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This is a web-based game where players learn about HTML by "hacking" web pages to solve puzzles.

It is an App Engine app, using the Flask library.

Changes since release 0.2

Auto-passphrase style puzzle

This commit adds the main type of puzzle that html-hax will use: the puzzle asks the player to figure out the current passphrase, but the passphrase is automatically randomly chosen from a list every time the user loads a puzzle.

This way, it's much harder to just guess, and the user will have to figure out what the passphrase is by examining the HTML source of the puzzle itself. The very first puzzle simply lists the passphrase in a comment right at the top of its own source. So the user just needs to be able to open the browser's development tools and look at the HTML source.

The passphrases are generated and checked on the server side, in, and stored in the user's profile. The autopass structure assumes that the password guess will always be submitted as the parameter pass in a request to the given puzzle's page.

The current "correct" passphrase that the user is trying to guess is stored in the user's profile.

Puzzle Sequencing

This commit adds the logic and structure for defining the sequence of puzzles the user is meant to go through:

data/puzzleSequence.json is a simple json data structure with a sequence of puzzle URLs.

each time a user solves a puzzle in that sequence, the code in look at that data file, and returns the next puzzle in the sequence.

The logic for each type of puzzle (which is just the auto-passphrase type, for now) is responsible for calling the userCompletedPuzzle function in when the user completes the puzzle, and then passing the generated completion message on to the user.

Puzzle content

There are now 5 puzzles that should introduce the user to the basics of HTML structure, and to the practice of using their browser to examine and manipulate HTML. There is also a static welcome page which explains how to play the game.

This is a commit which just adds one puzzle, so it is a good example to look at to understand what you need to do to add a puzzle.