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Repository files navigation

You are now in the top-level build directory of the Python web site
( The parent of this directory is referred to as
<buildroot> in the remainder of this document.

This README explains how to build and view a local copy of the web site.
More information on maintaining can be found in the wiki at

Note that while the build process at first seems a little hostile to
Windows users, in actual fact the commands run by "make" are
generally simple and can easily be run from the Windows command line
ig you don't have Cygwin or mingw available to provide "make" and
other Unix-like utility programs.


External packages required:

  Mako (
  [Note that Mako requires setuptools to install out-of-the-box.  You can
   also just copy the lib/mako/ tree into your Python's site-packages
   directory if you prefer not to install setuptools.]

  PyYAML (

  Docutils (


In the <buildroot>/build/ directory (this directory):

 * Run 'make' to create output in the build/out/ directory.

 * Run 'make serve' to run a little web server that will serve the 
   build/out/ directory on http://localhost:8005/ for testing.

 * "make clean" erases the cache file pydotorg.cache and the
   build/out/ directory.  This target lets you can fully rebuild 
   everything from scratch to avoid confusion when hacking on the 
   build system itself. is the main script. It somewhat impperfectly tries to
track dependencies to avoid unnecessary content rebuild.  This isn't
perfect, so you may run into failure to rebuild when changing some
peripheral files other than the *.ht's.

Writing content

Each page has a directory of its own.
is built from the contents of the <buildroot>/build/data/community/jobs/
directory, for example.

If you're adding a new page, create a new directory containing a file.  This file contains a set of RFC-822 headers for
metadata, and the actual page content.

[For Pyramid compatibility: content.rst, nav.yml, and index.yml files
are still supported by the build system, but we're working on phasing
them out.  You shouldn't write new ones.]

Allowed values of headers in .ht files (case-insensitive):

		Used in <title> tag.

		How to interpret the rest of the file (options are: 
                text/html, text/x-rst, text/plain)

		Included inside a <meta> tag inside the <head>
		Included inside a <meta> tag inside the <head>
		Whitespace separated list of  URLs for JavaScript files
	        (e.g. /js/file1.js /styles/style.js)

		Name of template to use for this page; limited to filenames
	        from the list new-build/*.tmpl.  "pydotorg" is the default 
	        page design.

		Name of fragments of HTML to include in the page alongside
		the page's content from the .ht file; limited to filenames
	        from the list new-build/fragments/*.html.

		Indented list of quick links to be placed at the bottom of 
		the left-hand sidebar.

		Indented list of navigation links for this page; these
		are used to assemble the left-hand sidebar.

		Indented list of content navigation links for this page.
		If provided, these links are placed in a box in the upper
		right-hand corner of a page, with a title provided by the
		value of the 'Subnav-title' header.
		Title used for the box containing the content navigation links.
		Defaults to 'About'.

Specialized headers:

		Indented list of links to put in the 'Using Python' box
	        of the "homepage" template.

Indented lists are written like this::

    Quick Links (2.5) /download/releases/2.5
        Documentation {Manuals for Latest Stable Release}
        Windows Installer {Easy Installer of Python under Windows} /ftp/python/2.5/python-2.5.msi
        Source Distribution {Grab the Source for the Latest Stable Release} /ftp/python/2.5/Python-2.5.tar.bz2
        Package Index {Community Collection of Shared Python Modules} /pypi

The last item on each line is a URL or URL path component.  

Text between curly brackets {} will be used as the TITLE attribute 
of the link.

The rest of the line is the text of the link (between <a>...</a>).

Remaining Tasks

Known bugs:
  The quick links that appear on the home page (below the left-hand
  nav menu) no longer appear on any other page on the site. They did   
  with Pyramid, and they should still.

  Windows users may not have "make" available.
  ["make" isn't terribly Windows-friendly. How easy would it be to provide
  scripts that do the same job as the make limes for Windows users?]


No description, website, or topics provided.






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