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The SNC toolbox

This toolbox provides a general simulation environment, with multiple examples, and a number of sequential decision-making agents for stochastic network control (SNC) problems.

The Stochastic Network Control (SNC) toolbox was initially developed at Secondmind by Sergio Valcarcel Macua (Tech Lead), Egor Tiavlovsky Vasilevitch, Sofia Ceppi, Ian Davies, Eric Hambro, Arnaud Cadas, Daniel McNamee, Alexis Boukouvalas, Enrique Munoz de Cote and Sean Meyn.

A paper with the description of the simulator environment and the Hedgehog agent will be available soon.

What is Stochastic Network Control?

Stochastic Network Control (SNC) provides optimal control tools for analysing and optimising stochastic queuing networks. There are many complex and challenging optimisation problems arising from managing these networks, which are typically referred to as scheduling, routing, and inventory optimisation. For these problems, SNC allows one to minimise the overall long term cost while ensuring a target service quality level thus improving overall asset utilisation efficiency.

We focus on heavily loaded networks. In this regime, the network operates at near-maximum capacity whereby most of the resources are spent in attending to the stream of new arrivals (orders, customers, jobs, cars, and so on). Therefore, there is little room for inefficiencies or exploration before the network becomes unstable. If the queues become full, it will take a significant amount of time to drain them, as the resources have little extra capacity available after attending to the incoming demand. A heavily loaded state might be the normal operating condition for some networks. Alternatively, this scenario can arise temporarily as a result of unexpected increases in jobs/items to be processed (such as is the case in the global supply chain due to the pandemic) or resource malfunctions (observed in natural ecosystems due to climate disruptions). Heavily loaded conditions are the most challenging for which other existing tools fail.

Simulation environment

The simulation environment allows simulations of a controlled random walk (CRW) over a queuing network. A queuing network is composed of queues, resources that serve those queues by routing the items to other queues, and constraints on both queues and resources. Both the arrivals of items to the network and the time taken to process items from the queues are stochastic processes.

The CRW is a general environment with a number of parameters, like the network topology, costs and demand rates. We have implemented multiple instances of the CRW, some of which correspond with standard problems in the queuing network literature and that are useful to illustrate different behaviours, like tendency to instability under myopic policies.

The simulation environment is compatible with OpenAI Gym and we have also included a wrapper for compatibility with TensorFlow Agents.


The main contribution of this toolbox is a model-based agent coined Hedgehog, which is an extension of the seminal research on workload relaxations by Prof. Sean Meyn (see [1] and references therein). We also include a number of baselines.

[1] Meyn, S., 2008. Control techniques for complex networks. Cambridge University Press (available online).


Heavily loaded networks can be controlled at two timescales:

  • Slow timescale: Since the resources work at capacity, the network drains very slowly; and the most loaded resources determine the minimum draining time of the network. We call these resources bottlenecks.
  • Fast timescale: If any resource idles, it will accumulate items in its queues, but it also frees other resources from the stream of arrivals, reducing their instantaneous load and allowing them to drain their queues very quickly.

Hedgehog exploits these two timescales to drain the most expensive queues very quickly, while ensuring drainage in the minimum time. Under some circumstances, we can prove that this is the behaviour of the optimal policy.

Main features of Hedgehog are:

  • High performance. Hedgehog has been shown to outperform baselines under transitory and steady-state regimes. This is expected as the theory predicts that it achieves near optimal performance for heavily loaded networks.
  • Wide applicability. Hedgehog can be applied to a wide range of complex scenarios which may vary according to network topologies, activities, constraints and statistical assumptions.
  • Reduced complexity. Hedgehog relies on the so-called workload relaxation to reduce the dimensionality of the problem and avoid the combinatorial complexity of selecting actions in these networks (see Chapter 5 of [1]).
  • Explainability. Hedgehog follows a policy-synthesis approach that responds to key actionable information of the network, like resources having queues below some safety stock thresholds, the need for hedging on costly resources, or the need for keeping bottlenecks active to avoid increasing the draining time. These key factors naturally make the recommendations fully explainable, enabling the people making consequential decisions to understand the assumptions made by the algorithm, and the reasons supporting each suggested action.
  • Adaptability. Although not implemented yet, we expect Hedgehog to be highly adaptable to expected or unexpected disruptions, like preventive maintenance or breakdowns. The algorithm relies on prior knowledge which is usually available for these networks, like the network topology, and on some modest model estimation that characterises the external stochastic processes. If the network topology changes (one resource becomes unavailable due to breakdown, or a transportation route is collapsed), the information can be passed to Hedgehog, and it will adapt its policy in the next time step. Strategies for dealing with drift on the external stochastic processes include continuous estimation during operation or switching to a stable (but conservative) policy while the statistics of the external stochastic processes are re-estimated, before switching back to Hedgehog.


We include the following baselines:

  • MaxWeight and BackPressure: Family of control algorithms where the decision to operate any activity is determined by considering the difference between weighted states of outflow and inflow buffers. In the case of BackPressure, only relative buffer levels are considered; whereas MaxWeight scales individual buffer levels by their corresponding costs (see, e.g., Sections 4.8 and 6.4 of [1]).
  • Priority based heuristics: family of heuristics where the actions are chosen based on factors like which is the queue with largest number of items, what is the resource with the lowest processing rate, which queue has the highest cost, or any combination of the above.
  • TensorFlow Agents: We include wrappers to be compatible with the model-free reinforcement learning baselines implemented in TensorFlow Agents. TensorFlow Agents includes implementations of some well known model-free reinforcement learning algorithms which can be easily adapted to the SNC codebase. At the moment we have adapted REINFORCE and PPO agents.
  • Environment specific agents: Rule-based heuristics specifically designed for some environments.
  • Application specific agents: SNC can be applied to a wide range of applications. Some of them have their own family of application-specific baselines. For example, multi-echelon inventory optimisation (MEIO) is an application for which there exist multiple algorithms to set the safety stock levels at every stage of the supply chain based on the lead times and demand distributions. You can find an implementation of the Guaranteed Service Model (GSM) algorithm under meio folder. However, a whole GSM SNC agent based on that is not ready yet.

Installation instructions

At present, the packaging of this repository as a python package is incomplete. Having a clone of this repository locally is necessary to utilise the full functionality.

SNC supports Python 3.7 onwards.

For Ubuntu 18.04 preliminary installation of GCC and the libgmp3-dev library is required for installing the pycddlib python package:

sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev
sudo apt-get install python3.7-dev

Source installation

This project uses Poetry to manage dependencies in a local virtual environment. To install Poetry, follow the instructions in the Poetry documentation. Once done, run the following command.

poetry install

You must also run the poetry install command to install updated dependencies when the pyproject.toml file is updated, for example after a git pull.

Running experiments

The main script to run experiments is validation_script, which allows us to simulate any of the available agents, including trained reinforcement learning agents.

The validation script takes a whitespace separated list of agent names in its --agents argument, a scenario name in its --env_name argument and environment parameters in its --env_param_overrides (or -ep for short) argument. For any missing environment parameters the default value is used.

Example of json files for environments and agents are included in the folder snc/simulation/json_examples_validation_script/.

For example, the following command runs Hedgehog for 2000 timesteps in the simple_reentrant_line environment, with agent and environment parameters given by /path_to_file/hedgehog.json and /path_to_file/simple_reentrant_line.json, respectively, and with discount factor 0.99999:

python snc/simulation/ -ns 2000 --discount_factor 0.99999 --seed 0 --agents "bs_hedgehog" -hhp "/path_to_file/hedgehog.json" --env_name "simple_reentrant_line" -ep "/path_to_file/simple_reentrant_line.json"

While the following command runs Hedgehog and MaxWeight sequentially in the same environment and with same parameters as above, and with additional parameters for the MaxWeight agent given by /path_to_file/maxweight.json:

python snc/simulation/ -ns 2000 --discount_factor 0.99999 --seed 0 --agents "bs_hedgehog maxweight" -hhp "/path_to_file/hedgehog.json" -mwp "/path_to_file/maxweight.json" --env_name "simple_reentrant_line" -ep "/path_to_file/simple_reentrant_line.json"

Running trained reinforcement learning agents

To load trained reinforcement learning agents pass a list of paths to the directories to the --rl_checkpoints argument of the validation_script. These directories should be in an order corresponding to the order of the agent list passed to --agents. This also supports the running of multiple instances of the same RL agent with different saved parameters (e.g. --agents "ppo ppo" --rl_checkpoints "['weights_dir_1', 'weights_dir_2']). Note that when using the special case of --agents all, expects a list of two directories (as above) to --rl_checkpoints and the directory for REINFORCE must precede the one for PPO.

Running the tests

These commands should be run from the root directory of this repository.

poetry run task test

Alternatively, you can run just the unit tests, starting with the failing tests and exiting after the first test failure:

 poetry run task quicktest

Building the docker image

This repo can also be built with the required dependencies in a docker image. This may help when running experiments in a cloud environment. In order to build a docker image, run the following commands from the root directory of this repository. The resulting image will contain all of the code in the snc directory of this repository and have all the dependencies installed.

docker build . -t <image identifier>

The docker image will be built according to the commands in Dockerfile in the root directory of this repository.

The important elements of the dockerfile are the COPY command(s) which copy code from the repository into the docker image. These are required for the code to be used within the docker image. Further to this, at the end of the dockerfile there may be an ENTRYPOINT which specifies which script to run by default under the command docker run (docker run is the command that runs the content of a docker image). This entry point can be overwritten by passing a path to a new entry point (within the docker image) as an argument following the --command modifier. Note that the --command argument also takes the command to run the script so a valid usage would be --command "python".

For this repository we do not specify an entry point so that the image is generic and an entry point must be specified when running experiments. This means that we only maintain a single Dockerfile.

Note: The current .dockerignore file is set up to ignore all files and directory not explicitly included. Files and directories can be included using !<file or directory>.


We welcome contributions. Contribution guidelines will be added soon.


Stochastic Network Control agents and environments







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