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An argparse extension for hpman


python3 -m pip install hpargparse

Brief Introduction

The following example lies in examples/02-brief.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from hpman.m import _
import hpargparse

import argparse

def func():
    weight_decay = _("weight_decay", 1e-5)
    print("weight decay is {}".format(weight_decay))

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    hpargparse.bind(parser, _)


if __name__ == "__main__":

results in:

$ ./
weight decay is 1e-05
$ ./ --weight-decay 1e-4
weight decay is 0.0001
$ ./ --weight-decay 1e-4 --hp-list
weight_decay: 0.0001
$ ./ --weight-decay 1e-4 --hp-list detail
All hyperparameters:
| name         | type   |   value | details                                                      |
| weight_decay | float  |  0.0001 | occurrence[0]:                                               |
|              |        |         |   ./                                               |
|              |        |         |      5:                                                      |
|              |        |         |      6: import argparse                                      |
|              |        |         |      7:                                                      |
|              |        |         |      8:                                                      |
|              |        |         |      9: def func():                                          |
|              |        |         | ==> 10:     weight_decay = _("weight_decay", 1e-5)           |
|              |        |         |     11:     print("weight decay is {}".format(weight_decay)) |
|              |        |         |     12:                                                      |
|              |        |         |     13:                                                      |
|              |        |         |     14: def main():                                          |
|              |        |         |     15:     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()               |
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [--weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY] [--hp-save HP_SAVE]
               [--hp-load HP_LOAD] [--hp-list [{detail,yaml,json}]]
               [--hp-detail] [--hp-serial-format {auto,yaml,pickle}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY
                        (default: 1e-05)
  --hp-save HP_SAVE     Save hyperparameters to a file. The hyperparameters
                        are saved after processing of all other options
                        (default: None)
  --hp-load HP_LOAD     Load hyperparameters from a file. The hyperparameters
                        are loaded before any other options are processed
                        (default: None)
  --hp-list [{detail,yaml,json}]
                        List all available hyperparameters. If `--hp-list
                        detail` is specified, a verbose table will be print
                        (default: None)
  --hp-detail           Shorthand for --hp-list detail (default: False)
  --hp-serial-format {auto,yaml,pickle}
                        Format of the saved config file. Defaults to auto. It
                        can be set to override auto file type deduction.
                        (default: auto)
  --hp-exit             process all hpargparse actions and quit (default:

hpcli: The Command Line Tool

Besides using hpargparse.bind in you code, we also come with a command line tool hpcli to provide similar functions to any existing file using hpman.

from hpman.m import _

_('num_channels', 128)
_('num_layers', 50)

In shell:

$ hpcli
num_channels: 128
num_layers: 50
$ hpcli --num-layers 101
num_channels: 128
num_layers: 101
$ hpcli --num-layers 101 --hp-save config.yaml
num_channels: 128
num_layers: 101
$ hpcli --num-layers 101 --hp-save config.yaml --hp-list detail
All hyperparameters:
    ['num_channels', 'num_layers']
| name         | type   |   value | details                       |
| num_channels | int    |     128 | occurrence[0]:                |
|              |        |         |                    |
|              |        |         |     1: from hpman.m import _  |
|              |        |         |     2:                        |
|              |        |         | ==> 3: _("num_channels", 128) |
|              |        |         |     4: _("num_layers", 50)    |
|              |        |         |     5:                        |
| num_layers   | int    |     101 | occurrence[0]:                |
|              |        |         |                    |
|              |        |         |     1: from hpman.m import _  |
|              |        |         |     2:                        |
|              |        |         |     3: _("num_channels", 128) |
|              |        |         | ==> 4: _("num_layers", 50)    |
|              |        |         |     5:                        |
$ hpcli -h
usage: hpcli [-h] [--num-channels NUM_CHANNELS] [--num-layers NUM_LAYERS]
             [--hp-save HP_SAVE] [--hp-load HP_LOAD]
             [--hp-list [{detail,yaml,json}]] [--hp-detail]
             [--hp-serial-format {auto,yaml,pickle}] [--hp-exit]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --num-channels NUM_CHANNELS
                        (default: 128)
  --num-layers NUM_LAYERS
                        (default: 50)
  --hp-save HP_SAVE     Save hyperparameters to a file. The hyperparameters
                        are saved after processing of all other options
                        (default: None)
  --hp-load HP_LOAD     Load hyperparameters from a file. The hyperparameters
                        are loaded before any other options are processed
                        (default: None)
  --hp-list [{detail,yaml,json}]
                        List all available hyperparameters. If `--hp-list
                        detail` is specified, a verbose table will be print
                        (default: yaml)
  --hp-detail           Shorthand for --hp-list detail (default: False)
  --hp-serial-format {auto,yaml,pickle}
                        Format of the saved config file. Defaults to auto. It
                        can be set to override auto file type deduction.
                        (default: auto)
  --hp-exit             process all hpargparse actions and quit (default:

This could be a handy tool to inspect the hyperparameters in your code.

Example: Deep Learning Experiment

This example lies in examples/01-nn-training.

It is a fully functional example of training a LeNet on MNIST using hpargparse and hpman collaboratively to manage hyperparameters.

We highly suggest you playing around this example.

Example: Basics Walkthrough

Now we break down the functions one-by-one.

The following example lies in examples/00-basic.

from hpman.m import _

def add():
    return _("a", 1) + _("b", 2)

def mult():
    return _("a") * _("b")

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import hpargparse
from hpman.m import _
import os

BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    # ... do whatever you want

    # analyze everything in this directory
    _.parse_file(BASE_DIR)  # <-- IMPORTANT

    # bind will monkey_patch parser.parse_args to do its job
    hpargparse.bind(parser, _)  # <-- IMPORTANT

    # parse args and set the values
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # ... do whatever you want next
    import lib

    print("a = {}".format(_.get_value("a")))
    print("b = {}".format(_.get_value("b")))
    print("lib.add() = {}".format(lib.add()))
    print("lib.mult() = {}".format(lib.mult()))

if __name__ == "__main__":


$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [--a A] [--b B] [--hp-save HP_SAVE] [--hp-load HP_LOAD]
               [--hp-list [{detail,yaml,json}]] [--hp-detail]
               [--hp-serial-format {auto,yaml,pickle}] [--hp-exit]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --a A                 (default: 1)
  --b B                 (default: 2)
  --hp-save HP_SAVE     Save hyperparameters to a file. The hyperparameters
                        are saved after processing of all other options
                        (default: None)
  --hp-load HP_LOAD     Load hyperparameters from a file. The hyperparameters
                        are loaded before any other options are processed
                        (default: None)
  --hp-list [{detail,yaml,json}]
                        List all available hyperparameters. If `--hp-list
                        detail` is specified, a verbose table will be print
                        (default: None)
  --hp-detail           Shorthand for --hp-list detail (default: False)
  --hp-serial-format {auto,yaml,pickle}
                        Format of the saved config file. Defaults to auto. It
                        can be set to override auto file type deduction.
                        (default: auto)
  --hp-exit             process all hpargparse actions and quit (default:

Set Hyperparameters from Command Line Arguments

$ ./ some_thing --a 3 --b 5
a = 3
b = 5
lib.add() = 8
lib.mult() = 15

List All Hyperparameters

$ ./ some_arg --hp-list
a: 1
b: 2

... and details:

$ ./ some_arg --hp-list detail
All hyperparameters:
    ['a', 'b']
| name   | type   |   value | details                                                        |
| a      | int    |       1 | occurrence[0]:                                                 |
|        |        |         |   /data/project/hpargparse/examples/00-basic/          |
|        |        |         |      3: # for more usecases, please refer to hpman's document  |
|        |        |         |      4:                                                        |
|        |        |         |      5:                                                        |
|        |        |         |      6: def add():                                             |
|        |        |         |      7:     # define a hyperparameter on-the-fly with defaults |
|        |        |         | ==>  8:     return _("a", 1) + _("b", 2)                       |
|        |        |         |      9:                                                        |
|        |        |         |     10:                                                        |
|        |        |         |     11: def mult():                                            |
|        |        |         |     12:     # reuse a pre-defined hyperparameters              |
|        |        |         |     13:     return _("a") * _("b")                             |
|        |        |         | occurrence[1]:                                                 |
|        |        |         |   /data/project/hpargparse/examples/00-basic/         |
|        |        |         |      8:     return _("a", 1) + _("b", 2)                       |
|        |        |         |      9:                                                        |
|        |        |         |     10:                                                        |
|        |        |         |     11: def mult():                                            |
|        |        |         |     12:     # reuse a pre-defined hyperparameters              |
|        |        |         | ==> 13:     return _("a") * _("b")                             |
|        |        |         |     14:                                                        |
| b      | int    |       2 | occurrence[0]:                                                 |
|        |        |         |   /data/project/hpargparse/examples/00-basic/          |
|        |        |         |      3: # for more usecases, please refer to hpman's document  |
|        |        |         |      4:                                                        |
|        |        |         |      5:                                                        |
|        |        |         |      6: def add():                                             |
|        |        |         |      7:     # define a hyperparameter on-the-fly with defaults |
|        |        |         | ==>  8:     return _("a", 1) + _("b", 2)                       |
|        |        |         |      9:                                                        |
|        |        |         |     10:                                                        |
|        |        |         |     11: def mult():                                            |
|        |        |         |     12:     # reuse a pre-defined hyperparameters              |
|        |        |         |     13:     return _("a") * _("b")                             |
|        |        |         | occurrence[1]:                                                 |
|        |        |         |   /data/project/hpargparse/examples/00-basic/         |
|        |        |         |      8:     return _("a", 1) + _("b", 2)                       |
|        |        |         |      9:                                                        |
|        |        |         |     10:                                                        |
|        |        |         |     11: def mult():                                            |
|        |        |         |     12:     # reuse a pre-defined hyperparameters              |
|        |        |         | ==> 13:     return _("a") * _("b")                             |
|        |        |         |     14:                                                        |

Save/Load from/to YAML file

# save to yaml file
$ ./ some_arg --hp-save /tmp/config.yaml --hp-exit

$ cat /tmp/config.yaml 
a: 1
b: 2

# load from yaml file
$ cat config_modified.yaml
a: 123
b: 456

$ ./ some_arg --hp-load config_modified.yaml --hp-list
a: 123
b: 456


  1. Install requirements:
pip install -r -r requirements.txt
  1. Activate git commit template
git config commit.template .git-commit-template.txt
  1. Install pre-commit hook
pre-commit install


argparse extension for hpman







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  • Python 97.6%
  • Makefile 2.4%