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Next gen installer for qomo ============================================
                          __  ___                 
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                       / __  / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /
                      /_/ /_/_/ .___/ .___/\____/ 
                             /_/   /_/            
          ______                                             __  
         / ____/________ _____ ___  ___ _      ______  _____/ /__
        / /_  / ___/ __ `/ __ `__ \/ _ \ | /| / / __ \/ ___/ //_/
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      /_/   /_/   \__,_/_/ /_/ /_/\___/|__/|__/\____/_/  /_/|_|  

Hippo is a framework for writting desktop app by utilizing web tech, and a new installer based on hippo for Qomo resides in examples/installer. hippo can be installed and used as a normal npm module.

Install and testing

git clone 
cd hippo
npm install

Note: right now it only works on node v0.8, node v10.0 is not supported yet.

and then generate a new project

./bin/hippo -b new a_new_project_name

there are already a few projects maintained in the examples directory. examples/installer is actually the Qomo Installer based on hippo. see readme in examples/installer for details of how to bootstrap installer itself.

Installer dependencies for ArchLinux

sudo yaourt -S nodejs8 python2-gevent-socketio
sudo pacman -S python2-gevent

if run into trouble, try

sudo pkill node
sudo rm /var/run/



1.0 is targetting installer only, and try to consolidate a framework that can be easily applied to ther projects.

the big picture of the framework is as following: each component in hippo (e.g partitioning, package installing...) provides a REST API, after service started, a websocket connection is used to push state information (e.g. for partitioning, that is progress report).

data transformed between B/S is JSON over http or websocket. server is written based on tornado, facebook's web app framework. the documentation is here.


hippo is totally seprated into two parts. first is a webapp framework consolidated from 1.0. and second is a complete installer based on that framework, and capable of extending.

-- if you got any problems with Hippo, Contact Authors: Sian Cao, SSW


Original Red Flag Linux InWise Installer based on Nodejs







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