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PyFFF: Python Forensics For Filesystems


For more examples about using PyFFF in Jupyter Notebook, see the ”notebooks/” folder.

import fff
from fff.util import *

with fff.DiskImage('') as disk:

    partitions = disk.volume.partitions

    part = next(p for p in partitions if p.filesystem.fs_type == 'NTFS')

    ntfs = part.filesystem

    print(ntfs.mft.find(inode=5))        # Root Directory MFT Entry

    print([e for e in ntfs.root.list() if e.is_allocated])

    files = list([e for e in ntfs.root.list()
		    if e.is_allocated and e.is_file])
    print([f.slack_space[:4] for f in files])


This project is not on PyPI. You need to build from the source code.

Python package python-magic requires additional library to be installed on Windows and macOS. For macOS, it can be installed by ”brew install libmagic”. For Windows, please check the python-magic project page.

# git clone
$ cd PyFFF

# Create a virtual environment
$ virtualenv -p python3 .
$ source bin/active

# Installing the dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

# Tests can be run using =nosetests=, however due to copy-right reason,
# the test data is not submitted.
# You can skip this step for now.
$ nosetests

# Create installation package
$ python sdist

# Build HTML documentation, skip if not needed
$ make -C docs html

# Deactivate the virtual environment
$ deactivate

# Install to user library
$ pip3 install dist/PyFFF-0.1.0.tar.gz --user


Documentation is available at


Contributions are welcome, however this project is still under active refactoring and many details haven’t settle down yet.

If you would like to submit a pull request, either fixing a bug or adding a new feature, please be minded that:

  1. Type annotation of mypy is required for new code.
  2. Test case should be added.
  3. Please make small commits. The pull request can be large.
  4. Try to make the code as clean as possible.

Comments should be written in NumPy style. See examples here.
