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UserMetrics is a set of data analysis tools developed by the Wikimedia Foundation to measure on-site user activity via a set of standardized metrics. Using the modules in this package, a set of key metrics can be selected and applied to an arbitrary list of user IDs to measure their engagement and productivity. UserMetrics is designed for extensibility (creating new metrics, modifying metric parameters) and to support various types of cohort analysis and program evaluation in a user-friendly way. The methods are exposed via a RESTful API that can be used to generate requests and retrieve the results in JSON format.

Running on the Mediawiki Vagrant (for development)

We have added UserMetrics puppet configuration to MediaWiki Vagrant to make it easy to get up and running. Here's how:

Make sure you have vagrant and virtualbox installed. For this humble author, Vagrant 1.1.2 and VirtualBox 4.2.8 worked well on Ubuntu.

git clone mediawiki-vagrant
cd mediawiki-vagrant
vagrant up
vim puppet/manifests/site.pp

right under this line add this line:

class { 'user_metrics': }

then run puppet again:

vagrant provision

Now you should be able to browse to user metrics running locally and start working. The code that's being served is under the user_metrics folder and you can use that like any clone of a gerrit repository.

Installing Umapi

Run git clone ssh://

Navigate to user-metrics and run pip install -e .

Setup a Virtual Environment

Note: instructions to install a virtualenv here -

Create virtualenv with virtualenv <your virtualenv>

Activate with source <yourenv>/bin/activate

Once in the virtualenv run navigate to your user-metrics project folder (contains and do a local install of user-metrics with:

$ pip install -e .

This should take care of all of the dependencies for the project.

To leave the virtualenv simply call:

$ deactivate

Configure the clone

In user_metrics/config run cp and configure as instructed below to point to datasources. Ensure that datasource hosts are reachable from your environment. In the virtualenv, create a 'logs' folder and run the server with:

$ nohup python -u user_metrics/api/ > logs/access.log &
$ nohup python -u user_metrics/api/ > logs/access.log &

The module initiates the flask web server and is also the wsgi target if the instance is being run via Apache. Also it is necessary to execute which initiates the job handling processes. If you are running the service through Apache this module will need to be initiated independently, it utilizes the queues that are visible to the http view targets.

Once installed you will need to modify the configuration files. This can be found in the file under $site-packages-home$/e3_analysis/config. Within this file configure the connections dictionary to point to a replicated production MySQL instance containing the . The 'db' setting should be an instance which 'user' has write access to. If you are from outside the Wikimedia Foundation and do not have access to these credentials please contact us at if you'd like to work with this package.

The template configuration file looks like the following:

# Project settings
# ================

version = {% your version %}
__project_home__ = realpath('../..') + '/'
__web_home__ = ''.join([__project_home__, 'src/api/'])
__data_file_dir__ = ''.join([__project_home__, 'data/'])

__query_module__ = 'query_calls_noop'
__user_thread_max__ = 100
__rev_thread_max__ = 50

# Database connection settings
# ============================

connections = {
    'slave': {
        'user' : 'research',
        'host' : '',
        'db' : 'staging',
        'passwd' : 'xxxx',
        'port' : 3307},
    'slave-2': {
        'user' : 'rfaulk',
        'host' : '',
        'db' : 'rfaulk',
        'passwd' : 'xxxx',
        'port' : 3307}

    'enwiki': 's1',
    'dewiki': 's5',
    'itwiki': 's2',

# SSH Tunnel Parameters
# =====================

    's1': {
        'cluster_host': 'stats',
        'db_host': 's1-db',
        'user': 'xxxx',
        'remote_port': 3306,
        'tunnel_port': 3307
    's2': {
        'cluster_host': 'stats',
        'db_host': 's2-db',
        'user': 'xxxx',
        'remote_port': 3306,
        'tunnel_port': 3308

Adding Users

In a Python shell in from your [virtual]env do the following:

>>> from user_metrics.api import session
Sep-17 04:08:15 DEBUG    user_metrics.config.settings :: Using module flask.ext.login...
>>> u = session.APIUser('new')
Sep-17 04:09:33 DEBUG    user_metrics.api.session :: Initiatializing user obj. user: "new", is active: "False", is auth: False
>>> u.set_password('yourstrongpass')
>>> u.register_user()
Sep-17 04:10:50 DEBUG    user_metrics.api.session :: Added user new


Once the installation is complete and the configuration has been set the modules can be imported into the Python environment.



Github mirror of "analytics/user-metrics" - our actual code is hosted with Gerrit (please see for contributing



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