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Socorro collector

Collector is a WSGI application. Its task is to accept incoming crash reports from remote clients and save them in a place and format usable by further applications.

Raw crashes are accepted via HTTP POST. The form data from the POST is then arranged into a JSON and saved into the local file system. The collector is responsible for assigning an ooid? (Our Own ID) to the crash. It also assigns a Throttle? value which determines if the crash is eventually to go into the relational database.

Should the saving to a local file system fail, there is a fallback storage mechanism. A second file system can be configured to take the failed saves. This file system would likely be an NFS mounted file system.


This is a quickstart using Docker to see how the pieces work and also for local development.

For more comprehensive documentation or instructions on how to set this up in production, see the manual on ReadTheDocs.

  1. Clone the repository:

    $ git clone<YOUR-FORK>/socorro-collector
  2. Install docker and docker-compose
  3. Build:

    $ make build
  4. Run with a simple development configuration:

    $ make run

    You should see a lot of output starting like this:

    web_1  | [2016-06-22 15:16:25 +0000] [6] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.4.5
    web_1  | [2016-06-22 15:16:25 +0000] [6] [INFO] Listening at: (6)
    web_1  | [2016-06-22 15:16:25 +0000] [6] [INFO] Using worker: sync
    web_1  | [2016-06-22 15:16:25 +0000] [11] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 11
    web_1  | 2016-06-22 15:16:25,289 INFO - collector -  - MainThread - app_name: collector
    web_1  | 2016-06-22 15:16:25,290 INFO - collector -  - MainThread - app_version: 4.0
    web_1  | 2016-06-22 15:16:25,290 INFO - collector -  - MainThread - current configuration:

    In another terminal, you can verify that the web container is running:

    $ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID    IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED  STATUS  PORTS                   NAMES
    653f09e6136d    socorrocollector_web   "./scripts/"   ...      ...>8000/tcp  socorrocollector_web_1

    You can send a crash report into the system and watch it go through the steps:

    $ ./scripts/
    <curl http output>
    *  Closing connection 0

    You should get a CrashID back from the HTTP POST. You'll also see docker logging output something like this:

    web_1  | 2016-06-22 15:19:49,040 INFO - collector -  - MainThread - 8f63752c-57c6-4e5d-b2cf-cabde2160622 received
    web_1  | 2016-06-22 15:19:49,040 DEBUG - collector -  - MainThread - not throttled Test 1.0
    web_1  | 2016-06-22 15:19:49,042 INFO - collector -  - MainThread - 8f63752c-57c6-4e5d-b2cf-cabde2160622 accepted

    When you're done with the process, hit CTRL-C to gracefully kill the docker container.

  5. Run tests:

    $ make test

    If you need to run specific tests or pass in different arguments, you can do:

    $ docker-compose run appbase ./scripts/ [ARGS]

    All ARGS are pass directly to nosetests.


The build and run steps use a very simple dev configuration. You can also use the "production configuration" which sets things up similar to the production Mozilla Crash Stats system by using the build-prod and run-prod make rules.


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  • Python 98.8%
  • Other 1.2%