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Gather and store events and related media from various web service JSON APIs. Provides a common HTTP/JSON api supporting full text search for retrieving said data.

Currently includes built-in support for the following services:

  • Behance
  • Delicious
  • Dribbble
  • Fitbit
  • Flickr
  • Foursquare
  • Instagram
  • Last.FM
  • Reddit
  • Runkeeper
  • Twitter


Recommended installation is in a virtualenv using pip or manual use of the file:

python install

A PostgreSQL (>= 9.5) database and user should be created for this application and the schema in eventlog/lib/store/sql/eventlog.sql applied to it.

PostgreSQL must have it's timezone set to UTC for datetime storage to work correctly. This is done by settings timezone = 'UTC' in your postgresql.conf file.



Application configuration is expected to be present in file indicated via the environment variable EVENTLOG_SETTINGS.



The default location of this file is:


Installation creates a <sys.prefix>/etc/eventlog/eventlog.conf.sample file which documents the available configuration parameters.


Feed configuration consists of rows in the feeds table with the following columns:

full_name     - full name of feed (can contain spaces, etc)
short_name    - short name of feed (only alphanumeric characters)
favicon       - path within MEDIA_DIR where favicon for feed is stored
color         - 6-character HEX code for colour associated with feed
module        - module name for feed (i.e. eventlog.ext.feeds.lastfm)
config        - any module specific config in JSON form (see below)
is_public     - flag indicated feed is publically visible
is_updating   - flag indicated feed should be updated
is_searchable - flag indicated feed is searchable

Feed Specific

Most feeds require their own configuration to specify usernames, OAuth credentials, etc. This configuration is stored in JSON form in the correspoding row of the feeds database table.

The expected configuration parameters for the built-in feeds are documented below:


username                # Behance username
oauth2_client_id        # OAuth2 client ID
oauth2_client_secret    # OAuth2 client secret
oauth2_access_token     # OAuth2 access token


username                # Delicious username


username                # Dribbble username
oauth2_client_id        # OAuth2 client ID
oauth2_client_secret    # OAuth2 client secret
oauth2_access_token     # OAuth2 access token


oauth2_client_id        # OAuth2 client ID
oauth2_client_secret    # OAuth2 client secret
oauth2_access_token     # OAuth2 access token
signup_date             # date Fitbit account was created in YYYY-MM-DD form
embed_intraday_steps    # whether or not to embded intraday step data in
                        # the raw response data (default=True)
device_id               # Fitbit device ID


oauth1_consumer_key     # OAuth1 consumer key
oauth1_consumer_secret  # OAuth1 consumer secret
oauth1_user_key         # OAuth1 user key
oauth1_user_secret      # Oauth1 user secret


oauth2_client_id        # OAuth2 client ID
oauth2_client_secret    # OAuth2 client secret
oauth2_access_token     # OAuth2 access token


oauth2_client_id        # OAuth2 client ID
oauth2_client_secret    # OAuth2 client secret
oauth2_access_token     # OAuth2 access token


username                # Last.FM username
api_key                 # API key
num_limit               # limit of how many recent tracks to request at a
                        # time (i.e. 50)


username                # Reddit username
feed_key                # feed key


oauth2_client_id        # OAuth2 client ID
oauth2_client_secret    # OAuth2 client secret
oauth2_access_token     # OAuth2 access token


oauth1_consumer_key     # OAuth1 consumer key
oauth1_consumer_secret  # OAuth1 consumer secret
oauth1_user_key         # OAuth1 user key
oauth1_user_secret      # Oauth1 user secret


Data Updating

Data updating involves running a script which will process any new events on the configured list of feeds.

The current suggested method for doing this is using cron with the following entry in the crontab:

*/10  *  *  *  *  EVENTLOG_SETTINGS=<settings module> <path/to/>

This will run the updater script every 10 minutes.

NOTE: the EVENTLOG_SETTINGS environment variable is only necessary if using a non-standard configuration file location

API Service

The HTTP/JSON API service is a standard Python WSGI application and can be served up using any of the various methods for serving such an application.

The suggested setup is to use something like uwsgi for the application itself and nginx or another webserver for the static media content.

Adding New Services

Adding a new service requires creating an appropriate class inheriting from eventlog.lib.feeds.Feed, and overloading the appropriate methods. Please see existing feeds in eventlog.ext.feeds for examples of how to do so.

This class should be placed in a module accessible on the PYTHONPATH, and configured appropriately as described above.


The eventlog.lib and eventlog.service modules both currently have tests.

The tests require the pytest and pytest-cov modules to be installed.

To run the tests, you will need a PostgreSQL instance with a test user who is the owner of a test db with password test.

With this database available the tests can be run individually, or all together.

make test-lib       # test eventlog.lib only
make test-service   # test eventlog.service only

make test           # test all


Gather and store activity and data from various web service APIs






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