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id))')
    fpd.write('drop table test')
# run db upgrade
# please pass migration id you want to downgrade to, including