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Algorithm And Data Structure

This Directory contanins the implementations of various Algorithms and Data Structure in Python3.

  • KeyFeatures
    • Programs are well documented
    • Each topic contains Basics concept implementations along with various standered problems
    • Same problem is implemented using various possible method
    • Time complexity of each method is provided


Array >>> Array Pair Sum

Given an integer array, output all the unique pairs that sum up to a specific value k.

Returns: (3, 4), (2, 5), (1, 6)
#using Sorting
def pair_sum(list,k):
    Funtion return all the unique pairs of list elements that sum up to k
    Syntax: insert(list,k)
    Time Complexity: O(nlogn)   
    list.sort() #sorting the list

    pairs=[] #for storing the list of pairs that sum up to k
    i=0 #pointing to begining of the list  (Smallest number in the list)
    j=length-1 #pointing to ending of the list (Largest number in the list)

    #making iterations until i and j points to the same element
    while i<=j:     
        #if sum of list[i] & list[j] is equal to k that means it is one of the desired pair 
        if list[i]+list[j]==k:

        #if these pair sum is less than k
        #we know that the list is sorted and hence j is pointing to Largest number in the list
        #so it is due to value of number pointed by i that is causes there sum to be lesser than k
        #Thus we increment the pointer i so that the sum of values pointed by i and j may gets equal to k
        elif list[i]+list[j]<k:

        #if these pair sum is greater than k
        #we know that the list is sorted and hence i is pointing to Smallest number in the list
        #so it is due to value of number pointed by j that is causes there sum to be greater than k
        #Thus we dicrement the pointer j so that the sum of values pointed by i and j may gets equal to k       

    return pairs    

#using Set
def pair_sum(list,k):
    Funtion return all the unique pairs of list elements that sum up to k
    Syntax: insert(list,k)
    Time Complexity: O(n)   
    pairs=[] #for storing the list of pairs that sums up to k
    seen=set() #for storing the elements of the list which are alredy seened

    for current in list:

        target=k-current #stores the desiered value or target value ( which when added to current element of the list yiedls to the sum k )
        #if target value is found in the seen set 
        #then the sum of target and list current element is equal to k 
        #Thus we add target & current element touple onto the pairs list
        if target in seen:
            pairs.append((min(target,current),max(target,current))) #formating the pairs touple so like (min_value_of_pairs,max_value_of_pairs)
        #if target value is not found in the seen set
        #means the sum of any element of seen set with the current element doesnot yields to k
        #Thus we simply add current element of the list to the seen set in a hop that may be this added_current_element_values can be summed up with upcomming element to produce  k  
    return pairs



Implementations of Algorithms and Data Structures in Python






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