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Bugsnag Notifier for Python

The Bugsnag Notifier for Python gives you instant notification of exceptions thrown from your Django, WSGI, Tornado, Flask or plain Python app. Any uncaught exceptions will trigger a notification to be sent to your Bugsnag project.

Bugsnag captures errors in real-time from your web, mobile and desktop applications, helping you to understand and resolve them as fast as possible. Create a free account to start capturing exceptions from your applications.

How to Install

Django Apps

  1. Install the Bugsnag Notifier

    pip install bugsnag
  2. Configure the notifier in your Django

    BUGSNAG = {
        "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
        "project_root": "/path/to/your/app",

    If not set the project_root will default to the current working directory, and api_key will default to the BUGSNAG_API_KEY environment variable.

  3. Add the Bugsnag middleware to your app by editing your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in


Flask Apps

  1. Install the Bugsnag Notifier

    pip install bugsnag
  2. Configure Bugsnag and attach it to Flask's exception handler

    # Import bugsnag
    import bugsnag
    from bugsnag.flask import handle_exceptions
    # Configure Bugsnag
      api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
      project_root = "/path/to/your/app",
    # Attach Bugsnag to Flask's exception handler
    app = Flask(__name__)


  1. Install the Bugsnag Notifier

    pip install bugsnag
  2. Configure Bugsnag and attach the WSGI middleware

    # Configure Bugsnag
    import bugsnag
    from bugsnag.wsgi.middleware import BugsnagMiddleware
      api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
      project_root = "/path/to/your/app",
    # Wrap your WSGI app with Bugsnag
    application = BugsnagMiddleware(application)

Tornado Apps

  1. Install the Bugsnag Notifier

    pip install bugsnag
  2. Configure the notifier when your python app starts

    import bugsnag
      api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
      project_root = "/path/to/your/app",
  3. Have your request handlers inherit from BugsnagRequestHandler

    from bugsnag.tornado import BugsnagRequestHandler
    class MyHandler(BugsnagRequestHandler):
        # ...

Bottle Apps

  1. Install the Bugsnag notifier

    pip install bugsnag
  2. Configure the notifier when your python app starts

    import bugsnag
        api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
        project_root = "/path/to/your/app"
  3. Add the Bugsnag middleware

    import bottle
    from bugsnag.wsgi.middleware import BugsnagMiddleware
    app =
    # Don't catch exceptions in bottle.
    app.catchall = False
    # Catch them in Bugsnag instead.
    myapp = BugsnagMiddleware(app)


  1. Install the Bugsnag notifier

    pip install bugsnag
  2. Configure the notifier in your worker module

    import bugsnag
        api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
        project_root = "/path/to/your/app"
  3. Add the bugsnag failure handler to celery

    from bugsnag.celery import connect_failure_handler

Other Python Apps

  1. Install the Bugsnag Notifier

    pip install bugsnag
  2. Configure the notifier when your python app starts

    import bugsnag
      api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
      project_root = "/path/to/your/app",

Sending Handled Exceptions to Bugsnag

Unhandled exceptions are automatically sent to Bugsnag by the notifier. If you would like to send handled exceptions to Bugsnag, you should import the bugsnag module:

import bugsnag

Then to notify Bugsnag of an error, you can call bugsnag.notify:

bugsnag.notify(Exception("Something broke!"))

You can also pass additional configuration setting in as named parameters. These parameters will only affect the current call to notify. For example:

bugsnag.notify(Exception("Something broke!"),
    meta_data={"special_info":{"request_id": 12345, "message_id": 854}}

Using the logging framework

You can also hook Bugsnag up to Python's logging framework so that anything of level error or above is logged to Bugsnag.

Here is a plain Python example:

import logging

from bugsnag.handlers import BugsnagHandler

#call bugsnag.configure() here
logger = logging.getLogger("test.logger")


The BugsnagHandler accepts a special keyword argument to its __init__() function: 'extra_fields'. This is optional and may be a dictionary of extra attributes to gather from each LogRecord and insert into meta_data so they get sent to Bugsnag. The keys in this dictionary should be tab names for where you would like the data displayed in Bugsnag, like the top level keys in meta_data. The values should be attributes to pull off each log record and enter into that meta_data section. The attributes do not need to exist on the log record, if they don't exist they will just be ignored. Example:

bs_handler = BugsnagHandler(extra_fields={"some_tab":["context_attribute"]})

This is very useful if you are assigning context-specific attributes to your LogRecord objects, as described in the python logging cookbook.

###Logging Framework + Django In django, you can use this configuration in your For other apps and frameworks, you can configure the handler as appropriate.

    'version': 1,
    'disable_existing_loggers': False,

    'root': {
        'level': 'ERROR',
        'handlers': ['bugsnag'],

    'handlers': {
        'bugsnag': {
            'level': 'INFO',
            'class': 'bugsnag.handlers.BugsnagHandler',


To configure additional Bugsnag settings, pass the settings as named parameters to the bugsnag.configure method. For example:

    api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
    use_ssl = True,
    notify_release_stages = ["production", "development"],

If you are using Django, you can instead add a dictionary called BUGSNAG to your file. For example:

    "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
    "use_ssl": True,
    "notify_release_stages": ["production", "development"],

The available settings are detailed below.


Your Bugsnag API key (required).

bugsnag.configure(api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE")


If you would like to distinguish between errors that happen in different stages of the application release process (development, production, etc) you can set the release_stage that is reported to Bugsnag.

bugsnag.configure(release_stage = "development")

In Django apps this value is automatically set to "development" if the server running is the Django development server. Otherwise the default is "production".


By default, we will only notify Bugsnag of exceptions that happen when your release_stage is set to be "production". If you would like to change which release stages notify Bugsnag of exceptions you can set notify_release_stages:

bugsnag.configure(notify_release_stages = ["production", "development"])


By default, we will automatically notify Bugsnag of any fatal exceptions in your application. If you want to stop this from happening, you can set auto_notify:

bugsnag.configure(auto_notify = False)


Enforces all communication with be made via ssl.

bugsnag.configure(use_ssl = True)

By default, use_ssl is set to false.

### project_root

We mark stacktrace lines as inProject if they come from files inside your project_root.

bugsnag.configure(project_root = "/var/www/myproject")


If you want to track which versions of your application each exception happens in, you can set app_version. This is set to None by default.

bugsnag.configure(app_version = "2.5.1")


Sets the strings to filter out from the params hashes before sending them to Bugsnag. Use this if you want to ensure you don't send sensitive data such as passwords, and credit card numbers to our servers. Any keys which contain these strings will be filtered.

bugsnag.configure(params_filters = ["credit_card_number"])

By default, params_filters is set to ["password", "password_confirmation"]


Sets which exception classes should never be sent to Bugnsag. This feature is useful when you have a large number of 404 errors and dont want them all sent to Bugsnag.

bugsnag.configure(ignore_classes = ["django.http.Http404"])

By default, ignore_classes is set to []


A list of modules to exclude from tracebacks. This is useful if you are wrapping bugsnag.notifty() in with your own library. Normally every traceback would end with that line in your logging library, which would cause bugsnag to group all errors as occurences of a single error, no matter where they came from in your program. You can use this option to exclude your custom logging module from the tracebacks, causing things to be grouped properly. Note this list must contain actual modules of type module, not strings that are module identifiers.

import myapp.custom_logging
bugsnag.configure(traceback_exclude_modules = [myapp.custom_logging])

Per-request Configuration

The following configuration options can be set on a per-request basis. Setting or overriding these allows you to attach useful request-specific data along with exceptions, which can speed up debugging.

To configure these settings, you can call bugsnag.configure_request, for example:

    context = "/users",
    user = {"id":"bob-hoskins"},

The available settings are detailed below.


A string representing what was happening in your application at the time of the error. In Django apps, this is automatically set to be the path of the current request.

bugsnag.configure_request(context = "/users")


A dictionary of "id", "email", and "name" that are used to identify and search for the user in Bugsnag.

By default the "id" is set to the username of the current django user, or the IP address of the connection.

bugsnag.configure_request(user={"id":"bob-hoskins", "name": "Bob Hoskins", "email": ""})

(The legacy parameter user_id acts as though you set a user hash with just the id property).


A dictionary of dictionaries, each of which appears as a tab on the Bugsnag dashboard.

bugsnag.configure_request("metadata":{"account":{"name":"ACME Inc.", "premium": True}})

Notification options

The Bugsnag.notify function accepts a large number of keyword arguments. These can be used to override configuration or to send more data to bugsnag.


The traceback to use for the exception. If omitted this will be read from sys.exc_info.

bugsnag.notify(e, sys.exc_info()[2])


Use a specific API key for this notification. (defaults to bugsnag.configuration.api_key)

bugsnag.notify(e, api_key="YOUR_API_KEY_HERE")


A string representing what was happening in your application at the time of the error. In Django apps, this is automatically set to be the path of the current request.

bugsnag.notify(e, context="sign_up")


You can set the severity of an error in Bugsnag by including the severity option when notifying bugsnag of the error,

bugsnag.notify(Exception("Something broke!"), severity="error")

Valid severities are error, warning and info.

Severity is displayed in the dashboard and can be used to filter the error list. By default all crashes (or unhandled exceptions) are set to error and all bugsnag.notify calls default to warning.


Information about the user currently using your app. This should be a dictionary containing "id", "email" and "name" keys.

bugsnag.notify(e, user={"id":"bob-hoskins", name: "Bob Hoskins", email: ""})


A dictionary of dictionaries. Each dictionary will show up as a tab on Bugsnag.

bugsnag.notify(e, "metadata":{"account":{"name":"ACME Inc.", "premium": True}})

Any key that has no other meaning will also be treated as meta-data, so you could have done:

bugsnag.notify(e, {"account":{"name":"ACME Inc.", "premium": True})


A string to use to group errors using your own custom grouping algorithm.

bugsnag.notify(e, grouping_hash="/path/to/|RuntimeError")

Before Notify Callbacks

If you need to modify the payload before sending it to bugsnag you can register a before-notify callback:

def callback(notification):

    # if you return False, the notification will not be sent to
    # Bugsnag. (see ignore_classes for simple cases)
    if isinstance(notification.exception, KeyboardInterrupt):
        return False

    # You can set properties of the notification and
    # add your own custom meta-data.
    notification.user = {"id":, "name":, "email":}
    notification.add_tab("account", {"paying": current_user.acccount.is_paying()})


Reporting Bugs or Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the github issues page for this project here:



The Bugsnag python notifier is free software released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for details.


Official bugsnag error monitoring for django, flask, tornado and other python apps







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