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This project requires Python 3.6; Ubuntu 16.04 users can install it from Felix Kurll's deadsnakes PPA by following the instructions here.

You'll also need to have MuJoCo installed (version mujoco200, but mjpro131 might work as well).

Required Python packages can be installed with pip install -r requirements.txt. Sometimes the mujoco_py package gives some errors when installing. This can be due to a variety of things, including missing graphics drivers or misplaced/incorrectly installed mujoco binaries. The mujoco_py repo has more installation information:

Running Data Collection

Data Collection supports both SAC and TD3. As an example, given a pickle archive of task descriptions in TASK_PATH/<env_name>_tasks [for example, tasks/cheetah_vel_tasks for cheetah_vel, if the task_path is task], the following would run data collection using TD3 on the task for 2 million steps:

python -m collect_buffers --env cheetah_vel --task_idx 29 --full_buffer_size 2000000 --log_dir log/null --replay_buffer_size 50000 --outer_policy_lr 1e-4 --task_path TASK_PATH --alg td3

Running training

Training can be invoked by running python -m run --name NAME --env [cheetah_dir|cheetah_vel] --device [cpu|cuda:0|cuda:X] --log_dir SOME_DIR --advantage_head_coef 0.1, which will run on the CPU by default.

For example:

python -m run --name test --log_dir log/test --advantage_head_coef 0.1 --device cuda:0 --task_config config/ant_dir/50tasks_offline.json --offline --load_inner_buffer --load_outer_buffer --replay_buffer_size 500000 --outer_value_lr 1e-3 --outer_policy_lr 1e-3


python -m run --name test --env cheetah_dir --log_dir log/test --advantage_head_coef 0.1

To run on GPU 0:

python -m run --name test --env cheetah_dir --log_dir log/test --advantage_head_coef 0.1 --device cuda:0

To run the cheetah velocity task (target velocities [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]):

python -m run --name test --env cheetah_vel --log_dir log/test --advantage_head_coef 0.1 --device cuda:0

To run training with the exploration policy (by default, inner loop and outer loop buffers are both populated with on-policy data), pass --train_exploration --cvae and --sample_exploration_inner.

python -m run --name test --env cheetah_vel --log_dir log/test --advantage_head_coef 0.1 --device cuda:0 --train_exploration --cvae --sample_exploration_inner

--cvae does conditional VAE exploration (as opposed to importance weighting), --sample_exploration_inner uses the exploration policy for inner loop data instead of on-policy post-adaptation data.

To run a pre-trained network, you can use the --ap_archive, --vf_archive, and --ep_archive parameters for adaptation policy, value function, and exploration policy, respectively. These archives will be saved in the directory you specify for logging.


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