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Welcome to iMeet! Build Status

  • Install Python 2.7.*

  • Install node.js

  • Run npm install -g grunt-cli. This will use npm from NodeJs to install grunt-cli.

  • Navigate to invite/tools and run npm install. This will use the package.json to resolve the local grunt and its dependencies.

  • Download and install GoogleAppEngine (Python SDK).

  • Run the Invite instance with GoogleAppEngine.

Done!!! Go to localhost:8080

####### Conventions

  • The URL dictates the name of the View, Template, etc. The only exception is the / (index) which could use a meaningful name.

  • All javascript classes will have the type at the end of the word always. Ex. InviteHeaderView.

  • You should strive for convention over configuration. Every javascript classes should define their properties as much as it can. Ex. InviteHeaderView = SimpleView.extend({ template: JST['invite_header.html'], el: '#invite-header', .... } here template and el are defined instead of passed as a parameter.

  • Every Backbone View should initialize the expected properties for the options object in the initialize method. This is a way to document what's going to be passed for the options object. Ex. InviteTitleView = Backbone.View.extend({

    initialize: function(options){ this.options = options || {is_editable: false}; //we are specifying that options will have an is_editable property. }, .... }