def mr_pc4_sc1_1(buffer, filesize):
    # utilize the CFTT's hive class
    hive = cftt_hive(buffer)

    # get the current version
    header_o = hive.get_header(0)
    header_m = hive.get_header(0)

    # change the minor version value
    if header_m.minor_version == 3:
        header_m.minor_version = 5
    elif header_m.minor_version == 5:
        header_m.minor_version = 3

    # update the checksum value
    header_m.checksum = xor32_checksum(bytearray(header_m))

    # build manipulated item list (m_list)
    m_list = []
    m_item = {}
    m_item['offset'] = 0  # start of the hive header
    m_item['data'] = bytearray(header_m)
    m_item['info'] = "[original version] %d.%d (@ 0x%08X) --> [manipulated version] %d.%d (@ 0x%08X)\n" \
                     % (header_o.major_version, header_o.minor_version, 0x14,
                        header_m.major_version, header_m.minor_version, 0x14)
    m_item['info'] += "[original checksum] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X) --> [manipulated checksum] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X)" \
                     % (header_o.checksum, 0x1FC,
                        header_m.checksum, 0x1FC)
    return m_list
def mr_pc1_sc6_3(buffer, filesize):
    # utilize the CFTT's hive class
    hive = cftt_hive(buffer)

    # get the offset of root cell (0x24 from the beginning of hive file)
    header = hive.get_header(0)
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(header.root_cell_offset)

    # goto the root cell
    root_cell = hive.get_nk(offset)

    # get the 1st subkey offset of the original root key cell
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(root_cell['base'].subkey_list_cell_offset)
    sl_cell = hive.get_sl(offset)

    # traverse all subkeys
    stack = list(reversed(sl_cell['offsets']))
    nk_cell = None
    vk_cell = None
    found = False

    while (1):
        if len(stack) == 0: break
        nk_cell = hive.get_nk(hive.calc_hive_offset(stack.pop()))
        sl_cell = hive.get_sl(
        if nk_cell['base'].number_of_values > 0:
            # goto the value-list cell offset
            offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(
            vl_cell = hive.get_vl(offset)
            for offset in vl_cell['offsets']:
                vk_cell = hive.get_vk(hive.calc_hive_offset(offset))
                data_size = vk_cell['base'].data_size
                if data_size & 0x80000000 == 0x80000000:
                    data_size = data_size & 0x7FFFFFFF
                # [condition] select a value cell which has BINARY type data (<= 16,344)
                if (4 < data_size and data_size <= 16344) and \
                   vk_cell['base'].data_type == 0x00000003: # REG_BINARY
                    found = True
            if found is True:

    if nk_cell is None or vk_cell is None or found is False:
        return []

    # build manipulated item list (m_list)
    m_list = []
    m_item = {}
        'offset'] = vk_cell['self'] + 0x0C  # 'data cell offset' in the vk cell
    edited_value = 0x00000000  # set to zero
    m_item['data'] = edited_value.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')
    m_item['info'] = "[original offset] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X) --> [manipulated offset] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X)" \
                     % (vk_cell['base'].data_cell_offset, m_item['offset'], edited_value, m_item['offset'])
    m_item['info'] += "\n[Target 'vk_cell']\n: {}\n".format(vk_cell)
    return m_list
def mr_pc1_sc1_1(buffer, filesize):
    # utilize the CFTT's hive class
    hive = cftt_hive(buffer)

    # get the offset of root cell (0x24 from the beginning of hive file)
    header = hive.get_header(0)
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(header.root_cell_offset)

    # goto the root cell
    root_cell = hive.get_nk(offset)

    # get the subkey-list cell of the root key cell
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(root_cell['base'].subkey_list_cell_offset)
    sl_cell = hive.get_sl(offset)

    if len(sl_cell['offsets']) == 0:
        return []

    # build manipulated item list (m_list)
    m_list = []
    m_item = {}
    m_item['offset'] = 0x24  # 'root key offset' in the hive header
    edited_value = sl_cell['offsets'][0]
    m_item['data'] = edited_value.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')
    m_item['info'] = "[original offset] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X) --> [manipulated offset] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X)" \
                     % (header.root_cell_offset, m_item['offset'], edited_value, m_item['offset'])
    return m_list
def mr_pc1_sc5_1(buffer, filesize):
    # utilize the CFTT's hive class
    hive = cftt_hive(buffer)

    # get the offset of root cell (0x24 from the beginning of hive file)
    header = hive.get_header(0)
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(header.root_cell_offset)

    # goto the root cell
    root_cell = hive.get_nk(offset)

    # get the 1st subkey offset of the original root key cell
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(root_cell['base'].subkey_list_cell_offset)
    sl_cell = hive.get_sl(offset)

    # traverse all subkeys
    stack = list(reversed(sl_cell['offsets']))
    nk_cell = None

    while (1):
        if len(stack) == 0: break
        nk_cell = hive.get_nk(hive.calc_hive_offset(stack.pop()))
        sl_cell = hive.get_sl(
        # [condition] select a key cell stored at the 1st subkey offset of the root key
        if nk_cell is not None or \
           nk_cell['base'].number_of_values > 0:

    if nk_cell is None:
        return []

    # goto the value-list cell offset
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(nk_cell['base'].value_list_cell_offset)
    vl_cell = hive.get_vl(offset)

    if nk_cell['base'].number_of_values != len(vl_cell['offsets']):
        print("Abnormal value is detected.")

    # [condition] select the 1st value offset of a selected key
    vk_cell = hive.get_vk(hive.calc_hive_offset(vl_cell['offsets'][0]))

    if vk_cell['base'].value_name_size <= 0:
        return []

    # build manipulated item list (m_list)
    m_list = []
    m_item = {}
        'offset'] = vk_cell['self'] + 0x06  # 'value name size' in the vk cell
    edited_value = int((vk_cell['base'].value_name_size + 1) / BASE_ADJUST)
    m_item['data'] = edited_value.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')
    m_item['info'] = "[original size] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X) --> [manipulated size] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X)" \
                     % (vk_cell['base'].value_name_size, m_item['offset'], edited_value, m_item['offset'])
    m_item['info'] += "\n[Target 'vk_cell']\n: {}\n".format(vk_cell)
    return m_list
def mr_pc5_sc2_1(buffer, filesize):
    # utilize the CFTT's hive class
    hive = cftt_hive(buffer)

    # get the offset of root cell (0x24 from the beginning of hive file)
    header = hive.get_header(0)
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(header.root_cell_offset)

    # goto the root cell
    root_cell = hive.get_nk(offset)

    # get the 1st subkey offset of the original root key cell
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(root_cell['base'].subkey_list_cell_offset)
    sl_cell = hive.get_sl(offset)

    # traverse all subkeys
    stack = list(reversed(sl_cell['offsets']))
    nk_cell = None
    vk_cell = None
    found = False

    while (1):
        if len(stack) == 0: break
        nk_cell = hive.get_nk(hive.calc_hive_offset(stack.pop()))
        sl_cell = hive.get_sl(
        if nk_cell['base'].number_of_values > 0:
            # goto the value-list cell offset
            offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(
            vl_cell = hive.get_vl(offset)
            for offset in vl_cell['offsets']:
                vk_cell = hive.get_vk(hive.calc_hive_offset(offset))
                # [condition] select a value which has an UNICODE value name
                if vk_cell['base'].value_name_size > 0 and \
                   vk_cell['base'].flags & FLAG_VK_ASCII != FLAG_VK_ASCII:
                    found = True
            if found is True:

    if nk_cell is None or vk_cell is None or found is False:
        return []

    # build manipulated item list (m_list)
    m_list = []
    m_item = {}
    m_item['offset'] = vk_cell['self'] + 0x14  # 'flags' in the vk cell
    edited_value = vk_cell['base'].flags | FLAG_VK_ASCII  # UNICODE -> ASCII
    m_item['data'] = edited_value.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')
    m_item['info'] = "[original flags] 0x%04X (@ 0x%08X) --> [manipulated flags] 0x%04X (@ 0x%08X)" \
                     % (vk_cell['base'].flags, m_item['offset'], edited_value, m_item['offset'])
    m_item['info'] += "\n[Target 'vk_cell']\n: {}\n".format(vk_cell)
    return m_list
def mr_pc1_sc4_3(buffer, filesize):
    # utilize the CFTT's hive class
    hive = cftt_hive(buffer)

    # get the offset of root cell (0x24 from the beginning of hive file)
    header = hive.get_header(0)
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(header.root_cell_offset)

    # goto the root cell
    root_cell = hive.get_nk(offset)

    # get the 1st subkey offset of the original root key cell
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(root_cell['base'].subkey_list_cell_offset)
    sl_cell = hive.get_sl(offset)

    # traverse all subkeys
    stack = list(reversed(sl_cell['offsets']))
    nk_cell = None

    while (1):
        if len(stack) == 0: break
        nk_cell = hive.get_nk(hive.calc_hive_offset(stack.pop()))
        sl_cell = hive.get_sl(
        # [condition] select a key cell which has at least BASE_COUNT values
        if nk_cell['base'].number_of_values >= BASE_COUNT:

    if nk_cell is None or \
       nk_cell['base'].number_of_values == 0:
        return []

    # goto the value-list cell offset
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(nk_cell['base'].value_list_cell_offset)
    vl_cell = hive.get_vl(offset)

    if nk_cell['base'].number_of_values != len(vl_cell['offsets']):
        print("Abnormal value is detected.")

    # build manipulated item list (m_list)
    m_list = []
    count = nk_cell['base'].number_of_values
    for i in range(count - BASE_ADJUST, count):
        m_item = {}
        # 'value offsets' in the value-list cell
        m_item['offset'] = vl_cell['self'] + 0x04 + i * 4
        edited_value = 0x00000000  # set NULL bytes
        m_item['data'] = edited_value.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')
        m_item['info'] = "[original offset] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X) --> [manipulated offset] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X)" \
                         % (vl_cell['offsets'][i], m_item['offset'], edited_value, m_item['offset'])
    return m_list
def mr_pc2_sc1_1(buffer, filesize):
    # utilize the CFTT's hive class
    hive = cftt_hive(buffer)

    # get the offset of root cell (0x24 from the beginning of hive file)
    header = hive.get_header(0)
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(header.root_cell_offset)

    # goto the root cell
    root_cell = hive.get_nk(offset)

    # get the 1st subkey offset of the original root key cell
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(root_cell['base'].subkey_list_cell_offset)
    sl_cell = hive.get_sl(offset)

    # traverse all subkeys
    stack = list(reversed(sl_cell['offsets']))
    nk_cell = None

    while (1):
        if len(stack) == 0: break
        nk_cell = hive.get_nk(hive.calc_hive_offset(stack.pop()))
        sl_cell = hive.get_sl(
        # [condition] select a key cell (except root) which has subkeys
        if (nk_cell['base'].number_of_subkeys > 0) and \
           (nk_cell['base'].flags & FLAG_NK_ROOT != FLAG_NK_ROOT):

    if nk_cell is None or \
       nk_cell['base'].number_of_subkeys == 0 or \
       len(sl_cell['offsets']) == 0:
        return []

    # build manipulated item list (m_list)
    m_list = []
    m_item = {}

    # 'the last subkey offset' in the subkey-list cell
    count = nk_cell['base'].number_of_subkeys
    m_item['offset'] = sl_cell['self'] + 0x08 + (count - 1) * sl_cell['jump']
    edited_value = nk_cell['base'].parent_key_cell_offset  # creating a loop
    m_item['data'] = edited_value.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')
    m_item['info'] = "[original offset] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X) --> [manipulated offset] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X)" \
                     % (sl_cell['offsets'][count-1], m_item['offset'], edited_value, m_item['offset'])
    m_item['info'] += "\n[Target 'nk_cell']\n: {}\n".format(nk_cell)
    return m_list
Ejemplo n.º 8
def mr_pc1_sc4_2(buffer, filesize):
    # utilize the CFTT's hive class
    hive = cftt_hive(buffer)

    # get the offset of root cell (0x24 from the beginning of hive file)
    header = hive.get_header(0)
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(header.root_cell_offset)

    # goto the root cell
    root_cell = hive.get_nk(offset)

    # get the 1st subkey offset of the original root key cell
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(root_cell['base'].subkey_list_cell_offset)
    sl_cell = hive.get_sl(offset)

    # traverse all subkeys
    stack = list(reversed(sl_cell['offsets']))
    nk_cell = None

    while (1):
        if len(stack) == 0: break
        nk_cell = hive.get_nk(hive.calc_hive_offset(stack.pop()))
        sl_cell = hive.get_sl(
        # [condition] select a key cell which has at least BASE_COUNT values
        if nk_cell['base'].number_of_values >= BASE_COUNT:

    if nk_cell is None or \
       nk_cell['base'].number_of_values == 0:
        return []

    # goto the value-list cell offset
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(nk_cell['base'].value_list_cell_offset)
    vl_cell = hive.get_vl(offset)

    # build manipulated item list (m_list)
    m_list = []
    m_item = {}
    m_item['offset'] = vl_cell['self']  # 'cell size' in the value-list cell
    edited_value = -(-vl_cell['base'].cell_size - BASE_ADJUST * 4)
    m_item['data'] = edited_value.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little', signed=True)
    m_item['info'] = "[original size] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X) --> [manipulated size] 0x%08X (@ 0x%08X)" \
                     % (-vl_cell['base'].cell_size, m_item['offset'], -edited_value, m_item['offset'])
    m_item['info'] += "\n[Target 'nk_cell']\n: {}\n".format(nk_cell)
    return m_list
def mr_pc1_sc3_3(buffer, filesize):
    # utilize the CFTT's hive class
    hive = cftt_hive(buffer)

    # get the offset of root cell (0x24 from the beginning of hive file)
    header = hive.get_header(0)
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(header.root_cell_offset)
    # goto the root cell
    root_cell = hive.get_nk(offset)

    # get the subkey-list cell of the root key cell
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(root_cell['base'].subkey_list_cell_offset)
    sl_cell = hive.get_sl(offset)
    # traverse all keys and their subkeys
    stack = list(reversed(sl_cell['offsets']))
    nk_cell = None
    while (1):
        if len(stack) == 0: break
        nk_cell = hive.get_nk(hive.calc_hive_offset(stack.pop()))
        sl_cell = hive.get_sl(hive.calc_hive_offset(nk_cell['base'].subkey_list_cell_offset))
        # [condition] select a key cell which has at least BASE_COUNT subkeys
        if nk_cell['base'].number_of_subkeys >= BASE_COUNT:
    if nk_cell is None or \
       nk_cell['base'].number_of_subkeys == 0 or \
       len(sl_cell['offsets']) == 0:
        return []
    # build manipulated item list (m_list)
    m_list = []
    m_item = {}
    m_item['offset'] = sl_cell['self'] + 0x06 # 'number of subkeys' in the subkey-list cell
    edited_value = sl_cell['base'].number_of_subkeys - BASE_ADJUST
    m_item['data'] = edited_value.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')
    m_item['info'] = "[original count] 0x%04X (@ 0x%08X) --> [manipulated count] 0x%04X (@ 0x%08X)" \
                     % (sl_cell['base'].number_of_subkeys, m_item['offset'], edited_value, m_item['offset'])
    m_item['info']+= "\n[Target 'nk_cell']\n: {}\n".format(nk_cell)
    return m_list
Ejemplo n.º 10
def mr_pc5_sc1_1(buffer, filesize):
    # utilize the CFTT's hive class
    hive = cftt_hive(buffer)

    # get the offset of root cell (0x24 from the beginning of hive file)
    header = hive.get_header(0)
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(header.root_cell_offset)

    # goto the root cell
    root_cell = hive.get_nk(offset)

    # get the subkey-list cell of the root key cell
    offset = hive.calc_hive_offset(root_cell['base'].subkey_list_cell_offset)
    sl_cell = hive.get_sl(offset)

    # traverse all subkeys
    stack = list(reversed(sl_cell['offsets']))
    nk_cell = None

    while (1):
        if len(stack) == 0: break
        nk_cell = hive.get_nk(hive.calc_hive_offset(stack.pop()))
        sl_cell = hive.get_sl(
        # [condition] select a key which has an UNICODE key name
        if nk_cell['base'].flags & FLAG_NK_ASCII != FLAG_NK_ASCII:

    if nk_cell is None:
        return []

    # build manipulated item list (m_list)
    m_list = []
    m_item = {}
    m_item['offset'] = nk_cell['self'] + 0x06  # 'flags' in the nk cell
    edited_value = nk_cell['base'].flags | FLAG_NK_ASCII  # UNICODE -> ASCII
    m_item['data'] = edited_value.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')
    m_item['info'] = "[original flags] 0x%04X (@ 0x%08X) --> [manipulated flags] 0x%04X (@ 0x%08X)" \
                     % (nk_cell['base'].flags, m_item['offset'], edited_value, m_item['offset'])
    m_item['info'] += "\n[Target 'nk_cell']\n: {}\n".format(nk_cell)
    return m_list