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Texture processing:

Example for 2 TRLs (Temporal Resultion Levels):

         +-------+------+-------+ +-----------+    +-----+--------+
         | E_1   |      |       | | L_1       |    | E_1 |        |
	 |       v      v       v |           v    |     v        v
 L_0 +-------+ +----+ +----+ +--------+     +--------+ +----+ +-------+ L_0
---->| split | | ME | | MC | | update |     | etadpu | | CM | | merge |---->
     +-------+ +----+ +----+ +--------+     +--------+ +----+ +-------+
	 |       ^      ^ |       ^              ^      ^  |      ^
	 | O_1   |      | | H_1   |              |      |  | O_1  |
	 +-------+------+ +-------+--------------+------+  +------+
	 <----------- anayze_step -----------><----- synthesize_step ------>

Motion processing:

Example for 4 TRLs:

   +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
   |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | M_1
   v   | |   v v   | |   v v   | |   v v   | |   v
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
| 0 | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | L_0
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+

   +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+
   |         | |         | |         | |         | M_2
   v         | |         v v         | |         v
+---+       +---+       +---+       +---+       +---+
| 0 |       | 2 |       | 4 |       | 6 |       | 8 |
+---+       +---+       +---+       +---+       +---+
L_1.0       H_1.0       L_1.1       H_1.1       L_1.2

   +---------------------+ +---------------------+
   |                     | |                     | M_3
   v                     v v                     v
+---+                   +---+                   +---+
| 0 |                   | 4 |                   | 8 |
+---+                   +---+                   +---+
L_2.0                   H_2.0                   L_2.1
  • Directory contents:

    1. bin: MCTF's executables.
    2. compile: script for creating MCTF's executables.
    3. README.txt: this, file.
    4. src: source files of MCTF.
    5. experiments: experiment scripts.

Compilation and environment variable declaration:

source ./compile

remember to define the variable MCTF and to put the dir ~/bin at the beggining of the PATH variable:

export MCTF=~/MCTF-video-coding/"
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH


export MCTF_MOTION_CODEC="j2k"
#export MCTF_QUANTIZER="orthogonal"
export MCTF_QUANTIZER="automatic"

MCJ2K encoding/decoding:

export MCTF_MOTION_CODEC="j2k"
#export MCTF_QUANTIZER="orthogonal"
export MCTF_QUANTIZER="automatic"
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ffmpeg -i container_352x288x30x420x300.avi container_352x288x30x420x300.yuv
ln -s container_352x288x30x420x300.yuv low_0
mctf compress --TRLs=6 --GOPs=2 --quality=0.7
mctf info --TRLs=6 --GOPs=2
mkdir tmp
mctf copy tmp
cd tmp
mctf expand --TRLs=6 --GOPs=2
mplayer low_0 -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo cif -loop 0

Quality trancoding:

export MCTF_MOTION_CODEC="j2k"
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ffmpeg -i container_352x288x30x420x300.avi container_352x288x30x420x300.yuv
ln -s container_352x288x30x420x300.yuv low_0
mctf compress --TRLs=2 --GOPs=2 --motion_layers=1 --texture_layers=8
mctf info_j2k --TRLs=2 --GOPs=2
mkdir transcode_quality
mctf transcode_quality --TRLs=2 --GOPs=2 --QSLs=5  --motion_layers=1 --texture_layers=8
cd transcode_quality
mctf info_j2k --TRLs=2 --GOPs=2
mctf expand --TRLs=2 --GOPs=2
mplayer low_0 -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo cif -loop 0

Basic MJ2K encoding/decoding (157 Kbps):

mkdir mj2k
cd mj2k
ln -s ~/Videos/container_352x288x30x420x300.yuv low_0
mcmj2k compress --TRLs=1 --GOPs=289 --quantizations="45000"
mcmj2k info --TRLs=1 --GOPs=289
mkdir tmp
cp *.mjc *type* tmp
cd tmp
mcmj2k expand --TRLs=1 --GOPs=289
mplayer low_0 -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo cif -loop 0
cd ../../..
rm -rf mj2k

Basic MCMJ2K encoding/decoding (154 Kbps):

mkdir mcj2k
cd mcj2k
ln -s ~/Videos/container_352x288x30x420x300.yuv low_0
mcmj2k compress --TRLs=6 --GOPs=9 --quantizations="44098"
mcmj2k info --TRLs=6 --GOPs=9
mkdir tmp
cp *.mjc *type* tmp
cd tmp
mcmj2k expand --TRLs=6 --GOPs=9
mplayer low_0 -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo cif -loop 0
cd ../../..
rm -rf mcj2k

How I can control the number of encoded frames?:

rm -f *motion*
mcj2k compress --pictures=289
mcj2k info --pictures=289
mcj2k expand --pictures=289

How I can define the number of quality layers?:

mcj2k compress --quantizations="44000,43500,43000 # Higher slopes,
# worst qualities
mcj2k info
mcj2k expand # 44000
mcj2k expand --layers=2 # 43500
mcj2k expand --layers=3 # 43000

How I can specify the number of temporal resolution levels?:

rm -f *motion*
mcj2k compress --temporal_levels=6
mcj2k info --temporal_levels=6
mcj2k expand --temporal_levels=6

Basic MCJPG encoding/decoding:

mkdir tmp
cd tmp
ln -s ~/Videos/container_352x288x30x420x300.yuv low_0
mcjpg compress
mcjpg info
mkdir tmp
cp *.mjpeg *.mjc *type* tmp
cd tmp
mcjpg expand
mplayer low_0 -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo cif -loop 0
cd ../../..
rm -rf tmp

How I can define the quality of the unique layer:

mcjpg compress --slopes="25" # Higher slope, worst quality
mcjpg info
mcjpg expand
| split |


The current version of MCTF has the following limitations:

  1. The number of encoded images must be a multiply of the GOP-size plus one. Thus, for example, if GOP-size=32, the number of compressed images have to be 33, 65, 97, ...

  2. The size of the images must be a multiply of the macro-block size. This means that, for example, if the image is 1280x720 pixels, only up to 16x16 macro-blocks can be used.


The MCTF project has been supported by the Junta de Andalucía through the Proyecto Motriz "Codificación de Vídeo Escalable y su Streaming sobre Internet" (P10-TIC-6548).


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